The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 840 Stinging the Head

"Everyone, work harder," Lu Li covered his heart and shouted in a hoarse voice: "The first column retreats, the second column catches up, and the first column should not go more than thirty yards away from the BOSS."

The burst special effects and skills of the first column have all been used, and they have been replaced and rested.

As for why they are not allowed to leave the BOSS thirty yards away, it is because they have already entered the combat sequence, and if the players who have entered the combat sequence are more than thirty yards away from the BOSS...

"Who is that? Why are you so far away?" Lu Li shouted.

A player who retreated didn't seem to understand Lu Li's words. Instead of retreating all the time, he was almost retreating to those on standby.

The player was stunned for a moment, and then explained weakly: "I don't have much blood, and I plan to leave the battle to recover my blood."

At this moment, the claws of the blue dragon Azoregus glowed with the magical light of the orchid, and then all the players felt dizzy and instantly appeared under the blue dragon's belly.

These people were not harmed, but the hatred between them and the BOSS was cleared.

The hatred mechanism in Dawn is no different from those previous traditional games. From high to low, all players participating in the battle are hated by the BOSS. Once the hatred of players within thirty yards is cleared, all players beyond thirty yards will be hated. That player, even if he only has a little hatred, has almost dissipated as the distance increases.

But hatred is hatred after all. The blue dragon Azoregus abandoned the people under his belly, fluttered his wings and glided towards the player in the distance.

"Young Master Feng is building hatred quickly. Whoever wants to run away will just stand there and die," Lu Li said helplessly.

But the player still looked like he didn't understand and ran towards a place with a lot of people - once he merged with the crowd, the BOSS's attack would affect other people.

Without strong MT for effective defense, it is likely to suffer heavy losses.

Then everyone saw Lu Li's figure flashing a few times and quickly caught up with the player...

This included the use of acceleration skills and two equipment special effects, all completed in an instant. Everyone felt that Lu Li looked like a ghost, but Lu Li's next actions shocked everyone even more.


During the pursuit, he had already kicked the player out of the team - the same team could not attack, but after being kicked out of the team, he could force PK.

The player who is blinded can only spin in place.

Blinding is not just as simple as depriving a person of vision, it will completely destroy a person's sense of direction, making it impossible to continue running forward based on inertia.

The reason why Lu Li didn't hurt him was not because he was worried about him being a member of his guild, but because he wanted to avoid attracting too much hatred from the BOSS. However, he didn't deal with this member of the elite group - that was Root Number Three's business.

But at least it is certain that this guy who does not obey orders will definitely not be able to continue to be an elite.

In addition, Root Number Three may also investigate whether he is an undercover agent planted by a hostile guild, because his behavior just now was too suspicious.

Azure Sea Breeze had arrived in time to stop the aggro, but a few players were still affected. They simply couldn't withstand the BOSS's frontal attack, and six of them were killed in one go.

This is the first time that Sword of Judgment has killed someone in this wild BOSS battle, six of them died in one death.

Just because a player disobeys orders.

The blue sea breeze pulled the BOSS back to its original position, and the others also resumed their formation. According to Lu Li's style of play, this BOSS would only cost money, and there would be no casualties at all.

Root number three soon received the news.

He felt a little ashamed and sent a message to Lu Li, explaining what happened to the player.

This is a master who came from outside. He is a bit arrogant. He may have been a commander occasionally. He always has some ideas of his own in team activities. In most cases, these ideas are more or less the same. All played a role.

This time he participated in guild activities, and he may also feel that it would be better for him to withdraw from the battle and recover.

Wild BOSS battles often have similar tactics. For example, if someone is seriously poisoned, retreat to a safe area and take medicine yourself. This will allow you to quickly recover your skills and save treatment pressure.

As for Lu Li asking him to stop, it's not that he didn't hear it, but he felt that he did the right thing.

"How are you going to deal with it?" Lu Li was not surprised to meet such a person. This is a game, and the organization is not as good as outside companies. Even the elite group who signed the contract may not be able to follow other people's orders in everything.

"He can't stay in the elite group anymore," Root Number Three said with regret.

"Kick them out, we don't want people like this," Lu Li gave new instructions indifferently: "We are a big guild. It's not that we don't allow all kinds of voices to exist at the same time, but in guild activities, obedience is the most fundamental thing."

"Well, he also brought some friends..." Root No. 3 felt that the punishment was a bit harsh.

Who can be a talented person without a little temper?

"I just asked him to stand there waiting to die, but he just ran towards the crowd. Obviously he felt that he was more important than others and wanted others to take the initiative to sacrifice for him. Such people are too self-centered. We don't need it. If his friends want to leave, let them leave together," Lu Li didn't feel any pity at all.

He knows Shuguang's team fighting style better than anyone else.

It's not so obvious now, but when you start conquering dungeons and bosses at level 60, it will really affect your whole body. As long as one person makes a mistake, in most cases the entire team will be destroyed.

As for PVP combat, that one is more about lightning speed. If there are two voices in a team, who will listen to each other?

Even if what you say makes sense, by the time everyone comes to this conclusion after analysis, they will probably be lying in the cemetery by then, so no commander will be questioned when commanding operations.

If Piao Ling was directing this battle and he asked Lu Li to stand there waiting to die, Lu Li wouldn't have any hesitation.

After the accident subsided, the battle began step by step according to the strategy designed by Lu Li. As soon as the BOSS was about to use his ultimate move, a dwarf chicken transformer was used to transform the BOSS.

If you follow the regular play style, you will need two main Ts, and you need to be mobile to fight.

One of the two Ts goes to fight the BOSS, and the other one stands outside the thirty-yard line and shoots with a crossbow. After the hatred of the players within thirty yards is cleared, the BOSS will attack the MT thirty yards away. In this way, the two The two Ts switch roles with each other, which can be considered a relatively efficient way of playing.

The problem is that this BOSS has too many skills, and people die too quickly. Often, if you fail to kill the BOSS, the players will almost lose.

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