The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 797 Delay Tactics

"Kill him while he's sick, come on, Master Eleven," said Wings of Dawn's substitute, a thief with the ID name Bloodthirsty Setting Sun, waving his arms, excited.

Fortunately, they were in the racer's box, which was equivalent to the backstage of the arena. The audience could not see him, otherwise it would have been an eye-opener.

The bloodthirsty setting sun drags himself in front of others, acting like a cold man like Yue Guang.

"Alas," Meng Hui Shisan, a racer and coach of Wings of Dawn, and Wen Wei, a veteran racer from their club, looked at each other, both of them looking sad.

"Coach, what's wrong with you? I feel like our Eleventh Young Masters are about to make a comeback," Bloodthirsty Can Yang asked in confusion.

Many people at the scene had the same idea as him, especially the Wings of Dawn fans in the audience, who almost jumped up to cheer for Eleven.

Human nature has always been like this. He sympathizes with the weak and likes to see reversal results. Lu Li's abnormal performance made everyone see the hope of the Eleventh Young Master's comeback. The voices calling Lu Li to cheer for him became less and less, and gradually they were cheering for the Eleventh Young Master. sound coverage.

"As a qualified racer, don't always look at the surface when looking at problems," Meng Hui Shisan reminded the bloodthirsty setting sun.

"Is there any problem? You see, Young Master Eleven has started to explode," Bloodthirsty Setting Sun said disapprovingly. Young people don't like preaching the most. They only believe what they see with their own eyes.

Not only him, but also the two commentators in the commentary box - Pure White Season and Dark Color Rufeng - couldn't understand it. Their skills were already pretty good.

"This is a desperate struggle," the water elf lightly poured cold water on everyone.

This is the first time she has openly refuted the views of the two commentators, and they are two completely opposite attitudes.

The water elf didn't sell it, she solved the doubts of all those who didn't know everything - this was originally the commentator's accusation: "Lu Li is indeed very tired, but it's not like his level has dropped so fast. Didn't everyone notice his current blood volume?" Is it already 70 percent?”

After hearing what she said, everyone discovered the strangeness.

Why did Lu Li's blood volume suddenly increase so much? I remember it was still not even 50% just now.

Pamela's gift (dark gold) *3: hit +30%, damage +15%, special effect: Pamela's sweet water tea, use, immediately restore 25% of health, and within the next five seconds, restore every second 2%. The interruption is invalid and cannot be used on targets other than yourself. The cooling time is 30 minutes. The equipment requires level 30 and durability 72/72.

"Pamela's Gift", which was strengthened three times, brought Lu Li a 35% health recovery benefit.

"It's not that Lu Li can't kill the Eleventh Young Master, but he wants to delay the recovery of his health, so I say that the Eleventh Young Master is struggling to his death." With such obvious evidence, the water elf's conclusion instantly conquered everyone.

Of course, this also highlights Lu Li's difficulty.

From the beginning, he could only cause dozens of points of damage, so that everyone thought he was going to lose. Now, not only is he about to defeat the Eleventh Master, a golden-armored berserker that no one thinks he can beat at this stage, he actually also Plan to slowly restore his blood volume.

Delay tactics!

This concept became well-known on the Dawn stage because of Lu Li, and similar classics have often appeared since then. One party is slow to kill the target and slowly adjusts its state to the strongest.

So much so that the Game Association and the Game Company had to modify the rules of the game - that is, the game is time-limited, stipulating how long it cannot exceed. If the time is exceeded, the game is forced to end, and then based on the blood loss of both sides and whether there is a negative game and other factors that can be considered Decide the outcome.

Of course, this is something.

At this time, Lu Li used delaying tactics to the extreme.

From the start of the game to the moment Eleven fell down, the game lasted for nearly an hour, making it the longest game in the ring.

Finally, Lu Li stood on the stage and accepted the cheers and taunts of the audience. Not only did his blood volume return to full value, most of the skills he had used had also been cooled down, and his tired spirit had also improved slightly.

Not to mention the cheers, the audience who mocked Lu Li generally believed that Lu Li was not upright enough and was a scheming bitch.

Regardless, Lu Li won the first game.

The second member of Wings of Dawn is WeChat, a veteran professional player. Although his hunter is not the strongest in Dawn, he is notoriously difficult to deal with. Otherwise, Lu Li would not have used delaying tactics. The only thing is to be in a better state to face this hunter.

The two sides fought, and Lu Li was once again at a disadvantage.

The first was energy. He was now even more tired than after fighting monsters all day long. One eleven had almost exhausted all his energy.

Secondly, there is the profession. Hunters can restrain thieves in a sense, especially hunters like Wei Wen who have flare skills, and his pet is also a night saber with strong perception.

The night saber is a very common leopard found almost everywhere in forest environments.

Its attack power is very poor, far inferior to its rare leopard cousins, but it has a skill that some hunters like very much - sneaking.

When a hunter throws a flare, there is a visual range of eight yards around him. Any sneak that enters this range will be ineffective. Of course, this is for hostile targets.

And the failure here does not mean that stealth fails, but that stealth can be seen through.

The key lies in this "seeing". If there are no traces and no traces are seen, it will be useless even if Lu Li is photographed. Lu Li is still sneaking. At this time, he needs the help of pets.

One person has a pet, one is responsible for the front, and the other is responsible for the rear. Once a sneaking enemy is discovered, he can fight immediately.

Ordinary pets can also play such a role, but after all, pets are not players. They are not as high-quality as players and can easily leave flaws. When real masters deal with hunters, they often like to use the flaws of pets' incomplete perspective to launch surprise attacks.

If this pet can sneak, the opponent will not be able to see the direction in which the pet is observing, and naturally they will not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Lu Li didn't dare to act rashly. He didn't know which area the hidden leopard's eyes were looking at, so he could only wait patiently.

"Pa," a wave of arrows rained down not far from Lu Li, some of which almost hit him.

This group attack skill does not cause high damage, but does not require a cooling time. Hunters like to use this skill to explore the path. Traces uses this method to determine Lu Li's position while trying to knock him out.

Therefore, delaying tactics cannot be used at all times. Some professions do not allow you to delay at all. After all, the stage is only so big.

The Eleventh Young Master may not be able to do anything against Lu Li, but a long-range profession like Wei Yi, which has group damage, can easily suppress his living space.

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