The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 855 The impact is too great

Forty-five is the target, and plenty of delicious fish will be sent to Lu Li.

After all, more than half a million delicious fish is a lot, but there is no way that everyone can reach level 45. Save what you can.

Some people will be given priority to reach level 45.

Lu Li is also selective about this group of people. For example, his small team must be upgraded to level 45. Only when they reach level 45 will they start to open up the large dungeon of Stratholme.

There are also racers, Fat Monkey, Mu Qiu, and Maomao who love to eat meat. Competition is the top priority and has a higher priority than small teams.

Then it’s the turn of MT and healers, professions that are more difficult to upgrade, such as You Xing Tian Xia, Shun Shi Wan Nian, Ye Shi, Ji Ge, etc. These people will also be the main force in the next elite group to open up wasteland.

Core players outside these three categories also get a certain share, but generally they cannot reach level 45.

But they were still very excited. In such a blink of an eye, they had gained experience that usually only took a week. They didn't even dare to think about it before being called over by Lu Li.

With things like level rankings, whether you are a master or a novice, you will often check your position.

For masters, their saying is that knowing oneself and the enemy is the best way to win a hundred battles, but for rookies, they will look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and then say with great force that people must always have dreams, and one day I will stand at the top of the ranking list. Overlooking the world.

Therefore, the huge changes in the ranking list cannot be hidden from anyone at all.

Lao Wang next door: Oh my God, there is a bug in the level list. This game is going to close down. Everyone, hurry up and sell your equipment.

Stormtrooper: Everyone, come out and see God!

The feathers are as bright as paint: one, two, three... twenty-two forty-five level, seventy-six forty-fourth level, and several newly emerged forty-three level ones. After the verdict, The sword dominates the top 100 level rankings...

Cute Nerd: This game is unplayable, there are too many bugs.

Interstellar Prodigal: If you don’t give me an explanation, we won’t play. The Sword of Judgment was created by the game company, right? Lu Li must be the prince of the game company...

I just have a lot of money: One thing to say is, that poor guy who can’t even afford a gaming helmet, is he the prince?

Dark-skinned man: What is going on? Why do people in the Sword of Judgment level up so quickly? This is not normal at all. Don’t tell us there are any tasks that can allow more than a hundred people to level up at the same time.

Kong Lin: Obviously, it must be some kind of mission that can be taken over again.

Su Li: Thinking about what happened today, there is nothing in the fishing competition that can be used to upgrade, and it is only the delicious fish. It is obvious that the one who is buying the delicious fish today is the Sword of Judgment.

Xiujia Chunni: Haha, I still have a lot of delicious fish that I haven’t sold. Please tell me how to use the delicious fish to upgrade.

The world channel was in a commotion, all talking about the newly-emerged member of the 100th Sword of Judgment, and the voices of various protests were getting louder and louder, with many game companies trying to stop the game without giving an explanation.

The game company has always remained silent, and many customer service calls have been opened, and it has never given players a definite explanation.

Is it because the Dawning game has become bigger than ever before, so they are not worried about any irrational behavior of players, or they don't care about the changes in the level list.

of course not!

It’s not that game companies don’t pay attention, it’s that they can’t help it.

In fact, when the level list started to change, the game company quickly held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Of course they don't want the top 100 players on the level list to be controlled by players from a certain guild, especially at the critical moment of the first professional league, when the players of the Sword of Judgment are generally one level higher than the players of other guilds, then this The championship of the game has lost its suspense.

The Sword of Judgment cannot be the only one to become the professional league champion. This loss is not only unbearable by the game company, but also the game association will also be unlucky.

Once the championship team is determined, the attention received by the first professional league will drop by at least 30 percentage points.

Thirty percent is an abstract number, and this abstract number, when magnified to the entire gaming industry, is a loss of tens of billions of real coins.

No one can afford to lose!

Over the years, game companies and game associations have long been rooted together. They have a relationship where both prosper and lose, so they both urgently need to come up with a countermeasure.

But what can they do?

Have you banned all those who have reached level 45 in the Sword of Judgment?

Although everyone is clamoring for an explanation now, once the game company uses the person who blocked the upgrade of Judgment Sword to explain to the public, they will definitely be criticized even more, and the fairness of the game will even be undermined like never before. of blow.

In the era of virtual games, the word fairness has been infinitely magnified and has even become a game spirit.

Game companies are not allowed to directly interfere with games, let alone punish players for unreasonable reasons.

Players of Sword of Judgment have not violated any relevant game regulations.

The secret that delicious fish can be given to NPCs in exchange for experience is very hidden. According to their expectations, some players should discover it first, and then everyone will turn in tasks individually. In the future, the attention of fishing competitions will be even higher.

No one expected that the players of the Sword of Judgment would be the first to discover it. Not only did this guild keep silent, but it also cunningly cleared out the market of delicious fish.

They used the rules of the game reasonably and did not violate any game regulations.

"...The above are the problems we are facing," the assistant explained all the situations before sitting back in his seat.

"How about we contact the people from the Sword of Judgment Guild and let's negotiate," the head of the gaming association is a fat man who gets out of breath after just a few words. But he can sit in his current position because of his wealth and at least his brains. Make sense.

"No," the representative of the game public relations team is a young woman. She has exquisite makeup, but she can still tell that she is not old.

"Otherwise, what do you think we should do?" The fat man smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "The Sword of Judgment has caused us a lot of trouble this time. Will your game company just let them continue to break the rules of the game?"

The Game Association doesn't like the Sword of Judgment very much. They prefer that all major guilds follow the rules they set.

The normal rise of a large guild should start from a small guild and grow step by step under the witness of the game association. It is best to have the support of their game association.

But the Sword of Judgment didn't follow the script at all. Almost overnight, they turned into a behemoth that could chill anyone.

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