The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 871 Baroness Anastari

So vicious!

Looking at the blue sea breeze that was drowned by rats, the others broke into a cold sweat.

Thinking about the whole story again, even the innocent Can Meng knew that Azure Sea Breeze had been tricked, and the person who tricked him was Lu Li, who looked innocent at this time.

The girls backed away continuously. They didn't like creatures like mice. Some of the men also turned blue. They secretly warned themselves that they must not offend Lu Li in the future.

This guy must know that there is danger inside this door, he is so sinister.

"Sir, what are you looking at? Come and save me!" At first, he was just too frightened. The blue sea breeze didn't take these rats with weak attack power to heart, but he soon realized that something was wrong.

It's true that the attack power is not high, but there are many of these rats, and the frequency of attacks is too fast.

Even if he activated damage reduction with quick hands and eyes, he couldn't stop the blood tank from rapidly declining. It was about to fall below the warning line. Other players probably wouldn't be able to withstand it for a few seconds.

"Huahua, let's have a blizzard," Lu Li punished him. Naturally, he didn't want this guy to be killed. He went up and pulled the door up, signaling Huadi Liqing to use her group attack skills.

Huadi Liqing nodded coolly and released a blizzard at the location of the blue sea breeze.

Large areas of damage flew up like crazy, and the dense formation of the rats provided unique conveniences for group attack skills. The rats squeaked and gave up the blue sea breeze, and rushed towards Huadi Liqing instead.

Unfortunately, a single step from the blue sea breeze knocked them all out.

Ten seconds later, all the plague rats were turned into corpses, and poor Azure Sea Breeze was covered in bruises. He looked at Lu Li with a resentful look on his face, as if he still couldn't believe that he had been framed to feed the rats.

"Ahem, I didn't expect it to be dangerous. Fortunately, Mr. Feng, you're fine," Lu Li turned away unnaturally, talking nonsense.

"You..." Azure Sea Breeze was speechless.

"No one knows what dangers lie ahead. Master Feng, you'd better pull more steadily to avoid killing yourself," Lu Li said seriously.

"I'm going to die because of you," Piao Ling rolled his eyes: "Do you want to fight me or not? If you want to fight me, hurry up."

Azure Sea Breeze continued to pull monsters hard, but this time he finally became honest and did not dare to pull another monster again. Although the advancement speed has decreased, the safety has been greatly improved.

Disaster stones will often appear in the dungeon, and you can go to the Light's Hope Chapel to exchange for reputation.

Today, when reputation is increasingly valued by everyone, this thing has become particularly precious. Unfortunately, there is no way to trade it, otherwise the poor will have another way to make money.

After returning from rebirth, Lu Li naturally no longer had to worry about that little money.

All of his natural disaster stones will be used to exchange for reputation. In the future, strengthening skills will definitely cost a lot in this regard.

"Master Feng, go crush the two boxes over there," Lu Li patted Azure Sea Breeze's shoulder and pointed at the two broken wooden boxes in the corner of the roadside.

"Oh... no, are you trying to mess with me again?" Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of well ropes for ten years. The blue sea breeze looked at an unscrupulous commander with suspicion. Now he has come to his senses. Well, didn't you just listen to his instructions and push yourself into a rat's nest?

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have never punished you before," Lu Li said with a righteous look on his face. He would not admit such a thing even to death.

"Then you step on me and see." Azure Sea Breeze is not that easy to deceive.

"Hey, people nowadays have such dirty minds," Lu Li lamented with a look of confusion. He walked over and smashed two boxes under his feet.

A bottle of magic potion was found in one, and a bottle of Stratholme holy water was found in the other. Lu Li shook the trophies in his hand and gave Azure Sea Breeze a look of contempt. In fact, he was relieved in his heart. Such boxes are often He didn't come across the cockroach nest twice when he opened it. Could it be that Legend's character was too good?

Azure Sea Breeze felt guilty instantly.

He took the medicine bottle from Lu Li and drank it without looking at the properties.

Fortunately, Lu Li didn't trick him this time. He gave him Stratholme holy water and the magic potion to Huadi Liqing.

Stratholme holy water increases the damage caused to the undead and increases the hatred against undead units. It also has the effect of repelling insects when applied externally. However, Lu Li did not tell Azure Sea Breeze that if the insects avoided him, others would suffer.

I hacked all the way and soon saw the first mailbox.

People who come to this dungeon for the first time may not pay attention to these mailboxes at all, and the undead have no use for such things in civilized society.

Perhaps just out of superficial curiosity, some people inadvertently try to open the mailbox. In that case, congratulations, you may be killed by a swarm of messengers.

Especially when the team is fighting, if someone accidentally opens the mailbox, the sudden appearance of monsters may destroy the team.

After killing a wave of mobs, Lu Li went up and opened his mailbox.

Of course it couldn't be opened without a specific key, but the sudden appearance of several messengers gave everyone no chance to figure out how to open the mailbox. The blue sea breeze roared, taunting all the monsters in the mailbox, and the others went up to fight them without saying a word.

"Can Meng, touch the body," Lu Li motioned to the little hunter.

There are a total of six mailboxes in Stratholme. If you collect three keys, you can summon the dragon. Oh no, it is summoning Malone, a hidden BOSS that can give out good things.

Living up to Lu Li's expectations, Xiao Hong reached up and took out the key.

Lu Li took the key and opened the mailbox. Inside there was a piece of advertising paper that had been yellowed for an unknown amount of time. The rest was just some pieces of cloth, but he didn't see anything good.

Just as he took out the items, Lu Li saw a few monsters in front of him. This time, it wasn't the messenger, but the postman.

This ghostly old prosperous town is not only full of ghosts, but the way the monsters appear is also very impressive. Many people are frightened when they download this dungeon, because you don't know when you will encounter a monster.

After getting rid of this wave of monsters, we soon came to the first BOSS - Baroness Anastari.

The former mistress of Stratholme territory had her soul stripped out of her body and turned into a banshee.

When she was alive, she would do whatever it took to possess what she wanted. Death did not change her gender, but she no longer pursued expensive accessories, but instead poured her passion into more evil things.

She was a noble mage during her lifetime. After her death, she naturally led a group of necromancers to conduct experimental research.

The order of the undead area in Stratholme is a bit confusing. There is no strict first and second order for bosses. However, no matter what the order is, the three towers must be killed first before you can see the top administrator of this area.

Baroness Anastari is one of the three towers.

Lu Li chose her as his first kill target because she was relatively simple and could be used as a warm-up for the official start of the dungeon.

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