The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 799: Defeated step by step (seeking the light of the great god)

Maybe it was because Yue Guang was not a thief, but he was a berserker who looked sharp, so the berserkers in the audience who were heartbroken were beaten to death again.

This is what makes Berserker good.

High attack, high defense, powerful mobility, powerful burst, and powerful positioning. When the pretender is on the stage, the violence of the Berserker is more straightforwardly reflected.

Especially when Moonlight's health was less than 20%, he seemed to enter a violent state. The Paladin with half health - who could occasionally give himself a mouthful of milk, was killed by him in one round of rage.

Blood-red light enveloped the berserker, like a warrior returning from a bloody battle.

His equipment was uneven in shape and in various colors. Compared with the set of golden armor of the Eleventh Master, there was a huge gap. If Young Master Eleven is a young man from a wealthy family, he is a beggar on the street.

However, I don't know why, but everyone thinks this is the real berserker.

The last player in Wings of Dawn smoothly killed the remaining health of Moonlight, and then was taken away by a wave of violent fat monkeys, thus ending the longest arena match.

You can rest for half an hour after the group competition, and the team competition will begin after half an hour.

Lu Li was sitting and resting with his eyes closed. On the surface, he looked peaceful. However, if you look closely, you would find that his brows were furrowed, and he was obviously troubled by some problem.

"Don't worry, just do your best," Yueguang put her arm around his shoulder and comforted him.

"We are ahead in points. If we win the team competition later, Wings of Dawn will still be defeated by us," said Fat Monkey, very domineering and middle-class.

"You can chew that bone from Eleventh Young Master?" Lu Li opened his eyes and asked.

Let him nibble on Shishi Shao, and the fat monkey's face will turn green.

The atmosphere on Wings of Dawn was much more relaxed than that of Lu Li and the others. Although they did not expect to lose so miserably in the group competition, they were confident in the upcoming team competition.

"In the team competition, I'm afraid Wings of Dawn will win," the water elf concluded at the beginning.

Pure White Season is going crazy. I mean, Miss, if you said that the Sword of Judgment will definitely win because Lu Li had an affair with you, everyone would understand. But now you insist that the Wings of Dawn will definitely win. This is empathy. The rhythm of falling in love again?

"Here is a word for Berserker fans, stick to what you insist on and don't be intimidated by difficulties," said the dark-toned Wind Warrior, who already understood why the water elf said this.

The key lies with Master Eleven.

If someone saw Lu Li brutally killing Eleventh Young Master and thought that Eleventh Young Master was a failed experiment, that would be a big mistake.

"Kill the healers, and focus on killing their priests in one round as much as possible," Lu Li said in a low voice while looking at the countdown.

The biggest flaw of Eleven Shao is that he cannot recover blood, but what if there is a treatment to increase his blood?

Just imagine, a berserker who can't even defeat Lu Li, followed by a priest to increase his health. This combination is simply unsolvable.

The only way to heal is to kill the opponent!

Thinking about it from another angle, Lu Li and the others had to kill the healers on the other side in order to survive. Don't the people on the other side know that? It is conceivable that their priest must be the most closely guarded target.

Therefore, Young Master Eleven, who was originally regarded as a laughing stock, finally found his own position.

The battle is about to break out, and the spearhead of the Sword of Judgment is pointed directly at the smiling half-step of Dawn Wings. It seems that the posture is determined to eliminate him soon.

"Ahaha, I'm a priest with all attributes increased, it's not that easy for you to kill me," Hanxiao was mentally prepared, talking nonsense while adding blood to his shield.

Lu Li knocked him out with a sneak attack, and he immediately used his badge to relieve the stun without any hesitation.

A four-second stun was enough to activate the bloodthirsty Sword of Judgment team to kill him, a thin-skinned little priest. If he hesitated to use the badge so early, he might not have the chance to use it later.

Lu Li, Yue Guang, Fatty Monkey, and Luo Ying recalled that the four of them, fueled by their bloodlust, grabbed Miao Xia half-step and beat him wildly without caring about anything.

With a smile, he stepped aside to reduce the damage. Occasionally, he could free his hand to give himself a sip, but his blood volume was still draining rapidly. He was about to fall to the bottom and become residual blood. A golden light enveloped him. On the body.


Of course, those who often watched Yue Guang use this skill knew what it was, and the last thing he expected to happen happened after all.

With the help of Eleventh Young Master, he withstood the damage. Hanxiao Banbu Dian finally regained his breath and replenished his health. After all, there were only five members of Dawn Wings, and they would not just watch Lu Li and others bully their treatment.

After the Eleventh Young Master handed over the reinforcements, a charge rushed towards Lu Li and the others, and immediately a big whirlwind started spinning.

At the same time, Frost Nova spread out under the feet of Lu Li and others. They had to quickly leave the attack range of the Eleventh Master. Naturally, they could no longer maintain the same level of attack.

The moonlight was greeted by the same big whirlwind.

Now the audience was satisfied. They not only saw the duel between berserkers, but also the splashing of ultimate moves against ultimate moves.

The berserker at the center of the cyclone will not be controlled, but can be damaged.

At this moment, the gap between Yueguang and Eleventh Young Master was revealed. The damage figures floating on Yueguang's head were all between one and two hundred, while Eleventh Young Master was actually only one or twenty, and some were even single digits.

Unable to kill the priest of Wings of Dawn, and unable to stop the human tank of Eleventh Master, the Sword of Judgment was losing ground in the team competition.

Lu Li didn't care how others scuffled, he just stared at Han Xiao without letting go.

"Fuck, you are really stubborn. You are so elusive and can't kill me. Do you plan to scare me to death?" He smiled half-step and sneered. Of course, he couldn't increase all his physical fitness, but he still added some. .

March Rain's total health volume is just over 3,000, but he has 4,000, and his equipment is more focused on self-protection.

"Leave me alone, kill their shaman, the cooldown of bloodlust is about to end," Hanxiao Banbuepian reminded his teammates. As long as it was not a group fight, he did not think that Lu Li alone would be in full view of the public. There is a chance to kill him.

"Gather the fire shaman first," Meng Hui Shisan nodded. It was time to end the battle.

In fact, he was a little nervous at the beginning of the team competition, worried that the smiling half-step epilepsy would not be able to withstand the first round of attacks. It turned out that he was obviously overly worried. With the support of his teammates, the smiling half-step epilepsy survived without any danger. Overcome difficulties.

"Remember, delay as long as possible. You all go and pester one of them, and I will kill their priest," Lu Li said suddenly on his channel.

Could it be that he was hallucinating from exhaustion? His teammates would probably think so if they didn't know him well.

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