The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 786 Jamalan (asking for monthly votes)

Lu Li was transformed by the boss?

Azure Sea Breeze was the first to gloat over the misfortune. It was rare for others to see such a miserable side of their boss. They were full of expectations for the upcoming return of the transformed Lu Li.

Lu Li was transformed into a dark purple troll, very tall.

He returned to the scene and slapped Jiweika in the face of everyone's surprised and laughing expressions. Jiweika was a crispy dark priest, no different from a mage without a shell, not to mention that he had just withstood a flame from the BOSS. Storm, Brother Ji didn't have time to add blood to him, this slap immediately killed him.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then screamed and ran for their lives.

Lu Li watched helplessly as the monster he transformed into killed one of his teammates, but he was completely unable to control himself now, so there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, as his attack power surged, his movement speed dropped significantly.

Otherwise, with Lu Li's speed, no one here can escape, and this state only lasts for fifteen seconds. As long as you avoid him, this nightmare will be over soon.

"Now you know why I ran away," Lu Li changed back to himself and continued to deal with the BOSS.

"You are so fierce. Is it because you are a great god that you are so fierce even when you become a monster?" Nuoyu fell to the ground in admiration. He was standing next to Qiweika just now. If he ran slower, he would be dead.

"Everyone, please be careful later. As soon as the BOSS calls to join us, you should pay attention to whether you have that mark on your head. Those with the mark will speed up and run away as far as they can," Lu Li said in passing. Jiweika on the ground used Zhan Fu.

The reason for running away is to waste the time after transformation on the way back.

Several difficulties with Jammalan are that Ogom cannot be killed first, then he cannot be controlled and then exposed to the flame storm, and finally he cannot be transformed in the crowd.

After avoiding all these points, we are basically waiting for the 200,000 HP of the Prophet Jamalan to be completely lost.

It took more than twenty minutes in total for Lu Li and others to kill Jamalan. The experience gained was very rich, more than the previous six mini-bosses combined.

"I got a skill point," Maomao said, her face red with excitement as she loved eating meat.

She doesn't play dungeons very often, so she rarely has similar experiences. People like Hachichan Canmeng and others have long been extremely calm.

"Mengmeng, it's up to you," Lu Li crossed his arms and looked at Can Meng who was eager to try. There are actually only three real bosses in this dungeon, and only three of them can produce things. The others who make up the numbers can hardly do anything. burst.

Canmeng began to touch Jamalan, and his sinful little hands pulled out a piece of equipment for the first time.

Atalai's Prophet's Gloves were actually only silver equipment. Everyone felt disappointed. Shouldn't such a difficult BOSS only be able to destroy this thing?

"Set!" Nuoyu couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the attributes. Then everyone saw a few small words at the bottom of the description of the equipment's attributes, one of Atalai's prophet sets.

If it's just silver equipment, it really doesn't matter. At most, it's just silver equipment that looks very good.

But once it is linked to the suit, there is absolutely no such thing as a junk suit.

Although the Prophet Jamalan uses a lot of shaman skills, the Atalai Prophet is indeed a legal cloth armor equipment that can be used by shadow priests, mages, and warlocks.

Putting two pieces together can produce a special effect, which increases spell damage by 20% and spell casting speed by 50%, lasting 8 seconds.

This is similar to melee rage. As long as you have skills, especially skills that don't require reading, you can release several of them almost instantly, and no one can bear it.

Based on this special effect alone, the Atalai Prophet suit is the best.

In fact, most people who equip this set will only equip two pieces, because the second special effect of the four-piece set is not liked by everyone. The Flame Storm skill adds one. I am afraid that only fire magicians will consider equipping it occasionally. .

It becomes a question of who should give this equipment to, because this is a temporary group formed by everyone, and it does not count as land reclamation, so it cannot be exchanged for points.

If two pieces of this piece of equipment could be found, it would be extremely good. Even if it were two ordinary pieces of gold equipment, no one would choose it. Seeing that no one took the initiative to withdraw, Lu Li proposed to auction it.

"The base price is one gold coin, and you can only bid once. Starting now, five, four, three..."

The reason why we don't shoot little by little is because everyone is familiar with each other, and it would be too emotional to fight over it. With such a one-time bid, whoever has the higher price will get it. If you are willing to admit defeat, you won't be red-faced.

"Mao Mao loves meat. 180 gold coins, Jiweika 65, Nuoyu 80, uh, it's Mao Mao's," Lu Li shook his head.

The gap is really too big. It seems that Maomao loves to eat meat and is determined to win. Or maybe this girl has rarely downloaded dungeons. She only buys equipment from the trading house, and the prices there are a bit outrageous.

In fact, most people would not pay too high a price for this kind of guild group.

Maomao loves to eat meat and doesn't think it's expensive at all. Just as Lu Li guessed, most of her equipment is bought from trading houses or the black market. If something cheap comes along, it will be snatched away immediately; Generally not cheap.

She gave everyone twenty gold coins.

Twenty gold coins is not a small amount, it is already an income that ordinary players may not be able to earn in a few days.

The second item was a rare material, which was collected by Lu Li. He allocated some points from his guild points to everyone. This was more popular than gold coins. Even if you have gold coins, you can't buy the coveted equipment and props in the guild. .

The third item is a Jammalan emblem, which is a task item. Anyone who shares the task can pick it up once.

After touching the BOSS, everyone was about to leave, but Lu Li pointed at the last killed Ogom in the corner and said, "Mengmeng go and touch this monster, maybe you will gain something."

Only then did everyone realize that there was another little monster.

You can't blame them. The mobs that follow the BOSS usually don't explode things. What's more, he is just an elite, what good things can he have.

"The Blade of Ogom is actually a golden weapon," Can Meng's voice was full of surprise.

"Send it out and see what attributes it has," Lu Li said unmoved.

The Blade of Ogom is fixed at the gold level, elite is like this, difficulty is like this, even normal difficulty is like this, but its attributes are not fixed, so don’t get excited when you see it is gold.

Surprisingly, the attributes of this Ogom Blade are quite good.

In addition to high critical hits, it also comes with a corrosive special effect, which can cause the target to continuously lose blood and reduce defense to a certain extent. It is a magic weapon for PK.

"Fuck, it's actually a magic sword," Azure Sea Breeze said in despair.

The Magic Sword must be used with off-hand equipment such as the Book of Magic. You cannot equip the Magic Sword with a staff.

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