The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 825 The Test of the Old Knight

In a sense, the mission of love and family is the journey of transformation of the Paladin. From narrow-mindedness to justice, from extremeness to mercy, he begins to know what to be pious to and what is the honor of the Holy Light.

Players in other professions can only understand this touching mission that can transform people from a few words of statement, and know what kind of experience behind this old knight.

Lu Li is a thief.

In the eyes of most paladins, thieves walk in the darkness, act strangely and have no bottom line, and often kill innocent people indiscriminately. They are the most annoying group of people.

Therefore, Lu Li never expected to receive any tasks from Old Fording from the beginning.

He just came here to treat his wounds and pay homage to this celebrity up close. If the conversation went well, he planned to ask for some bandages to treat serious injuries from Old Fording.

Unexpectedly, Old Fording actually asked him to kill the carrion bugs.

Carrion bugs are not uncommon. They are found everywhere in the Plague Land. They look like a bloated, fat bug with a thick layer of old skin on the outside. They have extremely high defense and can deal venom damage.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it is just an ordinary level 40 monster, and with Lu Li's strength, he can kill it at will.

The reason why you are surprised is because this mission is the beginning of the "Love and Family" series of missions. Old Fording asked you to kill the carrion worms, which means that you have punished this professional mission exclusive to the Paladin.

Of course, Lu Li was not stupid enough to refuse, and he had no reason to refuse.

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring back the solidified mucus you asked for." Lu Li felt that his injury was almost healed, and he planned to start working on this task.

Although Love and Family is not as cumbersome as the Stavin series tasks he did before, the difficulty is not lower than that at all.

And Lu Li hopes that he can change the outcome of this plot - even if he knows that the possibility is slim, this is a very important side mission, and the trajectory of progress has been largely determined.

As the name suggests, carrion bugs live by eating rotting corpses.

They will bury themselves in shallow soil and spray a large mouthful of mucus at the prey as it passes by. This mucus is poisonous and will not only cause the attacker to corrode and bleed, but also has a strong deceleration effect.

At this time, the carrion bugs will make a humming sound to call their companions, and wait until seven, eight or even a dozen carrion bugs surround them...

Lu Li didn't dare to try that kind of experience, so he chose to strike first.

He found a plague dog in the wilderness, killed it and cut open its abdominal cavity. Blood that exuded sour smell and heat began to spread around. Lu Li then walked around and lurked on a slope.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Lu Li saw two carrion worms crawling over.

Lu Li touched it, stopped the one closest to him, and knocked it out decisively. However, its other companion completely ignored Lu Li's appearance and went straight to the corpse of the plague dog.

In fact, once you know the habits of carrion bugs, it is too easy to kill them.

During this period, two more carrion worms appeared. They also didn't care about their attacked companions. The smell of flesh and blood had occupied all their senses.

In this way, just using a plague dog, Lu Li effortlessly killed more than a dozen carrion bugs, and the very solid mucus that Old Fording requested for the mission was also collected from the corpses.

Then, Lu Li took these things back to resume his life.

"I saw you right, you are really a powerful warrior," Old Fording glanced at Lu Li's leather armor and knew how easy and safe the battle he had just experienced was.

"Thank you for the compliment," Lu Li said modestly, and then asked in confusion: "Uncle Knight, don't you hate thieves?"

"Hate thieves?" Old Fording looked puzzled.

Lu Li spread his hands and said, "Don't you know, most paladins hate thieves. I almost never receive tasks from paladins."

"Haha, true glory cannot be defined by race or profession, but must be judged by the person's behavior and standards." Old Fording's eyes were filled with wisdom, and he pointed at Lu Li's shoulder. : "You have a lot of glory in defeating evil (first kill), and you have gained respect (blessings) from many races. This is enough to show that you are a noble person."

But this doesn't make sense. Lu Li knows better than anyone how much Old Fording's mission excludes other professions.

It's not that Old Fording will be bad to other professions in the future. In fact, as long as injured players come to him for help, they can get help from him regardless of profession. It's just that the "Love and Family" mission must be a knight.

Anyway, Lu Li had never heard of anyone being an exception.

Next, there were two more similar tasks, neither of which were difficult for Lu Li. He was almost unscathed and brought the task items that Old Fording needed in the shortest time.

"Your strength surprises me. Can you sit down and listen to me tell a story now?" Old Fording sighed.

"Of course, I'm all ears," Lu Li sat down obediently. Although he knew what kind of story the other party was going to say, there was obviously a difference between hearsay and the person's own words.

The beginning, of course, is about him being exiled for saving the orcs.

"Have you ever regretted it?" Lu Li couldn't help but ask.

He admired some of Old Fording's deeds very much, but if he were to change places, he would obviously not follow the path of Old Fording.

For him, his sister is supreme. For Lu Xin, he can break the law, abandon morality, and naturally ignore the illusory belief in knights.

Old Fording was eventually not only deprived of all his territory, property, power, and kicked out of the Knights, he was also banished and deprived of the right to live with his family. His son was told that he had 's father is dead.

Perhaps Old Fording was a great knight, but from the perspective of his family, he was obviously cold-blooded.

"Regret? I understand what you mean, but young man, I don't regret it," Old Fording heard Lu Li's question and shook his head with a smile, his expression calm.

"Your son..." Lu Li knew that little Fording should have joined the Scarlet Crusade at this time and became the puppet of that group of radical knights.

"I think, even if he won't be proud of me, at least my existence has not made him a shame. I returned to my hometown to visit him not long ago. He has become a paladin," Old Fording has been infected with the disease. A smile appeared on Feng Shuang's face, but the smile quickly dimmed.

Lu Li followed his words and asked, "What happened next?"

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