The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 826 Lost Glory

"When I left home, my son Tyran had begun to understand. My wife told him that I was dead. He grew up in an environment without father's love." Old Fording raised his head and looked through the plague. In the mist of the earth, it seems that the son's growth is vividly visible.

"You didn't fulfill your due responsibilities to him," Lu Li said rudely.

"You are right, but my Tyran has grown up and joined the Silver Hand as a paladin. I feel extremely gratified," Old Fording said proudly.

What happened next was less pleasant.

Arthas conquered Andorhal and killed Gavinrad Doom, one of the five paladins guarding Kel'Thuzad's Tomb. In order to obtain his father's urn, the key item to resurrect Kel'Thuzad, he ruthlessly commanded the undead army to attack Uther.

Uther is Arthas' mentor!

Alone, Uther fought bravely, but he was still killed by Arthas. Arthas, the prince known as the hope of Lordaeron, became the funeral man for the kingdom.

He killed his father and his mentor.

His father, Terenas Menethil II, could not live in peace even after his death. His urn was filled with the bones of the leader of the cursed sect. In this absurd and great irony, the fall of Andorhal, It marked the collapse of Lordaeron's last dignity.

From that moment on, the Silver Hand collapsed.

Tyran Fordring held on as hard as he could. When he was forced into the war-torn North Valley, he made a final resistance, and the natural disaster monsters fell under his sword one by one.

But he saw no hope.

Does it matter if anyone else in the Order is alive?

It was with this thought that Tyran abandoned the Order's banners and denied everything he knew. His honor was abandoned on the blood-soaked land of Bei Valley. And he became a puppet of the Crusaders - the Scarlet Crusaders believed that as the son of Old Fordring, the founder of the Silver Hand, he would help them gather the remaining power of the Silver Hand.

Taylan Fordring is stationed at Mardenhold Castle in Hearthglen.

"Madenhold Castle?" Lu Li repeated the name, raised his head and asked in surprise, "He has fallen. They are a group of fallen knights who do all kinds of evil."

"No, Tailan is a good man," Old Fording shook his head firmly and said in a deep voice: "My son, he needs guidance. He must remember the meaning of nobility and glory. I know that belief is in him. In his heart, he knew that everything he did was wrong, if only someone could help him and help him remember."

"What should I do?" Lu Li really wanted to ask you why he didn't go, but he also knew that all this was a painful setup.

"In order to help Tailan find what he lost, you must collect items that he has used in the past," Old Fording said after recalling: "The first item was a toy I gave him when he was 7 years old. , it was a small warhammer, a replica of my warhammer. When he was told that I was dead, he buried the little warhammer and my memory in front of my grave forever. .You must go to the tomb and get back the Hammer of Tyran!"

"I understand, as long as you tell me where your tomb is," Lu Li replied affirmatively. This was not difficult.

Old Fording mentioned a location, and Lu Li wrote it down, and then waited for the next token. Anyone could get the small hammer, but it wasn't enough to win Tailan's trust.

"You go and get the hammer back first. I want to think about other suitable old things," Old Fording looked distressed.

After Lu Li bid farewell to Old Fording, he turned into a leopard and ran wildly. The monsters that were disturbed by him passing by followed behind and gave up chasing after them, but they soon gave up because they were out of the hatred range.

The old residence of Fording's hometown - this place has long become a paradise for natural disasters, and there is no longer any life in the former village.

Lu Li killed several monsters around him and started digging a hole with a mining hoe.

It took him a few minutes to find the small hammer. It was indeed the work of Old Fording. Even though it had been buried underground for so many years and was corroded by natural disasters and pollution, it was still well preserved.

Unfortunately, it is not player equipment, only mission items are displayed.

Old Fording took the small hammer from Lu Li's hand with a very sad expression. He seemed to realize how much he had missed.

It was a young child who heard from his mother the news that his father had died in battle.

He might sneak out at night, sit in front of his father's grave and cry silently. The great father who once lifted him up and threw him high has never been seen again.

"Is there anything else I need to do?" Lu Li asked.

"The honor of Tailan was abandoned on the blood-soaked land of Bei Valley. I hope you can go to Bei Valley and retrieve the battle flag that represents the lost glory," Lafayette gave new instructions.

"As you wish," Lu Li turned and left.

For ordinary people, it would be difficult to find the lost battle flag. After all, the battle had happened for a long time. But that was not the case for Lu Li. He found the deeply hidden mission item from the bottom of the lake to Blomir's left in a very short period of time, and Quickly returned to Lafayette.

"Okay, you have repeatedly challenged my knowledge," Old Fording nodded in admiration: "Next, you have to go to Keldaron Island to look for clues about a painting. Do you know Keldalon Island? ?"

Lu Li nodded: "In the middle of a large lake in the south of the Plague Land, I have been there."

"That's right," Old Fording said with a gentle look of reminiscence: "When Tyran was a child, our family often went to Caerdaron for vacation. The last time we went there, an artist named River Ray created a We drew a picture of our walk by the lake. It’s the thing that most reminds me of the wonderful times I had with Taylan and Calandra. I held my wife and son in my hands and was filled with joy. Infinite love..."

His wife had long since died in the war, and his son was trapped in a tiger's den. The only thing that could accompany Old Fording were those memories.

"It means to find an artist named Rivere, I understand." Fortunately, Keldaron is still in the boundaries of the Plague Land. Lu Li seemed to be being summoned around, but in fact he never left the scope of the Plague Land. Don't waste too much time.

Fortunately, this island has not been invaded by the Scourge Legion. The water elements in the lake are almost endless, and there is no need for the Scourge Legion to antagonize them.

But Rivere was indeed no longer here. The surviving refugees told Lu Li that she might have been lost in Stratholme.

Then Lu Li received the next task prompt, which was to go to Stratholme in the north of the Plaguelands. He could find the painting "Love and Family" in the Scarlet Crusade Fortress, which was hidden in another depiction. After the painting of two moons.

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