It shouldn’t be this girl’s!

The reborn Lu Li was a little confused. The third place came, but it was the second place he saw in the message. In short, a cute little hunter suddenly appeared in the list of winners.

Lu Li and the other three were not on the list, not even in the top 100.

Most of the winners are professional fishermen. They sit by the water all day long, savoring the skills and fun of fishing. Winning awards is also expected.

In fact, Lu Li suspected that he was definitely not the only one who could see fish spots now.

If amateur anglers like Lu Li and others can win prizes, then there is something wrong with the system and the game has become unfair.

Only Can Meng is an exception.

However, Lu Li wasn't so bored that he went to privately chat with Can Meng to ask what was going on. He wasn't that bored, nor was he that curious.

After the top 100 were announced, awards began.

At the first fishing competition award ceremony, the person in charge of awarding the awards was a fishing master - not Nat Pagle, but an NPC named Hemingway.

His residence is in the house on the right side of Booty Bay. Players who learn to fish often come to him. Lu Li bought his intermediate fishing skill book "The Whale and You" from him.

This old fisherman is obviously a copy of the great writer Ernest Hemingway, and "The Whale and You" is a spoof of his famous work "The Old Man and the Sea".

This famous book describes a strong old fisherman's struggle with his prey and the sea. People who love fishing should study it carefully.

In addition, the idea of ​​naming the Green Hills of Stranglethorn Vale also comes from another famous book by Hemingway, "The Green Hills of Africa." There are many similar Easter eggs in the game.

Hemingway's appearance is not just as simple as awarding awards, he will also mainly reward these 100 players with fishing experience points.

The old man in first place received the most rewards, and he immediately entered the realm of fishing master. This is the player's first fishing master, and also the first master level in life profession, so the scene is very grand, and the whole Countless fireworks erupted in Stranglethorn Valley, and the world announcement was even more appropriate.

The legendary fisherman's hat and master-level fishing, this lucky old man has won the envy and jealousy of countless players.

The second place was taken by two little girls, and they were fighting and arguing. Lu Li didn't want to say hello to them at first, but now he seemed to have to ask what was going on.

These two girls have been playing together since they were little. It is said that even when they were young, they used to have double strollers. How could there be a problem now?

"What are you two doing?" Lu Li pulled them into the chat room.

"Lu Li, you're here, come and give us a review," Xiaobajiang said angrily.

"Tell me about it," Lu Li said curiously.

"I gave Mengmeng the equipment and asked her to catch the first place, and then the prize will be mine. Now she wants to cheat. Mengmeng, you can't always be like this. You never mean what you say," Xiaobajiang is indeed angry. reasons.

"You all know that I don't mean what I say, but you still believe me, huh," Can Meng was a little embarrassed, but the little girl was not thin-skinned.

"Look at her, look at her," Hachi-chan was about to cry.

She had obtained many strange gadgets during her long mission career, and one of them was a set of very high-quality fishing gear. Lu Li asked them to take a look at it, and they instantly felt that this set on her was extremely inferior.

Then the two little girls discussed participating in the competition, punching Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking Beihai Kindergarten, hoping to win the championship.

The equipment has special effects for finding fish spots, and it has raised Can Meng's fishing level to the expert level. Coupled with Can Meng's little luck, the two little girls have indeed created miracles.

There are only three non-fishing professional players on the top 100 list, and the other two are still outside the top 50.

However, problems eventually emerged.

The two little girls, like so many vulgar people, fell into a situation where the spoils were unevenly divided.

According to their original idea, if they get the first place and get the legendary equipment, they can give it to Bajiang when the time comes. Canmeng doesn't mind helping his best friend realize her dream. But the dramatic thing is that they didn't get first place, so the legendary equipment passed by.

There are three options for second place rewards.

A pair of top-quality fishing gear, including a hat, fishing rod, fishhook, fishing line, fish hat, and fish shoes. Adding one piece is not much worse than a fisherman's hat. The other is the book "The Weathered Diary", and finally a pet turtle .

It is worth mentioning that the hook in this fishing tackle is very good.

In addition to increasing the fishing level, it also allows the player to become a fish and swim freely in the water.

However, when there was a turtle pet among the three prizes, Can Meng immediately threw away her little moral integrity and decided that she wanted this pet that she could not only carry but also ride.

Hachi-chan feels that her friendship has been betrayed, even though she had promised...

As a result, the two girls started to fight. Fortunately, Grandpa Hemingway was very patient and smiled while watching them discuss the outcome.

The other players only found the two cute little girls interesting to watch. As for those waiting to receive the prizes, most of them were very old men, so they did not rush them to receive the prizes.

"What are you going to do to make me choose that pet?" Can Meng's tone softened a little. After all, he was in the wrong.

"Which is more important, your pet or me?" Hachi-chan probably doesn't need that set of equipment. It's not a big deal to turn into a fish. She is a druid, so turning into a poster is more enjoyable.

But what she cared about was obviously on another level.

People often see children being jealous, do you want to play with her or with me? It’s that kind of silly line about me and not her.

"I like that little turtle so much, please let me have the little turtle," Canmeng said coquettishly at first. Seeing that the other party showed no signs of softening, he immediately started to use his power on Hachi-chan.

Then everyone saw a little girl using the taming technique on another little girl.

"Mengmeng!" Xiaobajiang stomped her feet extremely corruptly: "I won't let you choose a pet unless you call me daddy!"

"Dad!" Can Meng rushed forward and hugged her, very simply.

They did not chat in private, but in private voice, and their voices were not concealed, so many people heard it. Everyone was laughing so hard that even the NPC couldn't help it.

"It's over for you two. Please leave quickly and don't talk about your Sword of Judgment when you go out in the future." Lu Li supported his sister who was laughing unsteadily, wishing he didn't know these two cute guys. .

He made the conditions himself, and others fulfilled them, so Hachi-chan only blamed herself for underestimating her best friend's downline, and had no choice but to let Can Meng choose Xiao Wugui.

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