The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 800 Scheming Bitch

It should be said that Lu Li was playing a big game, and he started planning it from the very beginning when he knew that Eleventh Master was wearing the Azadas Berserker suit.

He would rather spend more time grinding down Eleven Shao's health points than use even one armor remover on him.

Reducing half of the armor at five stars, no matter how high the armor bonus of Eleven Shao's suit is, will have a great impact, but Lu Li just doesn't use it, as if he doesn't value this skill at all.

But if he didn't pay attention to it, how could he spend all his remaining skill points on it as soon as he got it?

The purpose is to wait for a more critical moment, such as now.

At the beginning of the team competition, Lu Li also had the opportunity to try this skill to kill the smiling half-step mania, but he had to consider whether there would be other factors affecting it.

Shuguang was not run by Lu Lijia, and things could not all go as he expected.

What if Wings of Dawn has some big moves to save the situation, such as Eleventh Master's rescue, or other skills.

So he tolerated it and waited for the opportunity.

After that, he kept pestering Mimi, but he couldn't be beaten to death, which gave the people of Wings of Dawn the illusion of stubborn resistance.

Lu Li was a person who wouldn't shed tears until he saw the coffin, so no one thought there was anything wrong.

When Wings of Dawn decided to gather fire shaman Luo Ying's memories, Lu Li knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time had finally come. He quietly accumulated five combo points, and his armor removal skill was ready to penetrate the half-hearted smile at any time. Bu Dian's fragile cloth armor.

In this kind of team battle, if you want to focus on one person, then everyone will definitely attack.

Hanxiao Banbuidian also moved closer there. He had to ensure that the health of his teammates was above the safety line.

At this time, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He knew that Lu Li, who was lurking next to him, showed his presence again. He was quite disapproving of this so-called first person in the dawn.

We know it's impossible, so why can't we be more open-minded about it?

The cloth armor profession on the street can give you a set of skills in seconds, but don't look at my HP and equipment. As a priest with a survival orientation in the arena, how can he be killed so easily.

Then he fainted half a step after smiling.

He knew the methods used by Lu Li. It was no secret that a highly accomplished sneak attack could stun people.

But what can be done in one second? Even if he doesn't add blood to his teammates for three to five seconds, they will not be in any danger, and the eleventh master with super high defense does not need him to take care of him at all.

By the time Han Xiao realized that the damage of this sneak attack was beyond his imagination, Lu Li's outburst was over.

Two flat cuts, three skills, and the last finishing move directly killed Hanxiao half-step, so that he didn't even have time to finish shouting for help.

Why is this happening?

Not only was he smiling and confused, but his teammates were also confused.

Just like the scene where Lu Li attacked the smiling half-step epilepsy, it had happened several times. Even if he was allowed to do anything, it was only half-health. Once out of control, the smiling half-step epilepsy could quickly fill up his milk.

But this time the results changed dramatically.

Lu Li actually took just a few seconds to kill Hanxiao.

"Kill the traces. Remember the bloodlust. Use it immediately." Lu Li was not stunned. He pounced on the traces with the least health. With the priest around, more than 40% of the blood was actually nothing. , but once there is no priest, how can this amount of blood survive the torment.

The team competition is a 5+1 mode, with five people entering the field and one person serving as a spare tire outside. Once someone dies on the field, the spare tire can count down the seconds to enter the field.

This countdown is generally ten seconds.

However, including the distance from the starting point of Wings of Dawn to the point where the battle takes place, there are still a few seconds to rush, so Lu Li and others gained a precious opportunity.

During these ten seconds, Wings of Dawn had no treatment!

After Lu Li called out Wei Wei's name, Yueguang charged and controlled Wei Wei. Fat Monkey's fireball hit his face without any deviation, and Lu Li also accelerated without hesitation.

After killing the priest, the situation in Sword of Judgment has been greatly improved, but it is still too early to say that we can rest easy.

Therefore, Lu Li had to completely tear open the door to victory within a limited period of time if he could kill one less one. The pitiful traces did not offend anyone, so it was best to kill them because of their low blood volume, so they became his first target.

Wen Wen is also a veteran in the game. He uses all kinds of life-saving skills. As long as they can drag their sixth man over, he may not die.

The sixth member of Wings of Dawn is a shaman healer with the ID name "Lucky Level". His level is not bad. As long as they arrive in time, they can still form the original golden lineup.

It was a pity that Lu Li would not give them such a chance. A longbow that had been disarmed and had no traces of it was beaten violently at him.

Many of the hunter's skills require crossbow weapons, which is almost equivalent to being silenced in the legal system. In addition, there is really nothing his teammates can do to help him, so he can only die angrily.

Of course, the people of Wings of Dawn were not idle either. Luo Ying recalled that she finally had no time to unleash her bloodthirst, and she died.

At this time, the number of people on the field has returned to balance. There are four people on both sides. But don't forget that the sixth person of the Sword of Judgment has not yet come on the field. In order to deal with the Wings of Dawn, the person who was arranged as a substitute in the team competition this time is not Mu Qiu, but cats like to eat meat.

Because once March Rain is killed by concentrated fire, even if Mu Qiu comes on stage, it will not help.

On the contrary, with one more output profession, it is possible to find a glimmer of hope in the disadvantaged team competition.

The "lucky level" shaman of Wings of Dawn arrived in time, dashing the Sword of Judgment's hope of killing another person. Lu Li could only give up attacking Meng Hui Thirteen.

Because he also became the target of fire, most of his health volume dropped.

Eleven Young Master, Meng Hui Thirteen, and Pretend to be like Feng were beating him. If Sanyueyu hadn't used his badge to release the control in time and freed up his hands to treat him, he might have died.

"Monkey, don't rush forward. Let's stay calm and wait for Maomao to come over," Lu Li shouted to stop the fire spell that was about to rush, and everyone started to huddle together to wait for reinforcements.

Four against four and still waiting for reinforcements, how shameless!

This is the most intuitive feeling of everyone on and off the stage. However, Dawn Wings really has nothing to do with this hedgehog, but they have to bite the bullet and attack proactively, otherwise they will not have a chance when the cat likes to eat meat comes over.

The arrival of Maomao Loves Meat completely determines the outcome of this game.

Sword of Judgment won the game with full points, while Wings of Dawn only got two points. This was their most dismal result in this competition. What made them even more uncomfortable was their originally confident tactics. All in vain.

Having said that, the name of the Eleventh Young Master Golden God of War was still called out.

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