The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 827 Transform into a bat

Finally, I had to go to the dungeon. It was said that a lucky Paladin could obtain the painting through other means, but Lu Li, the leader of the Black Hand and a guy with a low charm value, obviously did not have that kind of luck.

Stratholme's level is fifty, which is based on the level of the BOSS.

Although the level of the mobs does not reach level 50, there are always 47 or 8, and Stratholme is a famously difficult dungeon, which is simply not comparable to Zul'Farrak.

Stratholme is in the northwest corner of the Eastern Plaguelands. It has two entrances. The one in the northwest corner is the entrance to the Scarlet Zone and is generally called the front door. The one on the east wall is the entrance to the Undead Zone and is generally called the back door. There are cities The gate key or a thief can open it directly.

It was more convenient for Lu Li to go through the back door where he wanted to go, and his unlocking level was fully capable of opening this door.

On the periphery of the dungeon, all kinds of monsters gathered in the sky, making it impossible for ordinary people to get close to them. When Lu Li practiced sneaking before, he would hardly get close to these monsters because there were so many of them.

Even if everyone opens up the Stratholme dungeon in the future, it will still take a standard team of ten people to pass through here safely.

Of course, at that time, you have to beware of players from the opposing camp. They are more terrifying than monsters. However, thieves are generally not considered a threat because there are natural disaster bats everywhere. It is best for thieves to keep their tail between their legs and behave honestly.

Lu Li also had a headache when he looked at the densely packed natural disaster bats on the road leading to the dungeon.

Natural disaster bats are a general term for attributes. In fact, there are many types of natural disaster bats, ranging from level 40 to nearly 50. There are also legal monsters, physical monsters, and even bats that can sneak, and they are all without exception. All have strong perceptions.

It can be said that the Plaguelands and Stratholme are full of malice towards thieves from their settings.

But Lu Li could only go up there, and don't expect to go around the main road and go around the foothills on both sides. There are only a lot of natural disaster bats up there. If you are not lucky, you may fall into a bat nest.

The only thing Lu Li could do was to be careful.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out the enhanced skill book and confirmed his learning.

System: Discover the stealth advanced skill, confirm whether to learn it, consume 1.2 million experience points, 120 gold coins, and 4,000 camp reputation points.

Lu Li looked at his experience bar, reputation, and gold coins in his backpack, and shook his head with a wry smile. It's no wonder that everyone said that those who can learn enhanced skills are wealthy.

With 1.2 million experience points, Lu Li almost dropped his level. Players below level 40 might even drop more than one level.

One hundred and twenty gold coins is 10,000 real coins. Many people may not be able to save so much money in a few months. However, this is the easiest thing to accomplish, because most big guilds will provide this money for their guilds. Members learn enhanced skills.

This is also a benefit, encouraging players to collect and learn enhanced skills as much as possible. The number of enhanced skills in a guild largely determines the future of a guild.

Of course, if you don't have a guild background, you'll have to figure it out on your own.

As for four thousand reputations, this is the key to restricting how many strengthening skills a player can learn.

This kind of reputation belongs to the camp reputation, and the way to obtain camp reputation, except for some camp tasks, is like when Lu Li burned the orcs' supplies, and then it can only be obtained through influential events such as first kill rewards.

Lu Li's current camp reputation is only over 10,000 points, which is only enough to learn one more skill.

After confirming his studies, Lu Li's experience bar had increased a lot and he was back to before liberation. This was what made him feel most distressed.

Enhanced Stealth: Instant cast, allowing the thief to hide until the stealth state disappears. The stealth effect is improved. The stealth effect is further improved in shadow environments. Random special effect - Transform into a bat. After using this special effect, the caster will transform into a bat and fly for a certain amount of time. The cooling time is 2 minutes before reaching the designated location.

Transforming into a bat, Lu Li was a little dull.

Of course he knows that the enhanced skills can randomly produce a special effect, which is somewhat similar to the equipment special effects, but it is not absolute. One of the two enhanced skills in his previous life did not randomly produce anything.

The reason why Lu Li was stunned was that he randomly turned into a bat.

Isn't this the stunt that Mo Wangfeng will become famous in the future? Once used, the most amazing special effect will make the little girl scream.

Mo Wangfeng learned the enhanced flash skill, and the random special effect was to turn into a bat. You can imagine that a person suddenly turned into a bat without warning, and suddenly flew a long distance, that kind of visual impact How intense it is.

Not only that, this special effect is also very powerful in terms of actual performance.

Mo Wangfeng's reputation as the Dharma God comes largely from his weird mobility.

The monsters' iron barrel array will no longer trap you for a moment and hurt you at all. Transform into a bat, and you can cross obstacles and fly bridges and cliffs. If these are not enough to impress you, then if this method can touch freezing and entanglement Woolen cloth?

Moreover, this is a special effect, not a skill. It does not require the support of magic points, and Lu Li, a thief, can also use it.

Anyway, Lu Li was extremely satisfied and felt that the experience he had just lost was worth it.

Of course, the reason why he learned to strengthen stealth at this time was firstly because he felt that his stealth was almost complete, and secondly, it was to deal with the natural disaster bats in front of him.

The enhanced stealth under the amplification can allow him to better avoid the perception of these bats.

The effect is surprisingly good. The main reason is that "the stealth effect is further improved in shadow environments" that strengthens stealth. The shadow environment here can be understood as weak light, and the Plague Land is shrouded in dim haze all year round, so it is naturally dark. environment.

Therefore, unless these bats are too close to Lu Li, they really can't sense Lu Li.

After spending some time, Lu Li gradually approached the back door of the dungeon.

Unlock and enter the book!

If anyone were here, they would definitely be surprised by his audacity. He dared to enter the dungeon alone, and it was a high-end dungeon at level 50.

Some people have entered this dungeon to open up wasteland, naturally hoping that the BOSS in Stratholme will be like Zul'Farrak. Maybe there will be a certain BOSS that is particularly easy to bully.

Their result was very tragic, and they were overwhelmed alive by the mobs that entered the door.

This group of skeletons are all high-level elites at level 48. It is said that they were the first people to volunteer to become members of the Scourge Legion, and they were brave and capable soldiers during their lifetime.

Lu Li naturally had no way to become invisible when he passed through the magic door in the dungeon, so he was also besieged by these natural disaster skeletons.

In the past, Lu Li might have had some trouble escaping, but now with the skill of Incarnation as a Bat, which is an extension of enhanced stealth, it would be much easier to escape.

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