The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 790 The Shadow of Eranikus

You must first kill the two guardian dragon mini-boss. These two dragons have a slightly troublesome trick, which can bounce people away. If you accidentally bounce into the monster pile, you will die without a burial place.

So Lu Li insisted on bypassing the two guardian dragons and cleaning up all the mobs nearby.

This process was not too troublesome. He had absolute authority in the team, so he successfully pushed the front to the shadow of Eranikus.

This is the final BOSS of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, and it is also the biggest difficulty of this dungeon.

It is a huge green dragon, but the strange thing is that its shape is transparent and looks like a shadow. It is completely the same concept as the projection of Illidan who once contributed many equipment and skill books to Lu Li.

It's all fake anyway.

"Let's get started, everyone, be careful." Lu Li couldn't say much, so he could only give it a try first. He didn't intend to be a prophet.

The blue sea breeze pulled the monster, and then he was put to sleep by the shadow of Eranikus...sleep...

The MT was asleep, and the others naturally became the next targets, so they were killed one by one by the shadow of Eranikus. In just a few tens of seconds, the scene was full of corpses.

Lu Li was not spared either. Being invisible in front of a BOSS of this strength was a joke. He also did not use the Dark Moon Card. This was a dungeon and you would not lose experience if you died.

Everyone is in a good mood. They sit down together to eat bread and drinks to restore their health and magic. It is normal for them to die while playing a dungeon.

"It actually slept with me, what should I do?" Azure Sea Breeze looked distressed, like a little daughter-in-law who had really been slept with.

"It seems like a careless BOSS. It might sleep with people from the beginning. Don't expect it to be reserved later on. It might just sleep in place from the beginning," Lu Li sighed. This skill was too lethal.

Deep sleep, causing the target to fall asleep, unable to move, but unable to be attacked, lasting 8 seconds.

The target is usually the unit closest to it, and the MT attracts hatred and is a good melee combatant. In comparison, it is naturally the first target. Once the MT is asleep, eight seconds is enough for their team to lose several people. .

Losing one of them will lead to a fight back, and losing a few means the group will be destroyed.

"Everyone, let's think about what to do. Can Brother Machine get rid of this state? If he is fast, he should be able to bring the hatred back," Azure Sea Breeze said thoughtfully.

"Obviously not, I tried," Machine Brother shrugged.

"If Feng Shao is sleeping, can another person run around with the BOSS?" Nuo Yu asked.

"This is impossible. Didn't you see just now? BOSS's attacks also include long-range attacks. None of us can withstand BOSS's two attacks. He can't survive eight seconds. And after sleeping, BOSS will fall asleep immediately. Alone," Lu Li rejected their idea again.

He was very pleased that everyone was thinking of a solution. In fact, most teams were like this. They studied strategies together. It was impossible to have the kind of commander who could tell the difference at a glance.

"Is it possible for a person to take the initiative to lie down under the BOSS?" Maomao Ai Meat had an idea.

Lu Li couldn't help but glance at her. This PVP player actually thought of countermeasures before everyone else. Could it be that people who have been trained in orthodox games since childhood are really better than ordinary people.

"Yes, that's fine. Who can recommend themselves for a pillow mat?" Azure Sea Breeze clapped his hands.

Now he finally no longer has to be slept with by the boss.

"My output is number one," Lu Li put himself out first. Once he said this, no one would ever ask him to be slept with by the boss.

"I am therapy," Machine Brother.

"My output is pretty high," said Nuoyu, who was second on the DPS list.

"I want to use bloodthirsty," Luo Ying recalled and could find the reason. She was indeed very useful, and her output was not low.

"I'm going to go, why are you looking at me like this," Yusi Wanderer felt a little guilty. His original team's output was also at the forefront, but as soon as he joined the team, he immediately became the last one.

The output of the output knight in the dungeon is not ranked high, not to mention that he also takes into account defense.

"Wait a minute, we can't let the Wanderers go. If the mobs are summoned, no one will be able to resist them," Lu Li quickly stopped them. He didn't expect the high output of the Rain Like Wanderers.

Rain Like a Wanderer now plays Piao Ling's original role.

"Who do you want to let go? Even if you kill me, I won't go," Xiaobajiang said in advance. She always felt that Lu Li would sacrifice her.

"I didn't tell you to go," Lu Li patted her head, pointed at the pet lying next to Can Meng and said, "Mengmeng, when the battle starts, you can let him lie down under the boss."

"No, don't abuse our baby," Can Meng felt distressed.

"Then just go ahead," Lu Li snorted coldly.

"Actually, I don't think there's anything wrong with letting the BOSS sleep. We don't have to work hard to defeat monsters. Let's let our baby take on this important task." As soon as Can Meng heard that he would be the boss, he immediately sold his pet. .

The second time to open the monster.

Can Meng is very good at controlling pets, and successfully stuck the pet under the BOSS's neck. In this way, there is a big spider pet between the Azure Sea Breeze and the BOSS. Once the BOSS wants to sleep with the nearest one, it will be his turn. No more blue sea breeze.

After this problem is solved, the biggest threat is trampling.

War trample causes damage to nearby enemies and makes them comatose for 4 seconds. This skill will also cause trouble for MTs to pull monsters, but trampling them to coma does not mean that the MT's hatred has been cleared, so the BOSS will not turn away. Hit other people.

As for the Deep Sleep skill, the hatred will be cleared immediately after being hit.

Lu Li was also trampled by the war, so he had to carefully adjust his position and find a place where he would not be stepped on.

The worst thing was Can Meng's pet spider, which was as big as a millstone. It almost never woke up. It was either trampled and stunned, or put into a deep sleep. If it could talk, it would definitely complain about its misfortune.

The BOSS's flapping wings sometimes appear occasionally, but not frequently. The shadow of Eranikus flaps its wings, knocking back all players in front of it.

The babies, including MT and Canmeng, would be bounced away. They had to reorganize their formation immediately to avoid the team being wiped out. After being bounced for the first time, they didn't have time to restore their formation, so the team was wiped out again.

The third time, I succeeded in bringing Eranikus' Shadow to half health.

A new problem arose. The shadow of Eranikus summoned four giant dragons to protect it. They were the same four dragons that Lu Li and the others had killed before, but they were changed from small bosses to enhanced elites.

Thanks to Lu Li for not letting Rain Like a Wanderer act as a pillow for the BOSS, he heroically shielded his teammates from harm.

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