The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 850 The game is over

Lu Xin was a little scared, but she wasn't too scared because she knew her brother would never let her get hurt.

"I think you guys are going a little too far," Lu Li couldn't calm down even when he was looking for a suitable fish spot, because he had to pay attention to Lu Xin to prevent her from being bullied.

Once, a child in school bullied Lu Xin, so Lu Li gave the child a harsh lesson.

He had to feed his two siblings and couldn't keep watch outside the school. In order to scare the monkeys, he had no choice but to break the child's legs. It caused a sensation at the time. If someone hadn't sympathized with the brother and sister, Lu Li would have been sent to juvenile detention. Place.

Because he did it in full view of the public.

Lu Li admired a line from an old movie. It was a line from John Smith, played by Val Kilmer:

At that time, you had to protect your family at all costs, even if you were forced to kill again. If you had to do this, I would rather destroy the whole world in exchange for my family.

"Who are you? I didn't see my brother busy," the tall man said, his face changed to a gentle one. It was hard to imagine that someone with such a decent appearance could have such a ferocious expression.

"I'm his brother, Xinxin, turn around and catch your fish," Lu Li said slowly.

"Brother, I'm not afraid," Lu Xin opened her eyes wide and rolled around. She was born in such a chaotic place. She had never seen any kind of scene, and she liked it very much when her brother beat people. There is a sense of protection and security.


One couldn't move, and the other was also attacked by a sneak attack. One of the swords was a critical hit, with a completion rate of 98%, and he was instantly killed without even using his finishing move.

The man who had been sapped even came to his senses. What caught his eyes was the fall of his companion and the extremely evil Lu Li.

When he recalled the scene afterwards, he always had a question in his mind: what kind of experience could make a person who originally seemed cold and cold have such a murderous intention? If it were in reality, he would still not doubt that person. He will still kill himself.

The second person did not escape the bad luck of hanging up.

As for the extremely bloody movie plot of kidnapping Lu Xin, forcing Lu Li to put down his weapon and kill him by the neck, there was no chance to be released, and the surrounding spectators did not even dare to have any dissatisfaction.

Most of them are life players or ordinary players.

Compared to Dawn's huge player base, the number of true elites or star players in the big guilds was negligible. However, Lu Li's ruthlessness in killing one player with three swords made them feel chilled and even forgot that this was a game.

"What happened?" When the water elf rushed over, he only saw two corpses that had not dissipated into data.

"You two boring people, everything is fine now. Let's help you find the fishing spot first, and then Xinxin and I will go together." Lu Li threw the fishhook into the fish spot that Lu Xin was using.

"It's okay to fish together. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you gain anything from such an activity," the water elf said, obviously understanding what was happening.

"Okay," Lu Li didn't refuse.

He began to seriously consider the issue of finding a few bodyguards, like many big guild leaders did.

Of course it's impossible to do this in ordinary games. We all play games. Just calling you president is enough to give you face. Why should I sacrifice my own time to be your bitch?

But at the current stage of the development of virtual games, this kind of impossible thing has long been commonplace.

When a big guild leader is assassinated and killed, it's not just a matter of equipment and experience, it's a loss of face for a big guild, just like you went to a Fortune 500 company and slapped the chairman of the board of directors.

Under normal circumstances, the professions of bodyguards in this kind of game are hidden professions such as thieves and assassins.

They hide in the dark and follow their employers on appropriate occasions to protect their employers from threats. They are often divided into several teams. In addition to performing tasks during a certain period of time, they have their own game activities at other times.

It is said that Xiao Mo's bodyguard group has more than a hundred people, and just paying these people's salaries is a lot of money.

It's just that the money is worth more compared to the safety of their image, so this kind of rule has always existed. It's just that Lu Li is a leader of the nouveau riche, and there is no similar setting yet.

Lu Li wanted bodyguards not because he was worried about his own safety, but because he wanted to protect his sister.

In his heart, his sister is more important than the image of the guild.

It is actually quite enjoyable for three people to fish together. At least they can chat while fishing.

Two hours passed quickly, the little goblin's shrill voice echoed throughout Stranglethorn Valley, and the first fishing competition was over.

Players swarmed towards the mission NPCs that appeared in Stranglethorn Vale. After registering the number of mission items, they could participate in the selection. The reason why they rushed to register was because the competition rules stipulated that whoever registers first with the same number of items would take precedence.

Fortunately, there were enough NPCs spawned in the wild, and there was no stampede incident.

Lu Li counted his own. There were forty-six delicious fish in total. It was probably difficult to rank among them.

In addition, there are some thorn algae, which are alchemical materials, and there are also materials such as fur, cloth, ore, and some other types of fish, some of which are very special.

This type of fish has no function and cannot be cooked, but they can be sold in shops, starting from 1 gold coin, and some can even be sold for hundreds of gold coins.

Of course, the ones Lu Li had in his hand were all relatively ordinary, only a dozen gold coins at most.

There are no mount pets, and the explosion rate seems to be really poor. There are two pieces of equipment, both of which are fishing gear. They are not as good as the ones he has, so they were given to Lu Xin.

The water elf is similar, but she has an extra Mr. Pliers.

Lu Xin was a little more lucky. She got a box and a "white beach ball" came out. The description read: Get ready to play on the sunny beach.

Lu Li knew that this thing was similar to a real beach ball and was a type of toy in the Dawn game.

Not long after, after the players had registered, the results of the first fishing competition came out. They were similar to what Lu Li remembered in his previous life. The winner was an old man.

He won the championship with 245 delicious fish. Lu Li still can't imagine how he did it.

Two hours was only 120 minutes, which was equivalent to catching two fish in one minute. It was completely cheating. However, Shuguang’s slogan is that anyone can have an adventure, so this old man was still recognized by the system.

The second place was surprising, at least Lu Li was shocked.

This was someone completely beyond his expectation - Can Meng!

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