The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 852 Magic Lobster

This little turtle is very cute and has big eyes. It can be ridden, but the speed is ridiculously slow. However, if you ride it in the water, the speed of this mount will make anyone's jaw drop.

It is not impossible to increase riding speed on land.

As long as you get a carrot prop, the rider sits on it and shakes the carrot in front of the little turtle. The little turtle will run as fast as it can in order to eat the carrot.

Of course, a turtle will always be a turtle, and the drawback of this mount is its land speed.

However, Can Meng does not lack mounts, and she probably keeps them as pets.

After the awards were over, Lu Li asked people to set up a stall in Booty Bay. The slogan was to buy delicious fish at a high price.

The delicious fish cannot be traded before registration, but it has changed after the event. At least it can be traded between players. In addition, there is a status of seven days remaining.

Things like delicious fish are useless. They cannot be cooked or alchemized.

When registering the quantity before, the NPC didn't take it away. Players tried it in the store but couldn't sell it. Unexpectedly, someone bought it at a high price.

It can't be used or sold, and it will disappear after seven days. If you don't sell it at this time, it will be an income even if it is not much, not to mention the high price. Therefore, the one hundred people sent by Lu Li were quickly surrounded. There was a lot of water, and everyone was clamoring to sell it.

In fact, the so-called high price is only one silver coin per piece, but compared with the price of ordinary ratfish, which is 50 copper coins, it is indeed a high price.

The people responsible for the acquisition were all professional players of Sword of Judgment. Lu Li did not personally go out to collect it.

You don't need to think about it to know that once he comes forward to take over, the value of Kekeyu will definitely skyrocket a thousand times. Ordinary people would think these people were stupid when they went for acquisitions, but once Lu Li came forward, they thought he must be stupid and out of his mind.

For a player of Lu Li's level, every move will be interpreted infinitely.

Lu Li took the water elf and his sister to a secluded place. He asked the water elf to take out Mr. Pliers.

After the event, Mr. Pliers also became something with attributes.

Use Mr. Pliers, chat with Mr. Pliers, and you can also make a wish! Maybe it's good luck... maybe it's bad luck... Mr. Pliers himself doesn't know!

The number of uses of the item is 3/3, and the cooling time is two minutes.

In other words, this is something that can be used. As for the results after use, Lu Li does not intend to say.

"How about I come?" Lu Xin was eager to give it a try.

"No," Lu Li flatly refused. The poor sister couldn't resist the hegemony of her savage brother, so she had to retreat to a safe distance with tears in her eyes.

The water elf used this item, and after a burst of smoke, a huge lobster appeared on the scene.

"What is this?" The water elf was confused.

"Be careful, this is a monster." Lu Li had already quickly determined whether it was an enemy or a friend. He rushed over and struck the lobster head-on.

This invincible skill actually failed because the lobster's hands were very long and it flew away from Lu Li before Lu Li could hit it.

The knock-up effect is not too good!

Fortunately, the dazed water elf had already reacted and started to fight with the big lobster whose knock-up skill was in the cooling down stage. Even Lu Xin took out a small bow and arrow and shot an arrow at the big lobster, hitting a single-digit hit. harm.

This big lobster is set according to the highest level on site, which is three levels higher than the highest level, which means it is level 48.

A little hunter of around ten levels could deal single-digit damage, which only meant that the little bow in her hand was of the highest quality.

If there were only water elves, although it would be a bit dangerous to be in a hurry, it would not be impossible to defeat this elite monster. And with Lu Li in the mix, there would be no suspense.

After the battle, the water elf discovered that there was no loot.

The second time it was used, there was a burst of smoke. The water elf was startled and quickly took several steps back.

This time, there was no big lobster like before, but a small box. After opening it, it was found that there were four bottles of powerful healing potions and five bottles of powerful magic potions, all of which were much more expensive than they were at this stage.

As for why the powerful healing potion and the powerful magic potion are not the same five bottles, this is an unsolved mystery.

"It's a good thing. It restores a thousand and two blood points. Xinxin, do you want me to give you two bottles to defend yourself later?" The water elf asked Lu Xin based on the principle of sharing what he saw.

Lu Xin shook her head. She was only at level ten, and it would be a complete waste to get such a good thing.

"Then let's split it equally between the two of us," the water elf took out one portion and gave it to Lu Li.

"This is what you caught. It doesn't matter if it is divided equally." Lu Li rejected the suggestion of equalizing. He only took one bottle of powerful healing potion and two bottles of powerful magic potion for emergencies.

Not only will the wealthy woman not be happy if you don't take it at all, she may also be angry.

Finally, there was another time. Mr. Pliers only had three chances to open something, and he had already opened it twice. Everyone knew what this thing was about. I am afraid that the items that come out are all random. As for what comes out, it probably depends on luck.

The third time it appeared, it was still a cloud of smoke.

After they dispersed, a crayfish appeared. The water elf looked disappointed and wanted to kill this "monster".

"Be merciful," Lu Li was startled.

"What's wrong?" asked the water elf.

"Can't you see it's cute?" Lu Li said.

"Tsk, you also know what cuteness is," the water elf mocked him. Such a person who doesn't understand the charm can actually tell whether it is cute or not, but this crayfish is indeed too beautiful.

It is not the dark red shell of the big lobster just now, it is pink, relatively small, and not ferocious at all.

What's even more irresistible is that it is spitting bubbles, and small pink bubbles are floating from its mouth, making its image even more attractive to girls, and even the water elves can't bear to do it.

"That doesn't make sense to you. Does this look like a monster to you?" Lu Li asked.

"It doesn't look like it. At least it didn't attack us. Could it be..." The water elf nodded and discovered the weirdness of this crayfish.

"Yes, this is a pet," Lu Li must be glad that Can Meng was not here, otherwise the girl would not be able to eat well or sleep well, dreaming about having a baby lobster.

"It's really cute. Well, Xinxin, you can catch it and give it to you," the water elf said.

"Ah, Sister Shui, why don't you want it?" Lu Xin asked in surprise.

"Me?" The water elf shook his head: "I have never kept pets. Whatever I keep will lead to death..."

What girl doesn't like to keep pets? Although the water elf has a better background and may have been given heavy responsibilities since she was a child, her father still loves her very much and cannot treat his daughter so harshly.

"This is a game, it doesn't matter," the Lu family siblings could only admire.

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