The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 870 Eye of Naxxramas (please vote for me)

Fras Siabi holds a long pipe, which is his famous weapon. The attack power is not high, but the attack frequency is very high, often a series of continuous attacks.

Lu Li dodged behind the BOSS and dealt with him unceremoniously.

His undead-enhancing equipment was of course useful to Fras Siabi. Most of the natives in the entire Stratholme town had become undead.

Vras Siabi is not very strong. The only thing that makes him more difficult to deal with is that he has the skills of a smoker. I saw him quickly putting the pipe into his mouth, taking a deep breath, and then protruding a huge smoke ring.

"Get away!" Lu Li had been waiting for a long time and started warning his companions the moment the smoke ring came out.

Some people reacted in time, while others had no time to react. Lu Li didn't force it. In fact, as long as some people were still awake at this stage, it would be fine.

People who come into contact with the smoke ring will fall into a long sleep, and they will continue to lose blood during the sleep process. If no one wakes them up, the smoke ring will be 100% destroyed.

As long as someone is still awake, the companion can be woken up.

After hiding from the smoke ring, Lu Li and his friends quickly beat Fras Siabi to a state of reduced health.

Under normal circumstances, when fighting a BOSS, what you should worry about after the remaining health is that the BOSS will become violent, but that is not the case with Vlas Siabi.

"I want to burn everything before their damn dirty hands touch my tobacco!" After these lines, he suddenly took out a torch, not targeting players like Lu Li, but those precious cigarettes. Grass.

Perhaps the reason why Fras Siabi's cigarettes are rare is because most of them are burned by the boss every time.

"Let's all explode!" Lu Li used all the special effects and ultimate moves he had accumulated at once, and everyone else also showed their talents. They didn't know how precious cigarettes were, but at least they knew that these were their mission items.

The flames burned the precious tobacco, and the scene was filled with a rich aroma, and Lu Li's heart was bleeding.

"You damn robbers, why did you break into my home?" This former tobacco-making master seemed to have not realized that he had become an undead. He was always confused by the attacks on him by Lu Li and others.

The boss fell, and Lu Li hurriedly grabbed a cigarette from the flames.

Twelve packs!

Lu Li's team was already very powerful. After the final explosion, they only managed to save twelve packs.

"It's best not to hand in this quest. This thing looks very high-end. It should be very useful when you meet NPCs who like tobacco in the future." Lu Li handed out the cigarettes, one pack to each person, and gave the extra two packs to Moonlight. The guy is a smoker.

"Then I'll touch the corpse," Can Meng couldn't wait to squat down next to the BOSS.

Fras Siabi's cigar cutter is a golden two-handed weapon with good attributes, especially the critical hit. It has a small appearance, but it is definitely cool. The small text at the bottom of the equipment attributes explains:

"This guy is really a chain smoker."

No one wanted it, so Moonlight played with it because he liked the description of the weapon.

The Smoker's Igniter, a badge accessory, can create a cloud of smoke, causing all targets within the smoke range to fall asleep for three seconds. It looks particularly powerful, but this thing has no other attributes other than this, and the time is a bit short. , so it was eventually collected by Lu Li.

Then there is nothing else. Although it is a nightmare difficulty, it is only a small BOSS after all.

After leaving the house, he ran into an Eye of Naxxramas.

It was also because he had walked this road just now, so the blue sea breeze was unprepared, and naturally he did not control this monster immediately.

In any case, Azure Sea Breeze made a small mistake now.

In fact, monsters like the Eye of Naxxramas are usually semi-invisible. When players enter its hatred range, they will shout a very classic line: "There is a living person here!"

If it is not controlled immediately, this guy will summon two gargoyles in a few seconds.

Gargoyles are pure magic monsters, which means tanks can barely hold aggro.

Once players engage in close combat with such gargoyles, they must be prepared to repel them. At this time, some teams will have a very embarrassing situation - they are already in a hurry, and if the player who was knocked away draws another group of monsters, , it would be more convenient to just stop and wait for the group to be destroyed.

Lu Li used Huadi Liqing and sesame-filled glutinous rice balls to hold down a gargoyle, while the others took out the Eye of Naxxramas first.

On the next road, the Eyes of Naxxramas began to increase in number, and equally difficult to deal with were the wailing banshees. This kind of ghost monster would howl, causing a group fear effect on surrounding players.

It's actually similar to the previous gargoyle. It can torture people to death wherever it lands after being knocked away.

Another kind of monster - the crypt crawler also plays the role of a rookie killer here. It throws nets almost infinitely, and its close attack power is extremely high. The mage cannot run away when facing this kind of monster. If you can't beat it, once the reaction is full, you will die.

Many people think that the difficulty of this dungeon in Stratholme is not the BOSS, but the various difficult mobs.

"Everyone, be careful. Master Feng, you have to pull back every time you pull a monster." After experiencing the crisis of almost annihilating the group twice, Lu Li raised his head and drank a bottle of high-level healing potion. He had to warn Azure Sea Breeze repeatedly. .

"Don't worry, I know it well," the blue sea breeze said, getting a little excited.

"Okay, as long as you know what's going on, I'll open the door and you can go in first," Lu Li sneered in his heart and unlocked the iron gate that divided the city in front of him.

In a big city like this, there are fences and gates separating each area.

But the iron fence is definitely not heavy, and he, a thief with extra points of agility, can pull it up properly. As for why the blue sea breeze has to come to open the door...

Azure Sea Breeze put away his weapon and shield, grabbed the iron fence and pushed it up. The iron fence rose obediently. He seemed to be very satisfied with his strength, and walked in with a smile.

The moment he stepped inside.

The iron fence behind fell down with a loud bang.

There was a fence in front of him, and the one behind him, which he lifted up and then dropped, just kept him in the middle.

"What is this going to do..." Azure Sea Breeze looked frightened. Before he could figure out the situation, countless rats suddenly appeared in the closed area.

Lu Li, sir!

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