The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 783 Card Perspective

At the entrance of the temple copy are some fallen guardians. They look a bit like draconians. They are all green and stare at the entrance eagerly. Anyone who tries to enter the temple will be attacked by them.

Lu Li had been here several times in his previous life, and once he died at the hands of these fallen guardians.

Logically speaking, the monsters at the entrance to the dungeon are just appetizers and generally not too strong. This is the common perception of ordinary players. Shuguang will use many facts to prove this is wrong.

Of course, these fallen guardians are not as good as the two stone men at the door of the Molten Core copy.

As long as you don't underestimate the enemy, there won't be any big problems.

Azure Sea Breeze had all kinds of problems, but he never underestimated his opponent when fighting. When he didn't know the strength of his opponent, he carefully took out a long bow and shot at the fallen guardian closest to them. One arrow.

A total of two fallen guardians were attracted. A group of people rushed up and beat them violently, killing them without any accident.

But everyone also discovered a problem, that is, two fallen guardians will superimpose two layers of buff status. Does this mean that if the number of monsters is large, more layers will be superimposed.

Without Lu Li reminding them, the team successfully eliminated these gatekeepers with their own qualities.

"Bajiang, are there any dungeon missions we can share?" Lu Li asked.

"I'll do some research, and there seems to be some. Do you want to do it with me?" Xiao Hachi-chan buried his head in statistics and found that he had received several tasks related to this dungeon.

She had more tasks on her to-do list than everyone present combined.

Often when doing a task, several related tasks are accidentally triggered. This cycle will definitely be endless, so Hachi-chan's daily routine is to do tasks, and she never worries about running out of tasks.

Lu Li received a system prompt asking him if he accepted the sharing.

So he added a few more tasks to his task list. The general content is that many of the dragons responsible for guarding the temple have been corrupted, but the breath of the Blood God is getting stronger day by day. He hopes that players who enter the temple can stop it. This disaster occurred.

It also named several bosses that must be killed.

Jammalan the Seer, leader of the Atal'ai and Hakkari trolls, obtained a small portion of Hakkar the Soulreaper's blood. They injected it into the green dragon's body to create a large amount of blood to summon Hakkar to the world of Azeroth.

Of course this cannot be allowed to happen. Kill Jammalan and his priests before things go any further!

The task requires players to obtain the emblem of the prophet Jamalan. This task is actually not that simple. There is a lot of content in front of it, but it has been completed by Hachi-chan, so as long as the prophet Jimalan is killed, it is completed.

The second quest is about Eranikus, one of the main consorts of Ysera, the Green Dragon King, and the keeper of the temple.

The blood of Hakkar injected into the body of the green dragon by the Atalai Troll has a devastating effect on the dragon itself, causing these giant dragons in the temple and the former jailers of the Atalai Troll to have been killed by Hakkar. The Essence corroded from within, transforming into a nightmare creature.

Eranikus took in the most blood and was twisted beyond imagination.

The mission requires finding Eranikus after Jammalan's death and getting rid of him.

This mission can obtain a kind of dragon blood essence of Eranikus. This thing is the reason why Hachi-chan clamored to download the dungeon. It is said that her dragon can grow by eating this thing.

There are ten people here. If you count one for each person, it’s ten.

"After the mission is completed, all these things will be given to Xiaoba. Do you have any objections?" Lu Li said hello in advance. If he was still an old team member, there would be no need to ask. He can make the decision himself. But now that many people have come in, it's just We can't be so arbitrary, otherwise people will say this team is a shady one.

This request was not too much. After all, it was the copy scroll provided by Hachi-chan. Everyone agreed to the shared mission.

Finally, there is the mission of the Blood God Hakkar. At this time, the Atalai troll priests have obtained most of his bones and are preparing to resurrect him from the dead.

His descendants have begun to appear in the area.

Xiaobajiang has an egg of Hakkar in his hand. Lu Li and others need to place this egg in the holy land. It will forcefully summon Hakkar in advance.

Only in this way can the incarnation of Haka be summoned, otherwise this dungeon cannot be completed. Hachi-chan also obtained the dungeon scroll during this task.

There is an empty hall at the entrance. In the dim light, you can see a lot of densely packed nightmare dragons. Most of these are young dragons, and some dragons.

Of course, these monsters are all corrupted and need to be killed.

Azure Sea Breeze shot an arrow, which attracted a large group of monsters. Fortunately, the attack power of these monsters was not strong, so he was not killed instantly. However, the problem was not without problems. There were several monsters that were long-range monsters. The place began to spray venom and magic.

Remote monsters will keep a distance from the player and attack. If you run over to kill them, they will continue to retreat to maintain a safe enough distance. This may attract the monsters next to them, causing the group to be destroyed.

"Stuck," Lu Li reminded.

Azure Sea Breeze immediately ran back and hid around the corner. Those long-range monsters lost their vision and naturally couldn't attack him.

They will run over and around the corner to continue attacking. In this way, the long-range monsters will become melee, and the monsters will be more concentrated due to the corner card's vision, so others can attack with confidence.

There is a barrier on the road ahead, which can be said to be a dead end.

You must clear out the BOSS on the upper level of the temple before you can open the barrier and go in to kill the prophet Jamalan and the incarnation of Haka. There were some stairs leading to the upper floors in the hall. Lu Li didn't want to waste time exploring the paths. He directly chose the second one on the left, which was the correct route.

This is the so-called upper level of the temple.

This layer is full of troll-type monsters, in groups of three to five. Each team has ice magic and arcane magic, which are long-range monsters. However, because the terrain here can also be viewed, it is not difficult to pull monsters. It takes a long time. Some time equally safe to clean up.

There are six gaps around this layer that you can go down. After recovering for a while, the blue sea breeze rushed down through the nearest gap with a large shield.

The first troll BOSS is called Zulor. Calling it a BOSS is a bit flattering, but it only has 70,000 to 80,000 HP, and its skills are not very powerful. As long as you are careful not to be superimposed with too many debuffs, you can pass the level safely.

After the BOSS fell, Can Meng went to kill the BOSS with great interest.

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