The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 801 Marching into Sinsaro

The Eleventh Young Master was beaten to death by Lu Li in the individual competition.

Even though they lost, it was still an honor to lose. There were only a few people like Lu Li who could grind him down little by little in Shuguang, let alone if it were someone else, it was still unclear who would win.

Not to mention the team competition, Eleven Major General Berserker's style was fully displayed.

Which profession is the most passionate, Berserker!

The Sword of Judgment vs. Wings of Dawn was indeed the most exciting game since the beginning of the first professional league. Even after that, few could surpass this one.

Some people say that the game is about technique, but this game is not just about technique.

In the words of the commentator, Rufeng Rufeng, Lu Li relies on strategy, while Eleventh Master relies on momentum, and these two guilds are already impeccable in terms of technology.

The audience likes to see the passionate warriors, and likes to see Lu Li's strategy with a lot of brains. And the beauty-conscious people who like to see beautiful women will not think that the water elf is not beautiful.

After the game, the guild channel was filled with cheers.

Defeating Wings of Dawn, this honor is due to them, especially the PK madmen who are still entangled with the Jiangnan nobles these days. They eagerly hope that the Sword of Judgment can fight against the Jiangnan nobles in the next game and kill them. Not a scrap of armor is left.

When Lu Li proposed to organize a group to go to the Hinterlands, countless people in the guild responded.

This is morale, which is invisible and intangible, but it is real. With this morale, no one dares to stand in front of them.

Therefore, after hearing that everyone in the Sword of Judgment went to the Hinterlands again, the major guilds that were still frightened by Lu Li's use of the Troll Trial Tower pretended not to see it this time.

Whatever you like, just do whatever you want!

Lu Li did not go to the trial tower this time. It was not the refresh time since the last time. His goal was to enter Zinsaro, the great city of the Evil Branch Troll.

It has to be said that Zinsaro is undoubtedly the most complete troll settlement in Azeroth, and the sand trolls (that live in Zul'Farrak) and the Hakkari clan (who live in In Zul'Gurub) the buildings and the number of people are incomparable to this place.

They are bloodthirsty and cruel, but they absolutely obey orders. They are truly a model of hard work and hard work.

Long, long before the Cataclysm, forest trolls ruled all areas of what is now Lordaeron. Their empire was called Amani.

Both the Amani Empire and the Gurubashi Empire had wars with the ruthless Aqir bugs. They finally defeated the Zerg and suffered huge damage themselves, leaving them with no strength left.

After the high elves first landed on the continent of Lordaeron, they used their magic to drive out the trolls in the northern region and established the magical kingdom of Quel'Thalas there.

The forest trolls are determined to defeat these elven invaders and overthrow all of Quel'Thalas. In order to carry out this series of revenge actions, they gathered under the hands of Zul'jin, the most respected forest troll in history, and allied themselves with the Horde in the Second War.

A group of forest trolls marched to the battlefield with their orc allies, including the evil priestess Hex.

After the war, the evil priestess Hex, who survived the disaster but lost most of her subordinates, was angry that the tribe had not fulfilled its promise, and abandoned Zuljin and the orcs without hesitation, and also announced her withdrawal from the old tribe.

Even when new tribes arose later, they remained hostile.

As soon as you enter this territory, you can see the figure of the troll.

The skin of evil branch trolls is mostly green, which is related to their living environment. It is also partly because the body of forest trolls can bear the growth of plants to a certain extent. Soon after they are born, their skin is inevitably covered by a thin layer of moss, giving them their distinctive characteristic of green skin.

The authenticity needs to be verified, after all, no one is going to study it.

There are approximately more than 60,000 evil branch trolls here. After the quota is missing, one will be refreshed every sixty seconds. Theoretically, as long as they are on the land of this city, there are endless trolls.

But today Lu Li decided to kill the evil priestess Hex.

In fact, his original goal was just to save an elder of the evil-toothed troll who was tied up on the altar of Zul.

He didn't want to go through so much trouble. The problem was that as long as he rescued the Elder Evil Tooth Troll, he would immediately alert the evil priestess Hex, and she would teleport directly there.

There has also been, or may be said to be someone who will take advantage of the "BUG" in the past that can lure the evil priestess Hex to the Altar of Zul outside the city by rescuing Elder Fang, and try to lure her to the Altar of Zul outside the city to kill her.

However, when they worked hard to reduce the HP of the evil priestess Hex to 20%, this guy actually teleported back, and all previous efforts were in vain.

Fighting the BOSS in Zinsaro is different. Even if the BOSS dies, she will not leave her last territory. She will fight until the last moment.

Attack a city!

In this way, personal energy will be too pale.

Even if there is a hundred-man group, it is useless. This is a troll city after all, and monsters refresh quickly.

This was also the reason why Lu Li delayed taking action until now. If the fifteen-day deadline for him and the troll elders to get better was not coming soon, he would have even waited until everyone reached level 45 before taking action.

Currently, most of the members of the Sword of Judgment are between level 41 and 43, with only Lu Li, level 45, far ahead.

"The people we sent out are all back now. The ordinary monsters here are no more than level 45. Each team has a level 45 elite. However, the terrain is a bit complicated. The BOSS is in the center of the city, and our people have not been able to explore it. Innermost," Cain's left hand felt a little ashamed, and he took the initiative to ask Ying to explore the topography of the city.

"Each of the fire pillars in this city has the ability to illuminate stealth units. It's normal that you can't get close to the BOSS." Lu Li didn't care much.

"Boss, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Cain's left hand almost cried: "Some brothers in our band of thieves were clearly hiding and hiding, but they were suddenly discovered and two of them were lost."

"Since there were several people who fell into the trap at the beginning, you didn't study why?" Lu Li disagreed with this. He looked like you are stupid and you blame me.

"Uh... I'll pay attention next time," Hao Ran, Cain's left hand, also understood that as a leader, he had made mistakes that he shouldn't have made.

Sword of Judgment has followed the example of other large guilds and divided them into various small groups based on occupations. Each has appointed a group leader, who is usually responsible for allocating manpower in the guild and solving everyone's incurable problems.

There are many Sword of Judgment thieves, and there are many masters among them. The ability of Cain's left hand to serve as the leader of the thieves group shows his usual ability and popularity - although many people denounced him and Lu Li for secretly making dirty deals that were unknown to the public.

Yet he still can't tell the difference between a great player and a great leader.

What the player considers is that as long as no accident occurs, everything else can be ignored. There is no need to bother with it, but the leader must know the reason to prevent others from continuing to be tricked.

Thanks to Zhujian Qianmo’s 5888 and 1888 who only have me to have miracles

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