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"Start the attack. Let's use a group of ten as a small unit. Don't face too many monsters. The refresh here is a bit fast," Lu Li informed, and the orders were passed down layer by layer.

One by one, teams entered Sinsaro.

This huge city is built on the mountain with distinct levels. There are six floors from top to bottom. Priests, warriors, and residents live in separate areas. The flowing water and waterfalls from the mountains are interspersed in the city. If it weren't for the corpses scattered all over the place, this city would be a mess. It can really be said to be a breathtakingly beautiful place.

The topmost floor is the altar where the trolls worship. Priestess Hex controls the city here and leads the Vilebranch trolls to fight against the Horde and Wildhammer dwarves.

With the invasion from outside, gongs sounded all over the troll city, which meant that a certain direction of the city was under attack.

If a single player or a small group of players inadvertently breaks in and calls the police, they will be immediately killed by the swarming Evil Branch Trolls. Therefore, this type of city will not be easily breached, and it is even less possible for players to occupy it, because Monsters will be constantly refreshed.

Lu Li also followed the large army into Zinsaro City.

There is a fixed group of ten people around him, and few people are absent from such activities to fight the big boss.

The evil priestess Hex is a level 50 monster. According to the description of people who have seen her, this master is called a pervert. She will transform you into various small animals. She can also do so without any restrictions. It will give you "pain" (a debuff state that continuously loses blood), and then it will give you unlimited blood.

Coupled with the massive amount of mobs, all those who had beaten the brains of this wild BOSS died.

Just after killing a wave of monsters at the door and rushing into the stone room, Lu Li's eyes suddenly lit up. He walked under a wall and used Pick Up on several dried skulls hanging on the wall.

Collecting and picking up can both take things that the player can take away, but some systems prevent them from being collected or picked up.

The vast majority of trolls still seem to practice the custom of cannibalism, and certain troll tribes have been identified as cannibals, including the Moss Rotten Trolls and the Evil Branch Trolls.

Zinsaro is the territory of the Vilebranch Trolls, and of course they can eat people.

After the meat was eaten, the bones were thrown away, so the corners of the city were full of decaying bones, and even the decoration of some buildings followed a similar style.

But they usually don't throw the heads away casually, but hang them in the house to admire as trophies.

It is said that the more severe the torture before death, the more spiritual the head obtained in this way. In the trade between trolls, good heads are sold more expensively than living people.

Lu Li just picked it up, and the system prompted him to get three "Heads Full of Resentment."

In his previous life, he followed a wild group and defeated the evil priestess Hex. At that time, Hex was no longer so popular, so no one wanted to compete with them. Their strategy was very simple, just use these "heads full of resentment" "Go hit the BOSS.

After the BOSS is hit, there is a certain probability of randomly acquiring a negative status.

These people who were killed by the Evil Branch Troll were full of resentment, and they did not forget to curse the cruel executioner before they died. When this power was released, its power should not be underestimated.

Level 50 is a very important watershed for Shuguang, especially in terms of BOSS. There is only one level difference between 49 and 50, but their strength is earth-shaking.

Even if Lu Li's team can deal with three level 45 bosses at the same time, he is not willing to face a single level 50 boss, no matter how weak that boss is.

Unless there is a guide.

With the "Head Full of Resentment" strategy, although it is not a sure thing, with the strength of the Sword of Judgment Guild, it will be much easier to kill the evil priestess Hex.

Lu Li quickly informed everyone to collect as many skulls as possible.

As for whether the news will be leaked in the future, Lu Li really doesn't care. He will not give up on this BOSS because he is worried about the news leaking. What he wants is the first kill. Besides, even if he doesn't tell it, someone will find out sooner or later. Otherwise, he will be killed in the past life. Where did this guide come from.

The heads full of resentment are widely distributed and can be found in most living rooms, so everyone soon has a new harvest.

As for how to use it, Lu Li didn't tell him, even if someone asked him.

The team advanced bit by bit towards the interior of the city. If anyone could overlook the earth from the sky, the outer layer that had just been cleaned up would soon be filled with monsters again.

The Sword of Judgment men were surrounded.

But they didn't care. Instead, they faithfully followed Lu Li's instructions. Tens of thousands of people marched inside, leaving behind corpses of the evil branch trolls and taking away all the "heads full of resentment" that could be taken away.

Of course, there are also tons of experience points.

If you don't worry about the BOSS showing off his power, this is a Feng Shui treasure place for leveling up.

"In front of you is the city altar. The BOSS is on top. Surrounded by level 48 troll elites, there are four quasi-BOSSs in total. A brother just shot them with an arrow and was almost killed instantly," Cain The left hand reported the new situation discovered by the thieves.

"Let's wait until everyone is cleared here," Lu Li said. Deep in the high ground, he could see that the battle lines in other directions were stalemate under the stubborn resistance of the evil branch trolls. However, it was just a stubborn resistance. It wouldn't take long for the battle lines to be defeated Push it under the altar.

"What's the use of a skull? Is it used to smash the BOSS?" Root No. 3 didn't mind being dirty. He played with a small and exquisite skull curiously, as if he was curious about its composition.

"You really guessed it right." Now that we are here, there is no need for Lu Li to hide it.

He was previously worried that the usefulness of these skulls would be leaked out, and some guilds would take risks to get a share of the pie, but now that most of the skulls are in their hands, he wanted to wait for the next refresh, which would be at least three days later.

He also hopes that the other Grand Guilds who are snooping will know the news. You have no chance. Come back in three days.

"Okay, then this boss is ours again," root number three looked excited. He was worried that there were no large group activities. It would be boring to compete with Jiangnan nobles all the time. Unexpectedly, Lu Li organized it casually. Such a siege battle began.

This kind of hot-blooded activity of attacking a city and conquering a stronghold is not something you can just do if you want to. Otherwise, if anyone can say something, we can go together to slaughter Egrimmar and capture Thrall alive. It is hot-blooded, but the consequences will definitely be a complete defeat, and the guild will not be disbanded. Even that’s good.

Lu Li's activities today were obviously safe and risk-free, and had a huge effect on building a sense of honor among the guild members.

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