The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 789 The Embrace of the Wind Snake

Then it's time to kill Hakkar.

Of course, the Haka here is not the real person, otherwise Lu Li and others would just be giving away food.

This is a very empty room with nothing in it except an altar full of troll architectural style in the middle, surrounded by four braziers.

"Bachang?" Next, it depends on the mission master. After all, she has the egg of Hakkar.

"You have to be careful. After I activate the Egg of Hakkar, the door over there will be sealed, and flying snakes will appear in the center of the room. When these flying snakes die, they will drop the blood of Atala'i. If you want to summon Haka, the troll uncle who gave me the task said that I must use this blood to extinguish the fire pot, and there will be dragons here to absorb the blood of Haka in the middle. I must kill him, otherwise Haka will not be able to resurrect..." Xiao Bacchan tilted her head and carefully recalled what the NPC said to her.

Everyone was speechless.

When did the NPC uncles become so kind? They didn't bother the players and set up traps, but they actually taught the players how to download the dungeon.

In fact, Lu Li had never known about the incredible attributes of charm and luck in his previous life. Hachi-chan is obviously the kind of person with explosive charm. She has written many mission strategies on the forum, but many people are not convinced by her.

Because the tasks she can trigger may not be triggered by others if she follows them. The tasks she can complete in three steps may not be completed by others in five steps, and the final reward is not as good as she said.

It has to be said that Xiaobajiang and Canmeng were both treasures picked up by Lu Li accidentally.

"Noyu, Maomao, I and I kill the dragon. You order Wind Snake, Memories and Bachi. You two are responsible for picking up the blood of Atalai and dousing the brazier. I have changed the distribution mode. Anything can be used now. Free to pick up, Bajiang, let's start," Lu Li simply assigned the task.

The most common mistake at this stage is that no one kills the dragon. Once the dragon absorbs all the blood of Hakkar's egg, Hakkar cannot be summoned.

There are also certain requirements for extinguishing the fire basin. If you don’t play with it, you won’t be able to summon Haka.

However, Lu Li and the others had the method of summoning Haka that Xiaobajiang obtained from an NPC. Besides, Lu Li himself knew how to fight, so it was difficult for him to cause any problems.

Two minutes later, all four braziers were extinguished and Hakkar was resurrected.

"Go to hell, mortal." The so-called incarnation of Hakkar is actually a level 48 skeleton wind snake.

The BOSS of Hakkar is not difficult. The difficulty lies in obtaining the Egg of Hakkar. It is a relatively difficult and tedious task. If you don't have the Egg of Hakkar, you cannot defeat the BOSS.

It has four skills: whirlwind, whipping, verbal curse, and causing madness.

Whirlwind and Cause Madness are ultimate moves.

The former, as the name suggests, will spin to harvest health points. The power of the pair of bone wings is no less than two long swords, and the damage caused is also terrifying, but players should know to avoid it as long as they are not stupid.

Causing Madness is somewhat similar to the skill of the previous prophet Jamalan, but the effect is a bit surprising. Jamalan's witchcraft causes the player's attack to increase dramatically, but the movement speed drops drastically, while Hakkar's incarnation drives a player crazy. , causing it to attack its own allies for 6 seconds. Players affected by the madness effect will increase their attack speed by 50% and their movement speed by 80%.

Whipping is a control skill that can stun the target for two seconds and have a certain probability of disarming it.

As for the language curse, it is a skill for legal professions. It can reduce the casting speed of legal professions by 50% for fifteen seconds. The troublesome thing about this skill is that it is released too frequently. There is always a magician at almost the same time. The department is semi-waste.

This BOSS battle ended in less than ten minutes.

The experience value is pretty good, after all, it is a level 48 BOSS. Unfortunately, no one got skill points this time.

"This BOSS will produce good things, Mengmeng, come on," Lu Li said without much hope. He once saw someone in the trading house selling a robe made by the incarnation of Haka - Wind Snake's. Embrace.

The Wind Serpent's Embrace is not a legend, and its highest value is not higher than gold, but its value is very expensive.

Especially a few months later, after a version update half a year after the game was released, the game designers actually deleted this piece of equipment from the database without knowing what to think about it.

This also means that Embrace of the Wind Serpent has become Shuguang’s first out-of-print item.

Out of print means unique.

This piece of clothing has average attributes, but its appearance is comparable to that of clothing designed by top international masters. It instantly became one of the most expensive items in the game.

In addition, its explosion rate is extremely low, with no more than ten items in the entire game.

As time goes by, these pieces of Embrace of the Wind Snake are like works of art that have been accumulated by their companions over time, and have long exceeded their own value.

"The hug of the wind snake," Can Meng interrupted Lu Li's memory, and it turned out to be the hug of the wind snake.

In fact, after everyone saw the attributes of this golden equipment, no one felt happy, because the attributes were so bad that people started to question the quality of this golden equipment.

"No one wants to give it to me," Lu Li said.

He can't tell others that this equipment will be out of print now. He is afraid that others will sell it casually after getting the equipment. When this equipment is out of print, he will regret it to death when he recalls the high-priced goods he sold at a low price.

Naturally, the others didn't have any objections. Lu Li directly put the equipment into his bag, took out some guild points and distributed them to everyone.

The second item was also equipment, Warrior's Embrace. Although it was silver equipment, the special effects were obviously better than the previous Wind Serpent's Embrace. Lu Li gave it to Azure Sea Breeze and asked if anyone in the guild needed it.

Then there is a rare material called bone scales. Most of this rare material comes from bone dragons. It is an unexpected harvest to get it here.

After killing the incarnations of Jamalan and Wind Snake, the last BOSS, the shadow of Eranikus, will appear. Eranikus is Hachi-chan's mission monster. Through sharing, everyone has also obtained this mission.

After being tainted by Hakkar, Eranikus degenerated into a tyrant of dreams, forgetting his responsibilities long ago.

Of course, the one in the Temple of Atal'Hakkar is just a shadow of Eranikus, similar to a power clone. It is still unclear how old the queen's chief consort is, but it can be seen from some scattered records that he should be older than the red dragon Cleostraz, indicating that Eranikus has been Ysera's consort for a long time.

Eranikus is guarded by two green dragons. They are basically the same as the two that Lu Li and others killed in the hall before.

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