The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 822 Game Belief

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm here to practice my stealth skills," Lu Li responded kindly.

"Are you kidding? Even the Lich can't find you, and you're still practicing stealth." Several knights looked at each other, feeling that they were hearing a ridiculous joke.

The thief in front of them was undoubtedly the thief with the highest level of stealth they had ever seen.

It is not that there are no other thieves who have come to this place in the Plague Land, but without exception, they were tortured miserably, and in the end they were reduced to the same kitchen knife output as the warriors.

"Didn't I just get discovered and have to take action in advance? This means that my stealth is not good enough," Lu Li shook his head.

"Then how do you plan to practice?" the leading paladin asked curiously. As soon as the words came out, he felt that the question was abrupt, and he quickly added: "It's okay if it's not convenient to say it."

"Since we are practicing stealth, we should naturally find as many anti-submarine monsters as possible to practice on," Lu Li said matter-of-factly.

"But the monster is anti-submarine..."

"Isn't it said that the Lich is anti-submarine? I was still sneaking in front of him just now. There are no monsters in Dawn that can really counter-submarine. Even BOSS, as long as your stealth skills are good enough, you can deceive their senses. "

The official explanation of the stealth skill is very clear. It does not really disappear, but deceives the target's senses.

"I admire you," the paladin admired sincerely.

"You can actually do it. With targeted training, you can always improve." The difference between masters and ordinary players is that they constantly improve their goals and know how to implement them.

"Let's give it a try in a few days. We have to sign up for the sports meet tomorrow," a certain knight said excitedly.

Who doesn't want to improve themselves? It's rare to meet a master and ask for advice without being rejected.

Lu Li's attention was focused on the sports meeting. He then remembered that a series of Christmas activities were about to begin. Registration was two days from tomorrow and the official start would be three days later.

There are many festival activities, mainly including the National Games and Festival BOSS.

The National Games covers fishing competitions, cooking competitions, horse racing competitions, marathons, as well as some traditional games such as virtual basketball games, football games, table tennis games, etc.

This part is considered the project with the lowest threshold.

For example, in a marathon, even if you are lame in real life, you can still run first in the game, as long as you have the equipment and attributes.

However, traditional sports such as football games do not pay attention to equipment and attributes. They use a completely virtual scene to truly feedback the player's physical data. There is no difference between playing football in the game and in reality.

In addition, there are some unconventional art competitions such as painting and music.

As long as you have a skill, you will have good gains even in the game. After all, the rewards you get in the game are either gold coins and medals, or experience equipment.

If Lu Li remembers correctly, the pair of boots that won the first place in the marathon are legendary equipment, and the hat of the winner of the fishing competition is also legendary equipment...

Of course, it is impossible for all competitions to produce legendary equipment. In that case, legendary equipment will really be overflowing after a festival, and most of them will be equipment that although they are top-notch, they have absolutely no way of affecting the balance of the game.

There are a few things that Lu Li must participate in, including the marathon.

"Brother, can you add me as a friend?" One of the paladin asked sheepishly.

"Okay, but I often block external information," Lu Li said without hesitation. He had a natural affinity for this kind of passionate and good guy. He just added him as a friend, so it was not a problem at all.

"Don't worry, we are not the kind of people who look for trouble all day long," said the Paladin and handed over the friend application.

In fact, this is the life of ordinary players. They complete tasks in the game, download dungeons, level up, and constantly meet new players. If they cooperate well and chat well, they can add each other as friends, and then play happily together.

Lu Li had experienced it in his previous life, but after his rebirth, he rarely had similar experiences.

"If you need help in the future...what's wrong?" The leading paladin added a friend and was talking when he was grabbed by his companion next to him.

"Lu Li, it's Lu Li, look at the name," the knight broke into a cold sweat.

They have never even imagined that some of them would become friends with a top player who is on the altar, and even pat the other person's shoulder and tell us if they need help in the future, come to us as soon as possible.

"Land from!"

"Great God!"

Taking a breath of air, others finally discovered this unusual ID.

"I'm just an ordinary player, don't be so polite," Lu Li waved his hand and was about to leave. He really thought too much. He had reached such a height in his life and could no longer be the same as an ordinary player.

Every day I wait for my teammates to come online, and then I yell to either download a dungeon or go somewhere to form a team and level up.

If someone sends a message saying that there is a monster that cannot be dealt with by one person, then go there immediately without saying a word, even if you are doing a quest or downloading a dungeon.

Fortunately, Lu Li was not a person who liked to lament the spring and autumn, and he quickly ended his unnecessary lamentation.

"Master, can we join the Sword of Judgment? Our level is already forty," several paladins quickly called to Lu Li who was about to leave, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

Although the current Sword of Judgment branch has not yet been established, it has begun to limit its income.

Unless they have a certain level of strength or are officially guaranteed by guild members, it is more difficult for ordinary players to join the Sword of Judgment than to join other major guilds. After all, everyone knows that the Sword of Judgment has an unlimited future.

"Okay, find a paladin named Yu Like Wanderer. You should be able to get along well with each other," Lu Li replied.

He is also a paladin who played games and ruined his brain. Now Yusi Wanderer is no different from the NPC in Night Town. He has been promoted to the defense officer of Night Town and leads a group of paladins to patrol and kill around Night Town all day long. Undead.

When Lu Li saw him, he was patrolling the street with a few people. Some players thought he was an NPC and chased him to ask for a mission.

Speaking of which, he should be the first player to become an official.

Such people have their own beliefs in the game. Lu Li does not encourage but does not object. Occasionally, he will be full of respect for such people. This is why he agreed to add friends.

These paladins regard it as the responsibility of the paladins to kill natural disaster monsters in the Plague Land, just like the Rain Like Wanderers.

Moreover, they should all have contact with the Paladins who are wandering in the Plague Land, and may even have a close relationship. The Sword of Judgment is likely to accommodate these forces.

The paladin who can operate here must be at least level 40.

When fighting in groups, they charge into battle. If they reach a certain scale, the Paladins are more powerful than the warriors. The Sword of Judgment should have its own huge knights.

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