The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 785 I was transformed (please vote for recommendation)

The place where the first real BOSS lives is called the Nest of the Chosen One, and the one who lives there is the prophet Jamalan.

Jamalan is a lecturer. Let’s look at him this way. He is standing on the stage chattering nonsense. Anyway, the trolls are the masters of the continent. The great Haka Blood God must return and so on.

There are many students down there - just imagine, if you hit the teacher, the students will definitely not want to.

As for clapping and applauding when a teacher is beaten, that is definitely not a good student.

These brainwashed students must be killed, otherwise they will come up to cause trouble when the BOSS is fought. Jamalan is a level 47 BOSS and is very powerful. If there are mobs that cause trouble, Lu Li and the others cannot beat them. .

Atal'ai High Priest, Atal'ai Corpse Eater, Atal'ai Death Walker, especially Atal'ai Death Walker, after it is killed, a ghost will appear on the corpse - the soul of Atal'ai Death Walker.

This form of ghost attack is extremely high, so high that ordinary people cannot bear it.

Lu Li set an example for his companions. He deliberately let a newly created ghost touch him. As a result, 70% of his health was knocked out even when he used damage reduction. If he hadn't dodged You have to hit him quickly with the second attack to kill him.

It is extremely normal for the team to be destroyed here. Sometimes, even if you know it, you may be killed accidentally.

However, after Lu Li demonstrated the high attack power of this ghost, others immediately stayed away from these gadgets. Lu Li, the most perverted person here, almost capsized in the gutter, and they didn't even want to try it.

As long as you are not plotted by ghosts, the mobs here are still easy to kill. It only took a few minutes to clear out the mobs.

As for the souls of the Atalai Death Walkers, their existence time is very short, only ten seconds. Don't pay attention to them, they will disappear automatically as soon as the time is up.

Then only the BOSS prophet Jamalan and one of his followers, the miserable Ogom, were left.

Jamalan is the current leader of Atalai, an extreme sect composed of priests who madly worship Hakkar. It is said that one day during deep meditation, Jamalan received Hakkar's instructions from the underworld.

Learned that Hakkar could be resurrected with the blood of his old enemy, the green dragon.

As a result, Jammalan and his undead guard, the miserable Ogom, are determined to eliminate any rebels who dare to organize Hakkar's return. However, the actions of this prophet are likely to make the more terrifying Emerald Nightmare envelope Azeroth. Sri Lanka.

Therefore, in the tasks that players receive, this guy is usually a must-kill target.

It is said that Ogom was a playmate of Jimalan when he was a child. They played together since they were young. Later, when they grew up, Ogom died in a battle to protect Jimalan during a battle between trolls and Zerg. Very sad, he practiced hard until one day he pulled Ogom out of the tomb and successfully resurrected it.

Ogom is an undead, with almost no IQ to speak of, and his strength is only elite.

Many teams will kill Ogom first when they are here. This is how most BOSSs are killed. Killing the mobs first and then the BOSS has become the habitual thinking of players.

If you do this, the group will definitely be destroyed.

Because after the death of a good friend, Jamalan will go berserk from beginning to end, and almost no team can withstand it.

Lu Li told everyone the story of Jamalan and Ogom, and then he naturally concluded that he should not kill this monster first. If it weren't for the fact that there were many people outside the fixed group here today, he would Too lazy to say it.

"Lu Li, you have the final say. Others should be careful not to accidentally kill Ogom," Azure Sea Breeze emphasized.

"The Soul Reaver is coming soon. You ridiculous guys, are you the sacrifices automatically delivered to your door?" The prophet Jamalan was unable to predict his fate of being toppled, and he was full of confidence at this time.

"You idiot is looking for death." Azure Sea Breeze hit him in the face with a shield, starting the battle.

After the MT's hatred was stabilized, everyone swarmed forward, and the damage poured out like a stream of water. Jamalan's health points were suddenly reduced by several thousand.

However, his total blood volume is as high as 200,000, and these thousands of blood are nothing at all.

Compared to the prophet Jamalan in front of him, the six gatekeeper bosses on the upper level were just for fun.

Jamalan is said to be an Atalai priest, but in fact most of its skills are shaman, and some are completely mage, so the player's professional composition cannot be used to measure the BOSS.

"Trapped Totem," a totem was inserted into the crowd by Jamalan, and a cluster of thorns rose up from under everyone's feet, entangling everyone tightly.

"Dodge whatever you can, and pay attention to the BOSS's ultimate move," Lu Li reminded him because he knew what the BOSS wanted to do.

He himself did not need to hide, because he had the foresight not to stand with the large army. The prophet Jamalan released a fire mage's signature skill-Fire Storm in a crowded place.

A huge pillar of fire rushed out from the ground, burning everyone within range.

This is one of the BOSS's ultimate moves, and the damage is certainly not small. Many people were burned to the point where they were left with half a tube of blood, and some who were already dissatisfied with their blood levels even had only blood skin left.

"Everyone spread out a little bit. Brother Ji, please pay attention to everyone's blood and don't burn anyone to death later," Lu Li quickly commanded.

The attack just now at least took away everyone's contempt. Everyone cheered up and spread out their positions five yards apart according to the way of opening up the big boss.

In addition, Lu Li arranged for the Rain Like Wanderers to destroy the totems and destroy them as soon as they came out.

The reason why so many people were burned at once was partly because of their positioning, and more importantly because no one was paying attention to the totem. Everyone was entangled. Unless they used escape skills, they would definitely be burned from beginning to end.

After this arrangement, the power of the Flame Storm is greatly reduced.

The prophet Jamalan's blood volume slowly dropped, and when it reached about 70%, he suddenly shouted: "Join us."

Then Lu Li discovered that there was a mark on his head. Jamalan's witchcraft meant that you had been transformed. There was also a time mark next to it, counting down from six seconds.

Lu Li accelerated decisively, turned around and ran away.

"Lu Li, why are you going?" Azure Sea Breeze looked confused, why did he feel that Lu Li had become a psychopath.

Lu Li's voice came from far away: "If I come back later, you all should stay as far away from me as possible. You can also find someone to control me. I was transformed by the BOSS."

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