The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 866 Using little lolita as bait

"Shh, get into the grass over there," Lu Li really couldn't leave this little girl behind.

The people who came here spoke loudly, without any scruples, and they were all vaguely full of swear words and wild words. They were probably young non-mainstream people. Such people can do anything, and may even use crime as a stimulus.

"I have long wanted to taste the taste of roasted bear paws. When my father was young, he went into the mountains to hunt bears with a second-generation official..."

"I've had a really great time today. I don't know if there are any bears in reality now. If anyone knows where there are bears, why don't we organize something and I can find a gun..."

It turned out that I was going to have a barbecue here.

Lu Li really didn't know whether to laugh or cry about the purpose of this group of people. This was a bear hunting competition, what did this group of people think they were doing.

Lu Li had no choice but to start preparing for the battle. He came here to have a barbecue, naturally because there was no shortage of firewood in the woods. This group of people would definitely enter the woods. Judging from their current excited state, it would be difficult for them to live in peace.

The hunting knife was too bulky and had an advantage against black bears, but Lu Li still preferred to use a dagger.

Forget about the longbow, it might still work for bear hunting. If he wanted to kill people, if he failed to hit the target, he might never have the chance to pull it back, so he still held the crossbow.

It's a pity that I don't have many crossbow arrows with me, only twelve are left.

He had to take the initiative. Lu Li tried to move his legs and legs, bent down and slowly approached this group of non-mainstream people.

Sure enough, they were unconventional. From a distance, I could smell the strong smell of blood. When I got closer, I saw that these people had messy bloodstains on their faces. They looked really hot-blooded and powerful.

Lu Li held the dagger in his mouth and aimed the crossbow at the one closest to him.

He hesitated for a moment, but still did not pull the trigger. It was not because he was not sure of hitting this guy, but because he was worried that it would attract the attention of others.

There were a total of thirteen people in the team, with all kinds of weapons. Almost everyone carried more than one weapon. This group of young people killed many other players.

Lu Li slowly backed away and dived back into the woods.

He leaned against a tree, tilting his ears and waiting patiently. Not far away, there was a primary school student lying in the grass not far away, who almost thought he had fallen asleep.

Finally, he heard footsteps. The man who came was cursing and seemed a little dissatisfied with being assigned to collect firewood. He didn't even carry a large weapon.

Lu Li judged his location by the sound, and after he walked over, he slowly felt it out.

The stealth in the game cannot be used in the hunting ground, but Lu Li couldn't help but copy the stealth moves he had learned in the game here.

The player who lowered his head to collect firewood didn't realize that there was a person standing behind him.

When he stood up with a dead branch, he felt an extra hand covering his mouth tightly, and then a chill went down his neck, and he lost consciousness without even feeling the pain.

Lu Li slowly put the target down, dragged it aside, and then returned to its original position.

Not long after, another player entered the woods. He was sent over to see why the person who picked up the branches hadn't gone back yet. What greeted him was a dagger pierced into the back of the neck.

In this way, Lu Li killed four in total.

After all, this group of players are ordinary people, and there are thirteen of them. Even experts have to go around them, so they never thought that someone would ambush them in the woods.

"Let them go," the non-primary schoolboy whispered.

In fact, they can indeed escape quietly now, after all, this group of people did not rush directly into the woods.

"No, we don't have horses and can't run far. We have to deal with them." Lu Li put the body down and took out a dagger from the body.

"That's weird, you are obviously addicted to killing people," he said, not being a primary school student, he was a little scared.

Lu Li's method of killing was so clean and neat. Four people had died in his hands in just a few minutes, which made her doubt that Lu Li had killed people like this in reality.

"Run along the forest, hurry up," Lu Li's expression changed slightly and he pointed in one direction.

After four people died in this group, they finally realized something was wrong. Listening to the sound, they no longer came in one by one to die, but nine people came out in full force.

The primary school student was very obedient this time and ran all the way on his short legs.

"Over there, over there," this group of people discovered the running elementary school students and fired two shots at random. The scared little Loli ran faster, and they could only chase after them.

Lu Li did not stand up like the hero in the movie and buy time for his companions to escape.

That was really stupid. In fact, not only did he have no intention of sacrificing for his companions, he even used the cute little lolita as bait. He carefully hid himself behind a bush and waited until the group of people passed him. , and then picked up the crossbow in his hand.

The target moves very fast and is not easy to hit.

Lu Li aimed at the one running at the back and held his breath.


Passing through the neck, the player let out a slight hoarse sound. Unfortunately, his companions were in a state of excitement and did not even notice that he was lying on the ground.

Lu Li quickly followed up and killed another one in the same way.

Including the previous four, a total of six people were killed by him.

When he shot the seventh one, he missed his vital point. The seventh one turned his head and let out a deafening scream, finally attracting his teammates back.

The remaining seven people looked behind them and couldn't help but look at each other.

"Someone, someone attacked me," the seventh person cried in a cry.

Others' scalps were numb and they felt a thin layer of sweat break out on their bodies. They even forgot that this was just a game. Their companions were sent out by the system and did not really die.

However, the corpses behind were not refreshed, they told everything that had happened.

"What should we do? Are we still pursuing him?" someone asked.

"How can we chase now? There is just a little girl in front of us. That is a bait. The real poisonous snake is behind us." The one who looked tallest and bravest looked as ugly as if he had eaten shit: "Xiao Si, have you seen it? Who attacked it?"

"No, I was just running, and suddenly I was hit by an arrow in the knee. I didn't know where the person was." The wounded man was shivering, and the feeling of lingering in the ghost gate was not good.

"Look back. After killing this one, let's ride horses to chase the other one," the macho man said, still having some ideas.

Lu Li didn't run too far. He was lying in a bush. His face was covered with blood marks scratched by thorns, but he didn't seem to be in any pain at all.

This is just a game. Any injury will only bring pain and stimulation to the player. There is no need to worry about whether it will be disfigured.

Well, Lu Li didn't care much about his unrecognizable appearance among the crowd.

Naturally, it was impossible to crowd together while searching. The group of people slowly dispersed. Some people even shot arrows at the bushes. Lu Li was very calm and was passed by by a long arrow. He knew that his chance was over again. coming.

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