The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 856 Game Company (asking for recommendation votes)

"The Sword of Judgment has never broken any game rules. At most, it has broken your rules," the female representative corrected coldly: "The mistake this time lies in game planning. We will bear certain responsibilities, but we will never be responsible for it." The Sword of Judgment takes any measure."

Starting from the initial planning can indeed avoid the current embarrassing situation.

For example, making delicious fish untradeable is not without problems. After all, most of the fishermen are professional players. They don’t like upgrading, so there is no point in asking for levels. The things they catch are always traded. Some pension money.

A more appropriate approach would be to announce the location of Hemingway and the role of the delicious fish from the beginning. By then, there may still be a bloody storm in the market.

But in any case, it will no longer be possible for 80% of the delicious fish to flow into the pocket of the Sword of Judgment, and naturally there will not be a large group of troublesome level 45 players.

What is the difference between level 45 and the most mainstream level 43 at this stage?

It's not just as simple as being two levels higher, but it means that level 45 players can equip level 45 equipment - which guild doesn't have a few pieces of level 45 high-end equipment in its warehouse? .

It is this equipment gap that makes the game no longer suspense.

Competition, competition, all you need is a "game", you compete for it, and the unknown is the most attractive, passionate, and full-hearted.

If everything was known, it would probably be a problem whether the stadium could be filled with people.

Of course, the interests involved in the professional league are not just as simple as a game. In the near term, it is the satisfaction of countless sponsors and the advertising effectiveness of advertisers. In the long term, it affects the long-term planning of the professional league.

"Then tell me what to do, you are an expert in this field," the fat man said angrily, trembling his fat.

According to his intention, just find a reason to stumble the Sword of Judgment, so that they can walk around in pain and see if they will behave well in the future.

"Opening up double experience for Christmas, tripling the refresh amount of experience beasts..." Plans were put forward, and then a group of experts discussed the feasibility with the game planner.

Since the game is being maintained temporarily, the people on the board of directors still have to be convinced.

So it was not until the third day after the major upgrade of the Sword of Judgment that another round of Christmas announcements came belatedly, and at first glance they were full of rough and brutal beauty of violence.

First, starting from December 25th, which is Christmas Day, until New Year’s Day, the game experience will be doubled.

Not only the experience of killing monsters, but also the mission experience is doubled.

In addition to the previous two helmet sales, local experience doubling was carried out in order to balance the levels of players who entered the game at different times. This is the first time that the game has distributed double experience across the board. It is conceivable that there will definitely be a wave of upgrading frenzy. .

Second, during the Elk Carnival, the game will refresh the entire festival BOSS.

These BOSSs, from the lowest level one to the highest level fifty, will be refreshed on all maps in the game, and even in dungeons, they will be refreshed in large numbers.

There are three types of elk. One is the experience elk. You can get a lot of experience points after killing it. The second is the equipment elk. As the name suggests, you are right to look for them if you want good equipment. The third is the reputation elk. Players will Gain a certain amount of reputation points by participating in battles.

It is worth mentioning that level penalties have undergone some subtle changes in this event.

For example, for a level 45 player like Lu Li, if he kills a level 1 elk, he should not receive experience, reputation, or equipment as any kind of trophies. However, during the event, this rule was changed, even if it is the lowest level. A level elk, as long as you kill him, you will definitely gain something.

Experience Elk and Equipment Elk are available everywhere from level one to level 50, while Reputation Elk is a level 50 BOSS, one is refreshed on each map.

There are several other events, and in this Western fantasy-style game, Christmas is indeed a big event.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the game company has reduced the difficulty of obtaining experience points, and the magnitude is a bit scary. Any game that has only been open for three months will not do such a thing.

It is said that the game company has been planning for Dawn for twenty years. How can a game with such a long-term plan throw a pie at you so easily.

Everyone couldn't help but think of the ranking list that made people feel sick in their throats. Those people hanging on it were probably the reason why the game company temporarily changed its strategy.

"Playing games to this extent and leaving a name in history will be worth it even if you die."

"But logically speaking, shouldn't we suppress the Sword of Judgment group? They haven't been eliminated. They can also get double experience, and it's probably easier to get it than others. After all, they are already level 45. "

"Haha, are you really stupid or are you just pretending? You don't understand why there is a difference between level 43 and level 45. Even if people like Sword of Judgment reach level 49, as long as their opponents are level 40 At level five, they have no advantage..."

Of course Lu Li understood this truth, but he didn't expect such a result.

In fact, he just knew the secret of the delicious fish, and then took advantage of it to let the people on his side earn some experience.

If you don’t take advantage of someone else, why don’t you take advantage of it? Is that wrong?

Why do people who can't eat grapes in this game just focus on their level? Has no one seen that he spent one or two million real coins to earn these experiences?

He didn't expect the game company to react so strongly at first and actually change the Christmas activities.

The Christmases of several consecutive years in my previous life were actually pretty much the same, and none of them were affected by the craziness of this one. I don’t know if Christmases in the future will be of this standard.

There were three games in the past two days, and Sword of Judgment completely crushed them.

Lu Li's equipment was carefully selected. Even if there was level 45 thieves equipment in the warehouse, he didn't change it because it wasn't as high-quality as what he had now.

But others are different. Almost all of them have changed their minds.

March Rain exchanged one piece, Moonlight exchanged one piece, Fat Monkey exchanged two pieces, Luoying Memories exchanged two pieces, Mu Qiu exchanged three pieces, and Maomao even exchanged seven pieces for his love of meat.

Because the level 45 silver equipment is better than what Maomao loves to buy from the auction house.

What's more, the Sword of Judgment has surpassed so many bosses, and half of these seven items are gold and dark gold, turning this already high-end sorceress into a human bomber.

It turns out that warlocks are not only capable of grinding people to death, but they are also no less powerful than mages when they explode.

A fat monkey and a cat love to eat meat. Together with Moonlight, the two of them crushed everything in the team competition, leaving no suspense in these three games and making the big guilds even more frightened.

Fortunately, double experience comes.

If Lu Li was determined to upgrade while taking advantage of the double experience, then the Grand Guild was already in a desperate situation where he could only wait to die if he didn't upgrade.

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