The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 798 The end of the Berserker?

The arena is such a big place, and if you're lucky, you can knock out Lu Li with just one arrow. Lu Li also knew that he could not drag it out any longer. Once the thief was caught by a hunter and lost the upper hand, the outcome would not be too optimistic.

Fortunately, flares have a duration and a cooldown, which creates a gap of about ten seconds.

The moment the flare went out, Lu Li pounced on Weifu and stabbed the back of Weizi's head with the dagger.

Same person, two completely opposite styles.

During the previous duel with Eleven Young Masters, Lu Li was as wretched as a mouse, and his fans had no shame in cheering him on. However, at this time, Lu Li allowed people to see another side of the thief.

Sharp angles, decisive attacks, and a frenzied attack without any delay.

The trace's pet immediately pounced on Lu Li and bit him. Its responsibility was to protect its owner, but it couldn't do anything more than bite him.

This ordinary night saber has no control skills at all.

Wei Wen also tried every means to get a top-notch pet that could both sneak and control, but unfortunately he never got what he wanted. At this time, he had no choice but to hand over the badge.

After handing over the badge, the traces immediately opened the distance between him and the thief.

Just as Lu Li was about to chase after him, a piece of crystal clear ice suddenly rose from under his feet and spread rapidly upwards along his feet, threatening to freeze him.

Freeze trap!

I didn't realize when this guy had laid the trap. Lu Li had to admit that he was a little underestimated.

Any professional player who can survive on the stage has some special skills, and Wei Wen's trap game is indeed not an ordinary one.

If he releases it earlier, Lu Li will notice it and avoid it. If he releases it later, he may not be able to freeze anyone.

Not too early or too late, Wei Wen adjusted his position to put some distance between him and the frozen Lu Li, allowing his pet to find the most suitable place to attack, and then planned to take Lu Li away in one wave.

Of course, Lu Li would not let him do this. When he read the skill, he activated the special effects on his shoes and came behind him in an instant.

Wei Wei saw the ice sculpture in his sight explode, and the figure inside disappeared in a flash. He immediately pounced on the ground, rolled for a while, jumped up, and turned around with an arrow.

Lu Li failed to catch up because he found that he had stepped into a trap again.

This time it was a frost trap. Although it did not have as much freezing power as the ice trap, it could significantly reduce a person's speed. This deceleration silenced Lu Li's soaring speed.

Helpless, Lu Li could only escape with Wind Step.

He looked at his health. He didn't make any gains this round. Both of them lost almost 30% of their health, and some skills also entered the cooldown period.

Seeing Lu Li disappear again, Wei Wei threw a flare without haste.

The movement to avoid flares was an entry-level thing, and Lu Li would certainly not make such a mistake, but this also meant that the two of them were back to the original mode.

Wei Wen uses group attack skills to compress Lu Li's living space, while Lu Li sees the right opportunity to reduce Wei Wen's health.

"Lu Li should still win this match, but he probably doesn't have much HP left," towards the end, the water elf predicted the outcome of the match at the commentator's request.

Her estimate was correct. Traces could not defeat Lu Li, and Lu Li only had 13% of his health left, which further verified her judgment.

Defeating two masters one after another, each of them was not a waste of energy. Lu Li had never been so tired from playing games, especially the hour-long struggle with Eleven Young Masters before, and the subsequent traces of fighting for at least 20 to 30 minutes.

Next up for Wings of Dawn is Menghui Thirteen.

He didn't say any polite words. The moment the game was announced, he immediately flashed out and added a Frost Nova to control Lu Li, who had just entered stealth and had no time to move far.

This move was understandable to every player, and the scene was filled with warm applause.

In fact, if he was in good condition, Lu Li wouldn't dare to say that no mage could judge his position, at least it wouldn't be as easy as it is now.

"I rarely admire anyone, but today I have to say a word of admiration to you," Meng Hui Shisan said while attacking.

"Since you admire me, then stop fighting and admit defeat." Lu Li activated the ring's special effects and blocked the ice arrow. His blood volume was only 100 points, but he still attacked with all his strength. Attack as much as you can.

He had used all the life-saving skills he could, and he was at the end of his tether.

"To show my respect, I will send you out to rest as soon as possible. Don't think that I don't know that your blood-increasing jewelry is about to cool down." Menghui Shisan laughed, and suddenly a flame burst out with him as the center, bullying him into Lu Li was burned to death, leaving behind a sigh of defeat.

Although Lu Li was defeated, no one laughed at him.

He has already killed two opponents, Eleven Shao and Weizi, both of whom are very powerful. No one in Shuguang at this stage dares to say that they can withstand the battle between these two people.

Menghui Shisan's health loss was not much, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the last move he used was definitely extraordinary.

On the surface, it looks a bit similar to the Warlock's Hell Flame, but Menghui Thirteen does not lose blood like the Warlock, and it is more powerful. It is obviously a special effect on one of his top-quality equipment.

If you think about it carefully, Dawn Wings was also bullied miserably.

Menghui Thirteen seemed confident, but he still used such a big move just to be sure.

After Lu Li was defeated, Yueguang took over his squad.

"It's really a pity today. I thought I could see two top fighters duel, but I didn't expect it to be so late," said Junbai Ji, who was in charge of the commentary, regretfully.

"Water Elf, after today's game, what do you think of the berserker profession?" Dark-toned Rufeng asked with a complex expression.

He is also a warrior player and has played in competitions. In almost any game, warriors are the largest group of people. He never expected to see a berserker like Eleven Shao armed to the teeth being beaten like a fool today. Grind to death.

"Hmm... I don't think the Berserker will be affected at all, but some local responses will be adjusted," the water elf responded while watching the game on the field intently.

The competition on the field has become intense.

Combat methods include one physical and one magical system, one melee and one long-range. From a professional perspective, mages can completely restrain warriors, especially ice spells like Menghui Thirteen. Both he and his water baby can use Frost Nova.

But the situation on the stage was not as players expected.

Menghui Thirteen was actually suppressed and beaten. At this time, Yueguang was like a tarsal maggot, constantly moving around Menghui Thirteen, attacking in various ways as he walked.

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