The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 839 The Price of Curiosity

The reason why it is the Chopper Team, rather than the easier-to-position legal profession, is because the blue dragon Azoregus does not take magic - the dwarf chicken transformer is not a magic item, and its working principle is more complicated. Complex and mysterious, it cannot be measured by common sense.

As a result, the legal profession has almost no use here.

However, there is a very embarrassing thing about melee physical professions here, that is, no matter how big the BOSS is, it cannot be much bigger, and on the premise that it cannot penetrate people, the number of melee professions that can get close to the BOSS to participate in the attack is limited.

What is even more speechless is the dwarf chicken transformer.

It turns the BOSS into a chicken. Chicken here is a complete noun. Yes, the BOSS will obviously shrink again after the transformation.

So how many players can be in close combat? Excluding the two MTs that resist the BOSS, there are only sixteen at most. If you pay attention to completion, you must leave enough space. Twelve melee professions are the best. choose.

Lu Li asked Root Number Three to send forty of the most powerful kitchen knives, plus twenty combat druids, and almost every melee healer was equipped with one.

These are not the only ones who are the main force in the battle. A large number of hunter players have been summoned. Many of their skills are physical attacks.

Azshara's blue dragon is quite famous.

It is a non-active attack, so players often come to him to play, take photos, do push-ups and so on. However, once someone attacks him without good reason, the consequences will be very tragic.

"This is the price of curiosity!"

Such announcements can be heard in almost the entire Azshara map, so most players who have been here know that Azuregos is not easy to mess with.

In fact, Azuregos is indeed not easy to mess with.

The only thing in his body that can make players have the courage to challenge is the meager amount of blood.

The current level 45 Azuregos only has a blood value of 650,000, which is considered anemic among wild BOSSs, especially among dragons who are accustomed to bullying people with high blood volumes.

Unfortunately, his complex and powerful skills completely make up for his shortcomings.

Lu Li distributed the dwarf chicken transformer to several other people with higher levels, and assigned serial numbers to each of them. Whoever's name he called out later would use the dwarf chicken transformer on the boss.

The use of the dwarf chicken transformer does not necessarily require players who have learned engineering, but there is a certain success rate after use. This success rate is related to the user's level. The higher the user's level, the greater the chance of success. On the contrary, it will be more difficult to succeed.

Lu Li arranged the tasks for everyone and signaled Azure Sea Breeze to activate monsters.

"Decide it quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble when other guilds find out," Lu Li said in a deep voice.

The battle officially started, starting with the taunt of the blue sea breeze.

"This is the price of curiosity!" Faced with the provocation of the blue sea breeze, the BOSS actually said this classic line, and all Azshara players heard this line.

He casually gave Azure Sea Breeze a blow, and this blow alone wiped out 1,100 of his HP. This was a plate armor warrior with extremely high defense. If it had been replaced by another squishy person, a normal attack would probably kill him in seconds.

The two cavalrymen brushed the blue sea breeze's blood, and the fallen part was quickly replenished.

The most commonly used skill book in the P1 stage is cleave, which causes damage to melee professions - this BOSS melee profession is the main force, so even if you know you are injured, you have to step in to support it. Fortunately, the Sword of Judgment family has a big business and there is no shortage of treatment.

Root No. 3 set up a line of defense at a more peripheral location to guard against other guild players who might arrive. If necessary, he could even take action directly.

If you spend more than 100,000 to kill a boss, if someone takes it away, not only will the 100,000 be wasted, but morale will also be a problem.

Azshara was not alone at this time.

Geographically, it is close to the east of Ashenvale Forest and the north of Durotar. Both the Alliance and the Horde are likely to come here for activities.

Azshara's alliance camp is called Nandis, and it is where alliance players usually stay.

Especially for life occupations, they will hire some combat occupations to take them to the Coral Sea. Not only is the scenery beautiful, it is also rich in deep red seaweed that can be used for alchemy and cooking.

The tribe's camp, Grim Ulang, is a commercial town used to compete with goblin merchants for gold coins.

There are indeed many players in Azshara, but no one paid attention when the blue dragon Azoregus roared for the first time, because every day there are several unscrupulous small guilds trying to kill the BOSS and rise to the top of their lives.

Lu Li must be thankful that almost no one now thinks that Azuregos might be killed.

"Brother Ji!" Lu Li shouted.

The priest machine brother had been waiting for a long time. When he heard his name being called, he immediately activated the dwarf chicken transformer in his hand, and a green light shone on the BOSS from the device.

BOSS paused and helplessly turned into a "chicken".

I don’t know what the game designers are thinking. This chicken is taller than normal people, and is fat and bloated, but the shape template is exactly the kind of fluffy chick that has just hatched.

"Attack, keep attacking, fire whatever you can, and explode collectively," Lu Li shouted loudly.

When the players saw that the BOSS had transformed, they all stopped in accordance with the rules of the mage's transformation spell, fearing that the BOSS's transformation spell would fail due to the attack.

Lu Li was anxious at that time, it was all a waste of money.

Fortunately, everyone's quality is top-notch. When he heard what he said, they all let go of their hands and feet to output explosively.

Of course they were curious as to why the transformation technique was still there after the attack, but Lu Li had no intention of explaining it. He had already planned to keep this secret.

The people currently responsible for changing the BOSS are all the core personnel of the Sword of Judgment, such as Ji Ge, Cain's Left Hand, You Xing Tian Xia, Wu Ai Fei Yu, etc., as well as the members of his mercenary team. There should be no one among them. The secret of selling the dwarf chicken transformer.

It will take a long time until other big guilds figure it out and find someone to do it.

The biggest shortcoming of the dwarf chicken transformer is that the duration is too short, and there is still a five-minute cooldown. Fortunately, this transformation cooldown is only for the player who uses it. The BOSS that has just recovered is successfully transformed again, and is greeted by another wave of transformation. Round of beatings.

"It's so enjoyable, I thought I could just use this to defeat the BOSS. No BOSS is a problem," said Azure Sea Breeze, the MT who was extremely relaxed this time.

"The cost is not small," Piao Ling glanced at Lu Li, who looked like he was suffering from constipation, and sharply grasped the point of the problem.

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