The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 787 Falling to Death

"Do you want to continue filming?" Maomao asked with bright eyes.

Although her weapon is a golden staff, it is only level 30. Its various attributes are shabby for someone who is over level 40, and the special effects are not strong.

"Your dad really spoiled you rotten. Everyone showed off the attributes of weapons," Lu Li sighed.

All the professions in the team that can equip one-handed magic swords have released their weapons, such as Nuoyu's level 40 dark gold staff and Mu Muyu's level 40 gold staff, and their attributes are better than the last, making Maomao like to eat meat. Drooling.

"We are not a golden group, so we don't have to take pictures of equipment all the time. The boss gave the weapons to the cats. The ones we took the money for just now were a bit hot," Nuo Yu said with a smile.

Lu Li nodded and directly assigned the weapons to her.

"I have a deputy here who was raped in a dungeon with Monkey last time. I'll give it to you too," Nuoyu traded for another piece of equipment.

There are currently three high-end guild groups of the Sword of Judgment. One is the Xinxin Mercenary Group led by Lu Li, who often gets the first kill, and the Five Fireball God Cult led by Fat Monkey, which has a total of five fire spells and is very violent. The last one is The second MT of the Sword of Judgment, Youxing Tianxia, ​​led a chopper team, which also only played nightmare difficulty dungeons.

These teams have strategies in hand and often play high-end dungeons, so the equipment is naturally high-end, so there are some excess equipment. Lu Li will put the excess equipment into the guild warehouse, while Fat Monkey often likes to forcefully give it to his teammates—— Of course points will be deducted.

This deputy is also a golden piece of equipment and has particularly powerful attributes. It is one of the top collections in Nuoyu.

"It's better to download the dungeon, but unfortunately my dad doesn't like to download the dungeon, and we don't have a guild, so we can only buy equipment from the trading shop," Maomao loves eating meat and likes her two new pieces of equipment very much.

"Our team is still short of people. Come join our team," Brother Ji invited.

Brother Ji is with You Xing Tianxia and their chopper team. The chopper team has three thieves and is relatively unstable. They have long wanted to recruit a magician.

Maomao Loves Meat is good at everything, and it’s more than enough for PVE.

Many PVE players who are very good at playing may not necessarily be good at PVP, such as Huadi Liqing and Sesame Filled Rice Balls, but most top PVP players can quickly adapt to the rhythm of PVE, such as Moonlight.

"I'll go, don't be like this, brush again!" The blue sea breeze sighed.

After coming out of the Prophet's Nest of the Chosen Ones, the monsters in the hall have begun to spawn again - that's how fast they spawn.

"Don't rush yet, you're stupid," Lu Li grabbed Azure Sea Breeze. In fact, no one would notice anything wrong with this mob that had been refreshed several times.

"What's wrong?" Azure Sea Breeze asked.

"Didn't you see that those two dragons have names?" Lu Li pointed at the two silly dragons in the hall who thought that no one else knew their details.

"Hey, it really has a name. I want to catch him and make him a baby," Can Meng waved his whip and rushed forward.

It's not that the little girl has fallen and started to take an alternative route. The whip is a prop she got accidentally when she was following Hachi-chan on a mission. It's a special piece of equipment that can increase the success rate of pet capture, and has a certain probability of killing targets that can't be captured. Caught - like a druid.

Ever since she got this thing, she has been spanking her little best friend.

"This is the BOSS. You can't catch the BOSS. Come back here." Lu Li grabbed her armor and picked her up.

"Fuck, you're hiding among the monsters and trying to trick me, right?" Azure Sea Wind said angrily.

However, he still had sense and did not rush forward rashly. If the two dragons could be pulled together, wouldn't the game designers' efforts be in vain? There must be some trap inside.

"The dragon on the left is a physical attack at first glance. You see, its claws are particularly sharp, and the one on the right is surrounded by a magical aura. It is definitely a magic attack. You, a warrior, rush forward like crazy. "Hold on," Lu Li took the opportunity to educate Shuguang's No. 1 MT.

It’s been a long time since I felt this good.

After being taught a lesson, Azure Sea Breeze not only didn't get angry, but also took it seriously. He had to admire Lu Li. He couldn't see why the claw on the left was sharper than the one on the right. As for the magical aura, what the hell was that.

Naturally, Azure Sea Breeze can resist dragons that physically attack. As for magical dragons, no one here has rubbish equipment. On elite difficulty, any legal profession can withstand it.

Of course, it would be better if Xiong De was there.

Before beating the two guys, you have to clean up the mobs that spawned in the hall.

The problem is that these two stupid guys are stuck in the mobs. They are linked to the hatred of the mobs, and they can also give orders to these mobs of the same race. Therefore, these two shameless BOSSs are added. It’s not easy to be together.

At this time, you must look at the overall strength of the team.

The first is to save life, and the second is to clear out the mobs as much as possible first, otherwise if a certain dragon enlarges its moves later, the group will definitely be wiped out again.

Everything went relatively smoothly. Although Lu Li did not use the strongest lineup of the Xinxin Mercenary Group to fight, none of the people who came today were mediocre. Each of them could cause great damage to the monsters while preserving themselves.

"Kill the two dragons together as much as possible," Lu Li said.

"Why," Azure Sea Breeze asked.

"If you encounter two bosses like this in the future, do this as much as possible," Lu Li said from experience.

"I have forty-five percent left," Azure Sea Breeze reported.

"I still have 27% left," Nuo Yu was responsible for defending against the magic dragon. The magic dragon's defense was much lower, and Lu Li and Yusi Wanderer were dealing damage, so it lost blood very quickly.

"Go and fight Master Feng's one from a distance," Lu Li commanded.

In this way, through constant adjustments, the blood volume of the two BOSSs is steadily decreasing. In fact, they don't have any very cheating tricks, and their health volume is less than 100,000. The battle can basically be over in about ten minutes.

"Ah!" A strange cry came to mind.

"What's wrong?" Lu Li stopped what he was holding and looked over when he heard the sound, but found nothing.

Others also looked confused.

"It seems to be the sound of a wooden fish. Hey, where is the wooden fish?" Brother Ji looked confused. He really couldn't understand why a living person suddenly disappeared. Even if he was killed by the BOSS, his body must still be left behind.

"Here I go, he fell." Lu Li ran to the center of the hall.

There was something like a sewer there, which originally had a cover, just like the manhole covers on sidewalks in the city.

At this time, the manhole cover was gone, and Mu Muyu fell from there.

Looking at his mark on the team panel, he saw that it was gray after death. It looked like he had been killed by a fall.

How miserable!

There was nothing Lu Li could do. Without the body, his battle recovery skills would be useless.

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