The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 793 Eleven Young Masters Want Revenge

"Fight as you like, I'll go first," Lu Li pounced on the monster before the blue sea breeze could pull it.

Crazy, crazy!

The others looked at Lu Li and thought he was seeking death because of his confusion. Who would be so irrational as to despise a level 48 BOSS? That's right, it was contempt, and it was not mixed with a trace of cautious contempt.

However, BOSS's performance really disappointed them.

This huge and powerful troll BOSS only knocked out one-fifth of Lu Li's health in one fell swoop.

"The attack is so scummy, I'm too embarrassed to do it," Azure Sea Breeze sighed.

"There is still a lot of health. Let's kill and finish the dungeon quickly. The game will start in less than an hour," Maomao Loved Meat yawned, waved his magic sword and started to release his skills.

"That's it, boss, you can carry it," Brother Ji did not let Lu Li fend for himself. He began to add blood to Lu Li.

Judging from the Atalhaka Temple, it is not the last BOSS that is the most difficult. He should be said to be the weakest, not even much stronger than the six previous troll mini-bosses.

And he doesn't have any so-called ultimate skills. At most, he has a trample skill that will stun a few people in close combat for two seconds.

"Will this BOSS produce anything good?" Every time at this time, someone would always ask this question with anxiety and expectation, and it didn't bother them at all.

Lu Li responded without looking back, "What do you think?"

"Okay, obviously we are overthinking it," Nuo Yu smiled bitterly. With such a weak BOSS and Lu Li's nonchalant tone, he had no hope for this BOSS.

"The punishment I suffered is finally over, let the blood flow on the earth!" The nameless BOSS finally fell.

"Actually, his lines are quite interesting. Is there a story behind it?" someone asked.

"I only know that he was exiled and suppressed by his own clan because he made some mistakes. There is no record of the specific incident, but some travel biographies say that he was a very powerful warrior," Lu Li tried his best to recall. , still shook his head.

"He's still strong at this level. I'm even stronger than him. Mengmeng, **** OSS," Azure Sea Breeze curled her lips in disdain.

At this time, the system advertisement was long overdue.

System: Sword of Judgment guild members Azure Sea Breeze, Maomao Loves Meat, Luoying Memories, Nuoyu, Rain Like a Wanderer, Mumuyu, Jige, Jiweika, Xiaobajiang, Canmeng, under the leadership of team leader Lu Li Next, I completed my first kill on the elite difficulty level of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar.

In fact, this was just an elite first kill, not too outrageous, but it caused an uproar in the World Channel.

Nan Bosri: Is this really good? We all entered the field to prepare for the game, but you actually scored the first kill.

Wendelian: I can't bear it, Young Master Eleven, they are despising you. The point of Sword of Judgment is to download the dungeon, and then they will pull you out and beat you up.

Mosquito eating fast: What is the Eleven Young Master? Is there any reward for killing him?

Longcheng Guyan: You are worthy of being the number one player in the game. It’s almost ten minutes before the match, and you’re actually playing a dungeon and got the first kill. Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to finish the dungeon and delay the game?

Xishan Bai: If I were the Eleventh Young Master, I wouldn’t tolerate it anymore. Don’t pretend to be a coward. When I see you online, come out and say a few words.

Storm Warrior: I just saw Fat Monkey and Moonlight fighting on the battlefield. They have been fighting since morning. This is a completely non-stop rhythm. I really don’t take Dawn Wings seriously.

Autumn Festival: Report, report, Yue Yue is leveling up with a handsome guy. He behaves intimately. He is so handsome, so handsome.

King: I know, that must be her brother, the Huadi Liqing of the Xinxin mercenary group. To be honest, with such a brother who never leaves, I think this March girl is destined not to get married.

Not a primary school student: Wow, the sister-in-law is so loving, the sister-in-law is great.

God-level newcomer: Look at the primary school students, primary school students, I love you, let me be your brother.

Midnight Thief: Oh my God, elementary school students are recruiting for my brother. The 42nd level thief is applying. If anyone makes you unhappy, my brother will kill him.

She is not just a primary school student, but she is the most famous loli on the beauty list. She is the ultimate dream of most loli fans. As soon as she appeared, everyone immediately flocked to her. Even the first kill that Sword of Judgment had just achieved lost its popularity.

In the lounge of the arena's competition stage, Eleventh Young Master breathed a long sigh of relief.

In this situation, he really didn't know how to respond. Could he say: Lu Li, I will slowly love you so that you can live but not die.

In fact, he almost said this second sentence.

Thank you for not being a primary school student. I will thank her properly next time I meet her.

Eleven Shao is very popular, but his second grade is well known, so whenever an opportunity arises, a group of people will gloat at him. Whether they are racers or ordinary players, they regard him as an object of ridicule. .

"Calm down, the game is about to begin," the mage Meng Hui Shisan next to him patted his shoulder and asked him to calm down.

Meng Hui Thirteen is a mage player of Dawn Wings and the coach of Dawn Wings Club. Although his level is not up to the top level, he has a better view of the overall situation. When he was the leader of the group, he was a well-deserved commander.

They also have an official racer named Hanxiao Banbuding, who is a very flirtatious priest. His hobby is to post pornographic pictures everywhere, and he is considered a well-known person in the circle.

Other than that, they are all newly promoted, and if they want to be known, they must go through the baptism of the competition.

"I must make Lu Li pay the price," Eleventh Young Master stroked his armor with a heavy metallic texture, his voice filled with endless determination.

Lu Li would die every time he met him. Young Master Eleven felt that this guy had become his nightmare.

"I have always felt that we should not use our trump card at this stage. It is completely unnecessary," Meng Hui Shisan sighed. Although he personally opposed it, everyone in the club insisted on teaching Sword of Judgment a lesson, and there was nothing he could do about it. .

In the minds of some people, the Sword of Judgment has risen to a level that is close to that of the Capital of Glory - as soon as everyone thinks this comparison is ridiculous.

But if not, Wings of Dawn would not be so insistent on showing the club's most important trump card - actually in the promotion competition, rather than higher-end competitions.

There were still a few minutes left before the game, and Lu Li was still in the dungeon at this time.

In the end, this BOSS really didn't produce anything good. There was only one rare material that could be bought for dozens of gold coins.

The only thing that keeps everyone here is the habitually late first kill reward. Everyone will immediately receive a piece of equipment or other props.

System: Congratulations, you have obtained a skill book.

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