The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 865 The Cute King

"Do you believe that I am eighteen years old now?" The little girl sat on the ground with her chin in her hands, looking at Lu Li eagerly: "Brother, can you give me some water to drink, let me drink enough before you kill me..."

Oh my god, someone actually wants to kill such a cute child!

Fortunately, Lu Li had no intention of killing her from beginning to end. Otherwise, facing such a weeping little face, he would probably just wipe his neck and kill himself to apologize.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill you," Lu Li took a skin bag and threw it over.

"Thank you, but why do you have two skin bags?" The elementary school student took the skin bag and carefully filled it with air. Then he discovered that Lu Li had another skin bag on his waist.

"Trophy," Lu Li responded calmly.

No matter how cute she is, she's not his sister. If she dares to make the first move, Lu Li won't mind ending her at all.

"Don't kill me. If I kill me, I will cry for you." The elementary school student seemed frightened. His mouth was slumped, and his big cartoon eyes were filled with water. He really looked like he was ready to cry at any time.

Doesn't the trophy mean that he has also killed people?

He obviously looks like a good person.

"If you were really scared, why did you choose to participate in the bear hunting competition?" Lu Li didn't think how weak this little girl really was.

Presumably the staff responsible for the review must have tried hard to persuade this little loli not to come in. After all, no one could bear to let such a girl who looked like a primary school student enter a bloody and cruel hunting ground.

"I...I like Baby Bear," he said, feeling aggrieved that he was not a primary school student.

"Pfft," Lu Li almost spat out a mouthful of blood. This was the most ridiculous reason he had ever heard in his life.

"I knew I was wrong. After I came in, I realized that this place was different from what I thought." He was not a primary school student with slightly red eyes: "Baby Bear wanted to kill me. One of my brothers was killed to save me. I ran for a long time before I got here. "

"Don't worry, just stay here and you can teleport out after the competition is over," Lu Li realized what he had said as soon as he left his mouth.

What made his face even darker was that he actually reached out and touched the little girl's twin ponytails.

This is definitely not his intention!

As someone who kills people without blinking an eye, Lu has never known what a good person is in the dictionary. Such anomalies have not appeared for a long time.

Maybe it's because she looks more like her sister.

Lu Li could only comfort himself in this way. In fact, being a primary school student and Lu Xin are completely different concepts. Lu Xin is sensible, well-behaved, cute and cute, like a ray of sunshine in his dark life, while being a primary school student is the kind of person who confuses all living beings. A monster that brings disaster to the country and the people.

"Thank you, brother," the non-elementary student raised his eyebrows and happily came over to sit next to Lu Li.

This girl is really familiar with herself.

Lu Li swiped the dagger on her waist and slowly closed his eyes. It was obvious that he had no intention of talking nonsense to the darling of the Blood Flag.

Just like Hua Wu Meier is the image spokesperson of the City of Glory, if she is not an elementary school student, she represents the highest level of appearance in the Blood War Flag.

I don't know how many otakus just rush into these big guilds for the characters on the stunning list, without even thinking about whether they are worthy of such beauties.

"You didn't even say your name, brother, what's your name," the non-primary school student asked in a soft voice.

This person's voice was born with a kind of magical power, which made his ears feel itchy when he listened to it. He couldn't bear to refuse to answer her questions. However, Lu Li was not a person who understood what it meant to cherish a fragrant woman and cherish a jade.

"Either you stay quietly, or I'll throw you out," Lu Li said without batting an eye.

She wasn't a primary school student, but she still didn't pull out the little dagger from her waist. She was cute, but definitely not stupid. Although the man in front of her was injured, he still looked calm and determined. You can tell by looking at it that it has gone through more than one battle.

What's more, she really needs a little shelter.

Perhaps it is rebellion. Under the protection of the bloody battle flag, the gaming life of primary school students is not safe and stable, but it lacks the excitement that ordinary players can get excited about when talking about it.

So, this time she secretly ran over to participate in the bear hunting competition.

When she first came in, she vowed to herself that she would catch a baby bear and go back.

After finally encountering a lone baby bear, before she could persuade her with her sweet words - yes, she didn't raise the shotgun at that time, but was planning to persuade her - the ungrateful baby bear immediately went crazy. .

Perhaps in the eyes of Baby Bear, if he doesn't look like a primary school student, he is too ugly.

In a moment of crisis, a drama of a hero saving a beauty was staged. When a male player saw that such a beautiful little girl was about to be killed by a bear's paw, he immediately stepped forward to do justice to the cause of justice filled with righteous indignation.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the strength of the baby bear. The injured cub killed the hunter and continued to hunt the non-elementary schoolboy.

The horse, which wasn't a schoolboy, wasn't far away, so she was able to at least escape.

Then, she also encountered a lot of dangers, mainly wild beasts, but also some hunters. The people participating in this competition are a bit perverted, and they like to destroy beautiful things.

Hiding in the east, her horse soon died of thirst.

After crying for a while, she walked over to Lu Li. At first, she thought Lu Li was a corpse, so she unpreparedly went to remove his water bag. Fortunately, Lu Li was not a bad person.

Although Lu Li didn't pay much attention to her, at least it seemed safer here.

The horse neighed, and Lu Li suddenly opened his eyes.

Because he heard clearly, the sound of horse hooves was very chaotic, indicating that a group of people were coming.

"Uncle, someone is coming," a certain Lolita said in absolute revenge. Just now she said "Brother" with such crisp words that people were fascinated. Just now Lu Li ignored her and retaliated decisively.

"It's a bit troublesome. Just hide yourself," Lu Li sighed.

Games and reality are two different things. In the game, he is a big thief who comes and goes without a trace, but in reality, he is at most a gangster who often gets into fights.

He has never been a mercenary, let alone killed anyone.

The leg injury has not healed yet, and the left hand was dislocated before, so you can't use too much force now. In addition, you can't use skills and equipment here. If more than three people come, it will be troublesome.

The bear hunting competition restored reality to the greatest extent, and Lu Li didn't know if he could kill all his opponents.

I wish this group of people were just passing through!

Unfortunately, as if they wanted to confront him, the group of people laughed loudly, reined in their horses, and then entered the woods.

"Do you think they will kill you, or you can kill them all so that I don't have to do anything," Lu Li turned to ask the little loli who was peeping her head.

"Uncle, no, brother, you must protect me, wuwu..." No matter what expression he has, he is always so cute.

It’s the end of the month, and there are still people who haven’t voted yet. Please hurry up.

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