The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 814 Trial (asking for monthly votes)

It was too late, so Lu Li did not use the teleporter right away, but took it out after it went online the next day.

Just when he chose to use it in his game home, the teleportation device quickly carved out a pattern of a teleportation array on the ground. This magic circle automatically absorbed magic power from the surrounding air, and the teleportation preparations were completed in just a few seconds. .

Lu Li checked his supplies and made sure that the equipment was repaired and all kinds of potions were ready before he stepped into the teleportation array.

Of course, he doesn't have players to block all channels. He has said hello to Root No. 3 before. There may be a very difficult task waiting for him. During this period, he will solve anything.

There was not much discomfort during the teleportation process, only some dizziness caused by space transformation.

It is said that space technology is also being studied in reality, hoping to achieve the purpose of teleportation in order to further advance the cause of space exploration. However, it is still in the theoretical stage at this stage, and even when Lu Li is reborn, there will be no results.

So playing with technology is not something normal people do at all. If you don’t play games after being reborn, why don’t you study space teleportation?

While he was thinking wildly, the teleportation had ended. It took Lu Li's eyes a while to fully adapt to the light of the new environment, because it was dark and humid here, and it was obviously a forest with lush vegetation.

The senior executive of the organization obviously wanted to take him to the postgraduate level and threw him into the wilderness.

Fortunately, Lu Li was not the kind of person who had no brains. He soon discovered some man-made traces in the dense vegetation, and began to trek through the forest along with these traces.

Maps with different twilight may have different times and weather, so Lu Li was not sure what caused this dimness.

The path he found was correct. From the beginning he couldn't even walk and had to use weapons to split the intertwined thorns. Then the vegetation gradually became sparse and he began to be able to see farther places.

In this case, he vaguely saw the shadow of the building.

Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over quickly. If nothing unexpected happened, the answer might be found here. As for this being an abandoned and useless house, he didn't think the game designers were that boring.

The door was open, and there was a person sitting in the center of the thatched house with his back to Lu Li.

"Excuse me, was it you who summoned me?" Lu Li stopped at the door and bowed slightly.

Just when Lu Li lowered his gaze because of the salute, the seated person suddenly disappeared, and then a cold light struck the back of Lu Li's neck, which fully demonstrated the speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness of short weapons, making it even more inevitable. The thing to avoid is that the timing he chose was very tricky.

However, his attack failed.

Lu Li teleported eight yards away the moment the dagger touched his body. On the surface, he lowered his guard and saluted as if he had found his destination and met his relatives. In fact, from the moment he saw this thatched hut, he Alertness heightened.

If the Dharma is not passed down to the six ears, no one will easily teach it to others.

He concluded that the process of searching for Garona would be a test, so how could he not be wary of someone who had his back turned to him.

The one who attacked him was an undead, probably a thief. At least the movement he made when he teleported behind Lu Li just now looked like a shadow step. The shadow cloak that Lu Li once owned had a similar effect.

The undead thief seemed to be unconscious, and continued to attack without stopping after missing a hit.

Lu Li did not turn invisible immediately, but blocked with his dagger. His movements were very precise, and he obviously had rich experience in blocking.

As for whether you will be instantly killed in a head-to-head confrontation...

If this undead thief could really kill him in one fell swoop, it would be useless no matter how hard he struggled, and he believed that this trial would not be designed to be a complete crushing mode.

Sure enough, after successfully blocking, Lu Li received -146 damage on his head, which comforted him.

At this point, he has also seen the data of the undead thief, level 45, and blood volume of 4,030, which is almost the same as his level and blood volume.

As for the equipment, he didn't think the opponent would be much better than him.

Facing such an NPC with the same statistics, Lu Li never thought that he would lose, but he also had no idea of ​​being too happy. Since he was facing an opponent with the same statistics, such a trial would be too simple, so the trial would definitely not last long. In front of him, I'm afraid there is a more powerful opponent waiting for him.

However, when he thought of another thing, his mood improved again.

The high-ranking person in the organization who summoned him was probably Garona. Even if not, she was at least a grand master of thieves who wanted to take him on as her disciple.

Otherwise, why go through so much trouble to test him.

Not long after Lu Li and the undead thief had been dealing with each other, he found an opportunity to take the lead and easily controlled his opponent. He did not give his opponent a chance to escape. Although the opponent used several methods to try to find the first move, they were all under his control. It failed under prediction.

More than four thousand blood was quickly wiped out.

This undead thief didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and he didn't leave a body when he died, let alone any trophies.

However, the moment the undead thief died, Lu Li saw densely packed undead monsters appearing around him. They were exactly like the one he saw just now. He was a little dumbfounded.

This kind of undead thief is almost indistinguishable from players. His equipment is comparable to that of the so-called first person in the game. He is also very difficult to deal with in terms of technology. It takes a lot of trouble to get one. If so many people come up, it will definitely lead to death. born.

Lu Li rushed into the thatched house without hesitation and closed the door.

"There must be some way to escape. This is a trial," Lu Li forced himself to calm down.

This approach cannot be a frontal breakthrough. It was clear just now that the density of undead thieves outside is astonishing. Even if they are squeezed, they cannot squeeze out, let alone the zero probability of being defeated.

Then, the next trial should focus on this small thatched cottage.

As mentioned just now, it is too unconventional for a small thatched cottage to appear in such a primeval forest.

Lu Li quickly scanned the small thatched cottage, and finally focused on the carvings on the square floor under the table. He felt as if he had seen a similar arrangement in some ruins.

The activated switch is on the table, and the broken wine glass is so lonely and unexpected.

Grab it, pull it out, spin it...

The carvings on the floor under the table seemed to come alive, twisting and flashing to create a door of light.

At this time, the undead thieves broke through the door or wall, and some fell from the sky. They used various violent methods to squeeze into the small thatched house. They rushed towards Lu Li without stopping.

The moment he stepped into the light gate, Lu Li couldn't help but complain, it was just a trial, was there any need to work so hard?

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