The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 788 Enchanting Drawings (Seeking the Light of the Great God)

"It's so miserable," Azure Sea Breeze glanced at the hole, took two steps away without sincerity, and moved further away.

"It's so tragic," others echoed, but fortunately it was not them who fell.

The two dragon bosses were already at the end of their strength, so even if one DPS was missing, it wouldn't hurt. Lu Li and the others successfully completed the battle.

At this moment, Mu Muyu shouted outside: "Brothers, please come over and help me. I'm lost outside. It's so dark and there are all kinds of side roads. I'm almost tortured to death."

The terrain of the Atalhaka Temple is extremely complex, making it impossible for normal people to enter.

The reason why they went so smoothly before was because of Lu Li. Lu Li had been here several times in his previous life and had a good memory. He also studied it carefully and found some patterns to familiarize himself with the route.

Mu Muyu thought it was easy when he followed Lu Li before, but now that he is running alone, he wants to die again.

Helpless, Lu Li just ran out to fetch people again.

Naturally, the others couldn't wait for him. They had already started to touch the corpse while he was taking the people. Get out of here, the leader of the Black Hand, and maybe he could touch some more good things. There are two bosses here.

"Mengmeng, are you mistaken? You also found this thing?" Everyone was shocked when the physics dragon's trophy was found.

It's not Tai Chi. How can a mini-BOSS with tens of thousands of health explode Tai Chi's stuff? It's Tai scum, which is worse than the previous six troll BOSSs. They can at least throw away some silver equipment.

This dragon burst out a piece of level 40 bronze. What does it mean?

Brother, you are a dragon, the top being in the food chain. Even if you are a projection and fall again, you will not be so impoverished. Did you forget to bring your equipment when you go out?

"It's not my fault. I even washed my hands when I came here," Can Meng said with an innocent look on his face.

Lu Li ran wildly through the twists and turns. In fact, he had already expected this scene. There were only three bosses in the Atahaka Temple that would drop good things. It was better not to have any expectations for the others.

Just when Lu Li found Mu Muyu and put him into the dungeon, Can Meng had already touched the magic dragon.

"There is no equipment, only a blueprint," Can Meng also began to doubt herself. She had never been so shady. Even a quasi-boss would have to drop a piece of silver to be worthy of her title of little red hand.

"What blueprint?" Lu Li was stunned and asked urgently.

"Evil weapon," Can Meng replied subconsciously.

"Okay, good stuff," Lu Li said a little excited.

Just now, a piece of equipment, Maomao Loves Meat, was sold for 180 gold. Even though this price is not outrageous in the trading house, everyone already feels that they have gained a lot.

If the blueprint of this evil weapon were to be sold outside, it would cost at least 600 gold. If local tycoons competed, the price would be even higher. The highest price Lu Li had ever heard of in his previous life was 1,200 gold. Although the price of gold was weak at that time, , or at least a transaction worth tens of thousands. This is simply a fairy tale in which a blueprint is exchanged for a set of game real estate.

The effect of Evil Weapon is to permanently enchant a weapon so that it can curse the target, causing continuous shadow damage and reducing the target's defense by 10%.

No one learns engineering, because the cost is high and the drawings are few, and the stuff produced is scummy.

As for enchanting, many people learn it. Although the formulas currently circulating on the market are very bad, they can at least add a few attributes to the equipment.

Evil weapons do not add attributes. Its special effects have completely changed everyone's contempt for enchantments. This is a trigger-type special effect. Once triggered, it will cause continuous damage and can break defenses.

Many warlocks like to enchant evil weapons, which can be called magical weapons when used to fight thieves.

Of course, the materials used in this recipe are also sky-high.

Many people may not be able to earn enough money for materials even if they work hard for a week.

What doubles the value of this drawing is actually the effect after enchanting it. From the appearance, once it is enchanted, the weapon will not only emit a faint green light, but also two small skulls will appear on the top of the weapon. .

"Now that you've made a fortune, let's sell this thing. Don't do it without eight hundred gold," Lu Li sighed.

If divided among ten people, each person would be worth eighty gold. If converted into real currency, it would be six to seven thousand yuan. A normal person's monthly salary would be no more than that.

Don't look at Lu Li who always pockets hundreds of gold coins. In fact, most players' net worth generally does not exceed ten gold coins.

"I'll go, it's so expensive." As you can imagine, this feeling is like stepping on shit, but later found out that the shit was full of diamonds. The difference was so big that everyone who was used to seeing the best could breathe quickly.

Then, Lu Li explained the preciousness of the evil weapon blueprint.

"I want it, I want it, I'll give you eighty gold each, this blueprint is mine," the blue sea breeze rushed over and surrounded Can Meng in a flattering manner, barely sticking out his tongue.

"You haven't learned enchantment..." Lu Li was speechless.

It's hard for others to say anything. Azure Sea Breeze is a popular person, so if he wants it, it's really hard not to give it to him.

"I will learn enchantment later. Lu Li, you are right. People always have to have some dreams. If people don't have dreams, what's the difference between them and salted fish?" Azure Sea Breeze chuckled.

"Yes, what if it comes to fruition?" Lu Li would always show favor to his old friend. He thought for a while and said, "I'll give you six hundred gold coins. Then give us sixty gold each."

He wouldn't say that he doesn't want money to give it to Azure Sea Breeze. After all, this is the recipe that everyone got together.

If Lu Li said he didn't want his share, others would probably be embarrassed to take it. After all, it was a normal person's income for one or two months, and his brothers were still settling the accounts.

In fact, Azure Sea Breeze is not at a loss either. He is the strongest MT in Dawn and can play various dungeons all day long.

If someone in the guild gets a scroll from a private dungeon, they will ask him for help. The junk equipment obtained during the dungeon process can be decomposed into materials using enchantments, and then these materials can be used to enchant the equipment to gain experience. The speed of practicing enchanting is at least as fast as Lu Li's engineering. More than ten times faster.

After he learns this recipe, first enchant his weapon.

Then when he went to that station, a group of people came over curiously and asked how he made the weapon. Then he asked others to come with the materials. He charged a handling fee of ten gold coins for the enchantment, and it didn't take long to get the money back.

In the early stages when no one else had seen the recipe for evil weapons, the crafting fee of ten gold coins was a discounted price.

Azure Sea Breeze seemed to have seen himself getting rich, becoming a CEO, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of his life, so he happily put away the drawings and was not worried at all about the debt of six hundred gold.

This is a happy ending for everyone. A copy of a mere elite difficulty has made everyone earn 80 gold.

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