The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 792 Enlightenment (please vote for me)

"Do you think this is our first kill?" The equipment was not suitable for Lu Li, so there was no need for him to pay attention.

"I don't know. Why don't you check the game chronicles?"

"Check it," Lu Li walked aside and sat down, recalling the battle just now. Perhaps it was a small stroke of luck that happened unintentionally. He executed a sneak attack with a 99% completion rate, causing more than three times the damage to the BOSS—— If it were a player of the same level, the damage would be at least five or six times greater.

Unfortunately, it never appeared again, and no matter how hard he tried, he could only hover around ninety-five percent.

That feeling was amazing, and Lu Li didn't know why he was certain that once he understood the meaning of that feeling, 100% completion would not be a dream.

So after the battle, he focused his main energy on thinking.

There shouldn't be much difference in body movements. He has used this skill tens of thousands of times. He thinks that he has reached the point of perfection in controlling body movements.

So, what exactly affects the degree of completion?

In my previous life, I had read many guides and analyzed the degree of completion, but no one had ever analyzed it to such a high-end level.

On the one hand, it may be that this is indeed relatively advanced. For now, many players cannot achieve 95% completion, but Lu Li has stabilized at 95% and has begun to chase 100% completion. .

The other side is human nature.

No one will share what they have worked so hard to research with everyone. Not only will there be no benefit, but they will also lose the advantages they have finally obtained.

Even within the club, there will be no similar sharing.

Looking back, it seems that seeing that he could not reach the P3 stage in a short period of time, Lu Li suddenly became furious and used DPS wildly. The sneak attack in the middle inexplicably increased to 99%.

Many times, the truth is hidden behind a thin layer of paper. You know it will be broken when you poke it, but you can't touch it.

Therefore, Lu Li thought hard for a while but couldn't figure it out. Just when the blue sea breeze called him, he could only put it aside for the time being and look forward to the next breakthrough. With this experience, he believed that the next time would come faster.

"Boss, there is no record. Has no one gotten the scroll of this dungeon before? But why is there no first kill prompt after we clear the dungeon?" Azure Sea Breeze couldn't imagine it.

There are many Shuguang players. Once there are more people, no matter how low the ratio is, there will be many who have adventures. It is impossible for any copy of the scroll to appear in two copies.

"This dungeon is a bit difficult. As for why there is no first kill prompt, it's because we haven't finished it yet," Lu Li was not surprised at all.

With their lineup, Lu Li had all kinds of tricks, and they even killed him once. If it were an ordinary team, they would probably be wiped out. Not to mention, if you want to get the first kill of the Atalhaka Temple, you must be able to find and clear it. Just one layer

The most intuitive way is to jump down from the hole in the entrance hall.

However, that height has been tested by the Ice Magic Mumuyu, and it would be such a tragic experience to fall to death alive.

So Lu Li led everyone to enter from another entrance. The terrain was very complex and breathtaking. No wonder the temple was one of the dungeons in Dawn where it was easiest to get lost.

"Lu Li, how do you know these roads?" Maomao, who loves meat, couldn't help but ask.

She used to think that Cat Dad was the best person in the game and admired him the most, but now she was a little shaken. Lu Li was the leader of the dungeon team, and his wise and wise image had caught up with his father's demeanor.

"Actually, it's very simple. Shuguang likes to transform some places in reality into elements in Azeroth, and this Atal'Haka Temple is the Mayan water god temple deep in the Belize forest. You can find it online A search revealed that these terrains are generally consistent, plus some biographical descriptions in the game, and they can be put together," Lu Li's words were not nonsense.

In the silent forests of Belize, Mayan ruins are preserved in a deep turquoise pool, where pilgrims made sacrifices to the Mayan water god—and possibly the demons of the underworld.

If you search online, you will see the restoration map of this Mayan ruins, which has the same complex terrain as the temple in the game.

The seemingly mysterious and complicated words on the walls of the temple are actually Mayan words. In addition to telling some of the history of the temple, they also give clues to the path.

There are also similar travel notes in the huge collection of books in the National Library of Stormwind City.

There is an NPC who once explored deep into the temple, and there are many descriptions of the terrain in that biography. As long as the two are combined, players can slowly find their way to the temple.

In fact, the strategy for any dungeon is slowly summarized by players.

"There are so many BOSSs," they were dumbfounded again when they actually arrived at the lower level.

"Don't be stupid. They are all quasi-BOSSs. Divide them into two teams to deal with them. Remember to record the order in which the sculptures behind each BOSS light up after the battle begins. You can mark the serial number first. This is very important. Don't participate in the battle. Lu Li ordered.

"Don't worry," Luo Ying recalled, patting her chest and assuring her.

The six quasi-boss are all weak, and their drops are also very bad. Let them guard the sculptures and they are just decorations. Just kill them directly. What is really more important is to see the order in which the six sculptures light up.

"Did you remember it?" Lu Li came over and asked after he finished fighting the monsters.

"Write it down, based on my position, clockwise it is 264135," she kept repeating a few numbers in order to worry about forgetting.

"Actually, you can just post the team channel. There is no need to remember so hard," Lu Li sighed.

"It seems so," Luo Ying recalled and wanted to cry.

Lu Li sent six people to stand in front of the six sculptures, and then activated the sculptures one by one according to the numbers Luo Ying recalled.

The lower level of the Atalhaka Temple began to shake, as if something came out of the ground. In the center was a huge pool, and the water inside was bubbling as if it were boiling.

"Intruder, I will eat your flesh, blood and bones," a figure emerged from the water.

This is a huge troll with a dull expression and a dull voice, but its momentum cannot be underestimated at all.

"How to fight?" Azure Sea Breeze tightened the shield sword in his hand and turned to ask Lu Li.

This was the final boss of the Atalhaka Temple. He wasn't sure if he could beat it with the only two chances left in the random dungeon, not to mention that Lu Li and others were going to compete soon.

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