The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 823 Tirion Fordring

The four paladins had unusual names. Lu Li only remembered that there were so many of them after adding them as friends.

The Cross of Reincarnation, the Holy Light flashes, fearless, and would rather die than surrender. Aren't these four people the Four Blood Knights who rose from the Plague Land? They later founded a guild composed of pure knights - the Holy Crusaders. The Cross of Reincarnation is President.

These paladins active in the Plague Land gradually lost faith in the Scarlet Crusade from their initial worship, and they began to think about constructing their own moral code of paladins.

As a result, they abandoned the Scarlet Crusade and established the player's independent Holy Crusade.

Even some NPC paladins have accepted their knightly ideals, and they have established a huge paladin base in the valleys along the banks of the Sodoril River in the Plaguelands.

This guild was once glorious, and many high-level knights in the game were recruited into it.

However, when Lu Li entered the game, the guild was already going downhill. First of all, the leadership had damaged their brains by playing games. They were too rigid and did not know how to adapt, and they formed deadly feuds with many guilds who acted without scruples. , including Jin Yiwei.

Secondly, their professions were too monotonous. Although they later established several branches and absorbed other professions, they were still falling behind in terms of game Raid.

But now, Lu Li's unintentional move seems to have changed the fate of too many people.

The Four Knights of Blood may not have the idea of ​​forming a union at this time, but they directly entered the Sword of Judgment, so the Holy Crusaders will naturally be stillborn, so Lu Li doesn't know what will happen to them in the future.

However, the Sword of Judgment will never follow the same path of decline as the Holy Crusaders.

The four paladins were not the kind of people who blindly chase stars. They returned to normal after a little heat, and then started working furiously for their cause of knowing the Scourge. Lu Li was left alone to find the next lich to continue. Train yourself.

I still remember the first time he came to the Plague Land. At that time, he was only a little over level 30. He had to avoid all the monsters cautiously. If he made a wrong step, he would be annihilated.

In the Plague Land at this time, Lu Li was in almost no danger as long as he did not encounter anyone above the quasi-BOSS level in the Plague Land.

He killed a lot of monsters along the way, and Lu Li was not a lich. All kinds of anti-submarine monsters were his favorite. Different monsters have different anti-submarine settings. Some rely on their perception of magic and temperature, such as being good at using ice. There are magic lichs and undead dogs. Even after they become undead, they retain an extremely keen sense of smell, especially their powerful ability to perceive living things. Plague bats, for example, have the ability to make most thieves unable to hide. sound perception.

Unknowingly, Lu Li was approaching the Sodorir River.

The Sodoril River is most popular due to its several famous waterfalls. Even if the sky here is dim, the river water is filthy, and the river banks are polluted by natural disasters and become bare, the scenery party will regard these waterfalls as must-sees. A scene.

The Fifth Falls of Sodoril are at the mouth of the sea, on the eastern coastline not far from Southsea Town; the Fourth Falls pass through the deep canyons of Alterac and go south along the river, in the south of Hillsbrad Hills; The water of Lake Longmire flows south through the Alterac Mountains. When entering the canyon, we can see the third waterfall of Thoril.

In terms of natural scenery, the Third Waterfall is the most beautiful, but due to the local climate in Alterac, it is best to wear more clothes when going to see the Third Waterfall.

Where Sodoril flows into Lake Daronmere, due to years of war, waste has continued to accumulate, and over time, a barrage has been formed. The river water from the north is intercepted by the dam, causing the water level to continue to rise, and finally overflows the top of the dam, becoming the second waterfall that players see.

The second waterfall is almost ignored because it is dirty and smelly.

In the Thoril River, the most famous one is undoubtedly the first waterfall of the river. Not only because it is majestic and spectacular, but also because nearby it is the Lord of Hearthglen, Tirion Fordring, who was originally exiled. The wooden house where I lived.

Thinking of Tirion Fordring, Lu Li planned to visit this old knight with great personality.

Fordring's name may not yet be a household name, but the name of the Knights of the Silver Hand is probably unknown to everyone in the world. As a close friend of the founder of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Uther the Lightbringer, Fording was He is one of the most noble paladins in the Order.

In fact, he was one of the five founding members of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Like his fellow Paladins, Fordring fought to the death against the orcs under the control of the Burning Legion during the Second War. On the battlefield, Fording was brave and good at fighting, taking the lead and defending the glory of the alliance and the peace of the continent with his blood.

After the war, he returned triumphantly and was a hero among the people. He was also the lord who governed Hearthglen fairly. He also had a happy family. This period of time could be called the happiest time in Tirion's life.

However, the good times did not last long. About 11-12 years after the end of the Second Orc War, due to the reorganization and rapid rise of the new tribes, the concentration camps where the Alliance imprisoned the orcs were destroyed one after another. The orc Thrall, the new warchief, was destroyed at that time. The alliance regards it as a thorn in the side, and many people are worried that the tribe is about to return and start a war again, and related rumors are flying all over the sky.

Therefore, under the background that the orc threat is about to reappear, a series of coincidences will lead to the tragedy of Tirion's subsequent life.

During an accidental horseback walk, Tirion unexpectedly encountered a reclusive orc in his territory.

The two had never met, and they didn't know each other's ideas and motives. Coupled with the shadow of the two previous wars, the Paladin, who had a deep sense of responsibility, launched the attack without thinking. The two of them were going back and forth, and for a while there was no winner or loser.

During the battle, the ruins of a nearby tower collapsed, and the debris fell on the Paladin, causing him to lose consciousness.

When Fording woke up again, he was lying on his bed, surrounded by deputies who were healing him. According to the deputy's report, a search and rescue team found him on horseback several days ago, severely injured and unconscious.

Lying on the hospital bed, Fording tried to organize his thoughts, and was surprised to find that the only one who could rescue him from the ruins and carry him on a horse was the orc!

However, just when Fording was confused, the ambitious deputy had another idea - the "orcs" his boss shouted when he was unconscious made him convinced that his boss had encountered an orc, and that something unusual might have happened. story.

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