The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 782 Underwater Shadow

"Pay attention later. I'll go into the water to lure the monster away. You can quickly swim to the temple," Lu Li said with a serious expression.

"Are there monsters in the water?"

"There is a kind of saw-fin crazy fish. Be sure not to be attacked by them. Once bitten by them, it will cause bleeding damage. If you do, you will be dead. The fish will follow the blood." Because of this reason, Lu Li felt This school of fish is more difficult to deal with than the dungeon BOSS.

He was the only one to lure away these bloodthirsty guys and give his teammates a chance.

Fortunately, this is a game, otherwise some people would really not dare to go into the water. If they heard that there were monsters in the water in real life, even if they were chased by a group of people with knives, they would not dare to jump in.

Lu Li dove into the water and quickly transformed into a baby seal.

He flicked his tail and cruised ahead quickly. Whenever he saw a monster, he would immediately pass by it, so that the monster would follow Lu Li in hot pursuit.

The others quickly followed behind. Only Hachi-chan had the easiest time here because she could also turn into a little seal.

The female seal's eyes are whiter and she looks cuter in appearance. Her swimming speed is exactly the same. Her mission is to protect everyone. If there is a fish that slips through the net, she will lure the monster away.

Lu Li was quickly followed by dozens of sawfin fish, and he had to increase his speed.

Previously, he was afraid that his friends would not be able to keep up, so he deliberately limited his swimming speed. Now he no longer dared to be careless. His figure was moving through the water like a sharp arrow.

This acceleration really almost eliminated the problem.

Lu Li glanced downwards unintentionally, and his heart almost stopped in fright. A huge shadow was lying below, and it became clearer and clearer. It was obviously rushing up from the deep water.

Damn, what kind of monster is it with such a big body?

It couldn't be a sawfin, and even a whale couldn't be so big. Lu Li was really running away. There was no way he could test the BOSS's strength, because after transforming into a seal, it was almost as if he had no armor.

How could there be monsters in the Lake of Tears? Lu Li was confused as he ran for his life.

"Lu Li, why are you running so fast? We can't keep up," Azure Sea Breeze shouted from behind.

"Bajiang, go lure the monsters on the road. You guys hurry up to the temple. I'm in a bit of trouble here." Lu Li only felt that the shadow was getting closer and closer, but he couldn't call his companions to help. It was too late, and it was not possible. You know what this monster's strength is.

Do you want to die here?

If he dies, he will lose his level. It hasn't been long since he reached level 45, and he hasn't accumulated enough experience to die once. The most important thing is that the lake is too dangerous, and there is no way to revive his teammates.

Most of the monsters were lured away by Lu Li, and a small amount of Xiaobajiang was lured away casually. Everyone safely climbed to the ruins in the center of the lake.

They stood on the ruins and watched in horror as a huge monster under the water was chasing Lu Li.

The monster did not come out of the water, and it was not clear what it was. All it showed to everyone was a huge underwater shadow. The reason why Lu Li was not killed was because the monster was devouring the saw-finned fish chasing after his butt. .

It should be said that the Saw Fin Maniac saved Lu Li's life. After Lu Li saw that his teammates were safe, he escaped while the underwater monster was eating fish.

"What is that?" The ice method Mumuyu seemed to have a phobia of deep water, and his face was a little pale at this time.

"I don't know, but I think it will be difficult for me to deal with him. Don't try to take advantage of him." Lu Li's expression was also ugly. He was almost swallowed by the monster.

Generally speaking, the monsters in Dawn are larger and more powerful. Based on the size of this black shadow, it is not uncommon to have one in the fifties, sixties or even higher.

The group finally entered the upper ruins of the Atalhaka Temple unscathed.

It is said that a thousand years ago, when the mighty Gurubashi Empire was torn apart by civil war, a group of high-ranking troll priests named the Atal'ai attempted to summon an ancient bloody god called Hakkar the Soulreaper.

There are always some wishful thinking people in the dawn. They are stupid and naive and make deals with the devil, and their consequences are often not very good.

Hakkar the Soul Flayer, a despicable and bloodthirsty god, heard the trolls' call and decided to help them. Hakkar gave his blood to the Gurubashi and helped them expand their territory into much of Stranglethorn Vale. area, as well as some islands in the South China Sea.

Although he brought great power to the Gurubashi Empire, Hakkar hoped to gain more and more in return.

This cruel god demands that souls be sacrificed to him every day. He dreams of coming to the material world in this way so that he can drink the blood of all living things. The Gurubashi slowly came to realize the true nature of the god they had so diligently worshiped, and rose up to fight against it. The most powerful tribes revolted against Hakkar and his loyal priest, Atal'ai.

The priests were eventually defeated and exiled, and the great troll empire was torn apart by further civil strife.

The exiled priests fled to the Swamp of Sorrows in the north, where they built a huge temple to Hakkar and tried to return him to the material world.

One day, the Atal'ai priests felt that Hakkar's power was awakening again, and they became extremely fanatical. They shouted the name of their evil god, waiting for Hakkar's figure to re-enter the already traumatized Azeroth, allowing darkness to once again envelope the continent.

A reversal often occurs at this time.

Yes, it was the Green Dragon Legion who intervened this time. The great guardian dragon Ysera learned of Atalai's conspiracy and sent people to destroy the temple located under the swamp.

Led by the green dragon Eranikus, they fought bravely against the trolls, and the green, red and black blood filled the Swamp of Sorrows...

However, when Hakkar's huge and evil figure appeared on the battlefield, the war situation immediately began to reverse. The green dragons were defeated one after another, and it seemed that Azeroth would fall into endless suffering again...

At this most critical moment, the green dragon warrior Eranikus suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar and released all his energy. As the symbol of the green dragon's power, the divine sword - Dragon's Call was born!

Hakkar was driven back into the Twisting Nether, but Eranikus also died.

Azure Sea Breeze was actually reluctant to come to this dungeon at first, but when Lu Li told him that this dungeon would reveal a legendary one-handed sword - Dragon's Call, he immediately came over.

In fact, Lu Li lied to him about how the elite difficulty dungeon could explode legendary equipment.

It would be great to get gold, but it would be a surprise if you get dark gold.

Along the way, there were corpses of trolls everywhere. Some of them were killed by the Green Dragon Legion, and some actually died voluntarily.

In order to summon Hakkar, they paid an extremely heavy price - religion is almost equal to fanaticism, which is actually true.

Lu Li was also quite interested in Haka.

Hakkar, its descendants are those wind snakes known for their ridiculous appearance, which are found in every corner of Kalimdor. Their daily activities are to attack adventurers traveling around the world, or to be attacked by them.

In the game, every time we hear NPCs talking about Hakkar, the words "Blood God" are always prefixed.

Since it is called a god, even if it is not a true god, even if it has a hint of divinity, it is still worthy of his study. I wonder if absorbing it after being killed will improve the ring.

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