The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 815 Dwarf Thief

Lu Li had no doubt about the murderous intentions of these undead thieves. If they had been just a little slower, he might have been a corpse trampled under his feet.

After entering the light gate, there is a piece of yellow land, occasionally with some semi-dry weeds.

The undead thieves were blocked from the light door and did not follow, which made Lu Li, who had been on guard, feel a little relieved.

Lu Li immediately decided that he liked this place, because at least it was not as dark as the forest where nothing could be seen. Thieves like to hide themselves in the shadows, but that doesn't mean he likes to stay where he can't see his target.

But he soon stopped laughing.

Because he had a vague feeling that someone was following him, and it was someone who was not easy to deal with.

Before, there was an opponent whose equipment level was about the same as mine. But this time, if he attacked himself as soon as he stepped into the light gate, would he still be alive like he is now?

Lu Li pretended to be unknown, and carefully explored the new environment like any adventurer who had just escaped from danger.

"Hey, let's have a head-to-head confrontation between strong men." Instead, it was this hidden man who spoke up. He obviously didn't intend to attack Lu Li.

A dwarf!

Lu Li was speechless. Fortunately, he didn't strike first.

In civil wars between thieves, those who attack dwarfs first usually die miserably, because dwarfs are too short, and normal people habitually use themselves as a reference for their attack direction.

Of course, the game is balanced.

The thieves of the dwarf race are not easy to be attacked to their vital points, and it is not easy for them to attack other people's vital points. Jumping up and hitting you on the knee is an exaggeration, but like Lu Li, who frequently attacks places like the back of the neck, the forehead, and the forehead that are prone to dizziness, It's almost impossible for a dwarf to do it.

"Who are you and what is this place?" After finally meeting someone who spoke human language, Lu Li chose to raise his question.

After being teleported to a dark forest, he met a group of undead thieves. Everyone who could communicate with each other had an inexplicable fight. Then he was almost torn to pieces by a large number of undead thieves. Lu Li hoped to die in peace.

Most importantly, he wanted to confirm whether all this was Garona's arrangement.

"I'm just an assassin, as you can see, a dwarf assassin." That assassin obviously has wisdom, unlike the undead assassin just now who has the fighting skills of a thief but actually has no wisdom at all.

"What is this place?" Lu Li continued to ask.

"This doesn't seem to be important. What you need to do now is to defeat me. We won't sneak and fight head-on." The dwarf thief raised his beard on his chin: "Let me introduce myself. I am level 48, and my equipment is much better than yours. , with a blood volume of 10,000, if you fail and are killed by me, you will not lose experience, and I will send you back."

"What if I win?" Lu Li looked solemn, paying more attention to the target's strength.

"Well, this is not impossible." The dwarf thief was not arrogant at all: "If you win, of course you will pass this level, and then you can accept the following test."

"I want to know who is testing me," Lu Li asked.

He originally thought that the dwarf would avoid answering, but unexpectedly, the dwarf actually smiled and nodded: "You already know, don't you?"


The legendary thief who is said to be dead, she is described in many biographies and legends as an existence closest to a demigod, otherwise it would be impossible to kill King Ryan.

"Let's begin," Lu Li was full of fighting spirit.

He was three levels higher than him, had better equipment than him, and had more HP than him. So what, Lu Li never felt that he relied on level equipment to get to where he was today.

If you don't sneak, the test will be skills and techniques.

Lu Li had confidence in himself, even though he was facing an ignorant dwarf thief. As for why it was a dwarf thief, the answer was meaningless.

The dwarf thief pulled out two daggers - both of them were Defiler fragments.

Is the Defiler Fragment so bad? Lu Li's heart was broken at this moment, but he still had enough confidence - if an assassin loses his confidence, he has lost his life.

At any time, you should be confident in defeating any enemy, even if you are facing Sargeras.

These were words from a biography of a thief that Lu Li had read. It was said that the person who wrote this biography was the president of a venture capital company, a goblin thief named Razduk.

The initial confrontation was a one-hit normal attack, and both Lu Li and the dwarf needed to test it.

In terms of blocking alone, Lu Li was obviously better. His dagger stabbed the dwarf thief in the shoulder, and the dwarf thief grazed the leather armor of his thigh without causing any substantial damage.

Judging from this first hand-to-hand confrontation, Lu Li's actual combat experience was obviously richer.

Lu Li felt a little relieved to see a dwarf thief who was stronger than him on the surface but slightly less experienced in actual combat.

"I hope you don't look down on me," the dwarf thief reminded him kindly, as if he could sense Lu Li's thoughts. As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Li was attacked on the crook of his leg.

Compared to the undead thief, his speed was so much faster that Lu Li didn't even have to guard against him.

Strengthen Shadow Step?

Lu Li was a little confused. He really didn't expect that someone who learned enhanced skills would learn something as unorthodox as enhanced Shadow Step. However, he did not rule out that the opponent had top-notch equipment that increased the level of Shadow Step.

Lu Li had previously caused 76 points of damage to the dwarf thief, but this time the dwarf thief had caused 253 points of damage to Lu Li.

The gap was a bit big. Lu Li, who had escaped from being controlled, took a deep look at the opponent. When the opponent rushed in front of him, he concentrated on launching a sneak attack.

This is his best skill, an ordinary basic skill, and he achieved a completion rate of 97%.



Moreover, he was stunned for 2 seconds. If the dwarf thief was not three levels higher than him, it would not only be a matter of 2 seconds.

Two seconds were enough for Lu Li to do a lot of things. He first used a backstab to break armor, then added ambush and damage, accumulating five combo points, and finally used armor removal on the target before he woke up.

Fifty percent of the armor was weakened, and no matter how good the equipment was, it was useless. In the next ten seconds, the dwarf thief was attacked even more fiercely by the giant wolf that Lu Li transformed into.

The dwarf thief has never encountered such an opponent.

In other words, he has been cultivating with his mentor and does not have much practical experience at all - despite his huge beard, he is actually still a young man. A dwarf's beard and a dwarf's height cannot be used as a criterion for judging age.

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