The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 784 Scumbag BOSS

But she was destined to be disappointed.

After all, the small group pet is not a bug. How can it be possible to find a magic weapon on a weak BOSS that doesn't even have 100,000 HP?

"It's actually silver equipment," Can Meng's little face wrinkled up, and he threw the equipment to Azure Sea Breeze in disgust. This type of equipment is usually sold to the captain for cents, but Lu Li rarely cares about such chores. , all are left to Azure Sea Breeze to operate.

"You're so arrogant, little girl. Do you know that people outside may not be able to gather a set of silver equipment?" Azure Sea Breeze didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As the saying goes, you don't know how expensive oil and salt are if you are not a master. Can Meng followed Lu Li and almost never worried about equipment. Even professional hunters from other clubs may not be able to match her.

Canmeng's hands are relatively red. In addition to being able to find good equipment, she can also find good equipment for her profession.

Now she is mostly made of gold, including several pieces of dark gold equipment, and only a few pieces of silver equipment with particularly excellent attributes.

"Go on, kill the bosses in other gaps quickly," Lu Li rubbed his brows and urged everyone not to waste time. In fact, few people are willing to buy this dungeon. In the future, the scrolls related to this dungeon will not be sold at a high price in the trading house.

There are many mobs in the Atal'Haka Temple, and they will be refreshed soon after being defeated. It doesn't matter if these monsters have high experience points, but the depressing experience points are not high.

The six bosses on the upper level dropped particularly bad things, which made people who stepped into the temple happily feel chilled.

Counting the monsters in the entrance hall and the six scumbag bosses on the upper level, it takes two to three hours to clear out the Prophet Jamalan.

The second, third... are not too difficult, and the drops are expected. Then they came to the fifth troll BOSS Zuluo, and Lu Li quickly called out to Azure Sea Breeze, who was about to rush forward.

The upper level troll BOSS is very bad, but not all BOSS are bad, Zuluo is an exception.

It actually doesn't have any powerful attributes. It only has one trick that can summon skeletons like crazy. If the team is misled by the weak images of the previous bosses, it's easy to stumble here.

"What, is there anything difficult about this BOSS?" Azure Sea Breeze asked.

"Your damage reduction CD isn't even good, so why are you shooting? This BOSS looks a lot bigger than the others. I suspect it's not as weak as the previous one. Please be careful." Lu Li couldn't directly say that this BOSS would recruit small ones. Weird, but you can find other reasons.

Azure Sea Breeze took a closer look at the BOSS's outfit and felt that Zulu seemed to be more fashionable than the other BOSSs.

With 60% of his health left, Zuluo began to wave his staff, and waves of skeleton monsters were summoned. All of these monsters were level 45, and they were all ordinary monsters with very low attack and defense. The number is really terrifying.

"Pay attention to the red circle under your feet. Don't stand inside the circle. Master Feng, you pull the boss to step on the circle." Lu Li began to give instructions.

The locations where mobs are spawned are all near the BOSS. A red circle will appear in the place where mobs were spawned before spawning. People who stand in the red circle will gain the first hatred. Experienced commanders can find out. It just takes time. problem, so Lu Li's command did not seem abrupt.

If you know how to hide in circles, the hardest thing is just having too many mobs.

In the blink of an eye, there are already dozens of mobs in this room, and they are still increasing at an extremely fast speed.

"Fuck, what should we do now? Lu Li, please tell me quickly." Azure Sea Breeze could hardly run anymore. After all, the space was only so big. Even if he wanted to step in circles, he couldn't get around so many little skeletons. .

"Others are in the corner. Master Feng, you are blocking the outside. Use your AOE professional speed to knock out the mobs," Lu Li said calmly.

"There's no way we can kill all these monsters. Sooner or later, we will be squeezed to death." Azure Sea Breeze was a little desperate, and others obviously agreed with his words. After all, the BOSS showed no sign of stopping.

"You're overthinking it. How can it be summoned without mana?" Lu Li had already put on the killing star equipment. At this time, he could kill one with just a few swords.

Azure Sea Breeze and others took a closer look and found that Zu Luo was just as Lu Li said. His magic value had been exhausted due to his frantic summoning, and in the end he couldn't summon any at all.

There are quite a few group attack professions present. If these mobs are not supplemented, they will not pose a threat at all.

"Boss, you are really observant," Yusi Wanderer praised.

Lu Li smiled sheepishly: "It's just that I think more than others. You can do it too."

In fact, if you put aside the factor of rebirth, he does just work harder than others. It is almost impossible to say how talented he is, otherwise he would not have been so miserable in his previous life.

Zulu only dropped silver equipment this time. There was nothing he could do about it. After all, it was an elite difficulty, and the upper-level BOSS was notoriously stingy.

However, in addition to the equipment, it also dropped a rare material - Skeleton Dust, something similar to bone meal, which can be used for alchemy. Although it is not the best, it is at least worth dozens of gold coins.

The sixth troll BOSS is called Huku.

With the lessons learned from Zuluo before, Azure Sea Breeze attacked this BOSS with fear. However, until the end, this BOSS didn't use any particularly powerful moves, so he was worried in vain.

The Atalhaka Temple is a dungeon with extremely complicated terrain. Without Lu Li to lead the way, they would definitely take some unnecessary steps.

But with Lu Li, it was different. Although it was impossible not to make any mistakes, he could deliberately make mistakes where he could find them after just a few steps, and if he was wasting time, he could be lucky enough to make the right move.

After the six mini-BOSSs are solved, return to the hall downstairs. The place that was originally covered by a layer of barrier has been opened.

The monsters in the hall had been cleared before, but now a lot of them were refreshed, so they had to be cleaned up little by little. This shows how fast the monsters in this copy are refreshed.

If the team is often wiped out, this refresh speed is the most troublesome, and someone must go back to clean up the mobs.

After the mobs in the hall were dealt with, Lu Li led everyone through an entrance, which led to the Prophet Jamalan. There were many monsters on the road.

A group of seven or eight is a little difficult to fight.

The most embarrassing thing is that some of these monsters are afraid. After being frightened, Azure Sea Breeze started running around and accidentally dragged another group of monsters next to it.

There are more than a dozen elite monsters, especially those that can scare players. If you are not careful, the group will be destroyed.

It should be said that this place is the second place in the Atalhaka Temple that is easy to destroy. The first one is Zulu. Those skeletons are also player killers. Fortunately, Lu Li and others are well equipped and have high levels, so they can barely manage to kill two groups. Kill the monsters together.

Ice spell Mumuyu was accidentally controlled when he went up to the ice ring, and became the guy in the team who had his first blood taken away.

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