The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 816 The Meaning of Trial

In this round alone, Lu Li killed more than 2,000 of the dwarf thief's health.

In fact, his goal is not just these two thousand points of blood. More than two thousand blood points cannot determine the outcome of this battle. After all, the cooldown time of the Book of Ur is too long, and the total health of the dwarf thief is 10,000. Obviously, the quantity will not lose its advantage because of the loss of two thousand.

The most important thing is to destroy the opponent's self-confidence.

Naturally, the dwarf thief couldn't possibly know that Lu Li's Book of Ur had such a long cooldown limit. He just thought that this thief was really weird and didn't play according to the routine.

My original confidence in being taught by a famous teacher has been completely shattered.

At least his master didn't have the ability to teach him to become a werewolf, and a giant wolf with such a huge increase.

This is the difference between a rookie and a warrior. The rookie's confidence is based on foreign objects, while Lu Li's rich combat experience, plus two years in his previous life, is enough to make this level 48 dwarf thief not even a scumbag.

A thief who has not yet started his career has nothing left after losing his self-confidence.

When he realized that Lu Li would not use the wolf-changing skill again, the battle was out of his control. Lu Li's dagger stopped at his neck, and the five-hit combo point of Wiping Throat was ready to go.

"You lose," Lu Li took back his weapon without fear of the other party's failure.

He still had more than a thousand blood points, and it could be said that he completed this trial with an absolute advantage.

"Yes, you are indeed better than me," the dwarf thief lowered his head. He was already small, so Lu Li couldn't see his face, but from the tone of his words, you could imagine his dejection.

"Actually, what makes me better than you is my combat experience," Lu Li said frankly: "I have fought with all kinds of people, including cunning adventurers and fierce bosses. I have defeated many people and been defeated by many people. I'm afraid you haven't left Ravenholdt Manor yet, have you?"

"So that's it..." The dwarf thief was stunned for a moment and whispered.

"Excuse me, have I passed this level? Are there any other tests?" Lu Li asked.

"I don't know if there are any other tests, but I have another mission. You need to follow me to see something," the dwarf thief summoned a crow mount.

Come on, even mounts are rare. Lu Li summoned the Headless Horseman's horse while slandering the rich second generation.

The full name of the crow mount is Reins of the Crow God, and it is a very fast mount.

Many people don't know how to get it. In fact, this mount is not a reputation reward, a dungeon drop, or a world drop. It is a random drop after killing the quest BOSS Crow King Ansu in the Druid's epic flight form quest.

A long time ago, Anzu, the crow god, was cursed and lost the ability to fly, so this mount could only run but not fly.

Lu Li secretly slandered the dwarf thief, but he didn't know that the dwarf thief was also secretly slandering him. Although the crow mount was popular, it was still not as good as the headless horseman's horse.

Moreover, the dwarf thief's mount was given to him by his mentor, while Lu Li obviously relied on his own ability.

In addition to his disdain that he couldn't pretend to be better, the dwarf thief actually admired Lu Li quite a lot. At least among the people he had met, there were few such energetic people.

"Are you also a student of Garona?" Lu Li took the opportunity to inquire.

"Of course not. Although my teacher cannot name him, he is also a dwarf like me. My teacher is very powerful, no worse than Lady Garona," the dwarf thief said in a tone full of pride.

"Why are you presiding over my trial?" Lu Li asked.

To sum it up, he still used some tricks in this trial. Otherwise, it's hard to say whether he could pass. The dwarf thief's completion level is not worse than him, and this guy has at least two enhanced skills.

"Uh..." The dwarf thief's face suddenly turned ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, "Because I am the weakest."

Lu Li was speechless. This reason was really powerful.

"Here we come," the dwarf thief rode on the crow mount and simply saw a group of kodo beasts walking slowly in the distance.

These kodos come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one distinctive feature, that is, they are hobbling, slow and heavy, and they are obviously old and dying.

"Is this a desolate place?" Lu Li thought, and judged his location through these Kodo beasts.

He has been to the Desolate Land before, but he has never been to this location. There are neither resources nor monsters here. You may not encounter anyone if you run for a long time. There are only scattered scorpions wandering on the dry land. Even if you are here, In the hot Tanaris, you can still see the bustle of people coming and going.

The desolation here makes people feel as if their own lives are slowly disappearing.

"That's right, we just need to follow. By the way, have you seen a Kodo before?" The dwarf thief patted the crow's head, and the crow's mount followed slowly.

"I have seen them. Some live in the wild, and some are free-range mounts of tauren. I had two before," Lu Li described the mounts.

The pure white Kodo beast instantly filled the dwarf thief with yearning, and also gave him a vague idea of ​​venturing outside. Not only could he exercise his strength outside, but he also had endless wealth.

"Let's go see where these kodos go."

The old and dying kodos were too slow. If Lu Li hadn't really been curious about where these creatures were going, he might have gotten bored.

No matter how slow the speed, there is an end to the journey. Soon they came to a place. There was a basin at the corner of the Desolate Land. Its name was "Kodo Cemetery" - this was their destination.

This place is bone-white and lifeless, with only one or two vultures flying over occasionally, and huge skeletons scattered throughout the basin.

These old Kodo beasts lined up, walked quietly and step by step to their graveyard, and then waited here quietly for the end of their lives - it was really shocking, and Lu Li did not expect such a scene to exist in the game. Here The style strongly explains what the end and death are.

"My teacher used to let me come here to see the kodos," the gnome rogue said.

"Thank you," Lu Li said gratefully.

Frankly speaking, he understood the significance of the dwarf thief bringing him to see the kodo beasts after the trial. In fact, his gains were not great. He was helpless because his sister was seriously ill in his previous life. Three years ago, there were too many things related to life and death.

Perhaps it can be said that he was a person who died in despair. No one can understand death more thoroughly than him.

This is why he never gives up his efforts.

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