"I can't hold it any longer. Why is ten seconds so long?" Azure Sea Breeze looked miserable as his health was at a critical point and he couldn't activate his skills.

Lu Li actually didn't dare to go up. Baroness Anastari would definitely kill him instantly, but he couldn't let the blue sea breeze fall. Once the MT fell, the team would be finished.

So he could only bite the bullet and go up to deal with the Banshee with crazy output.

In terms of ordinary attacks alone, Lu Li's output when he let go was definitely not comparable to Azure Sea Wind. The BOSS's hatred quickly shifted, but his first attack did not cause any damage to Lu Li.

The special effect of Lu Li's ring made him immune once.

Then for the second blow, Lu Li activated damage reduction and tried to resist. At this time, a translucent shield covered his body, making the BOSS's blow narrowly unable to kill him instantly.

Mantra Shield is Sanyue Yu's signature skill. She does not hesitate to spend skill points to maximize this skill to deal with such emergencies.

Recovering from the silence, the blue sea breeze easily taunted the BOSS.

Azure Sea Breeze has enough capital in this regard. Although the defense profession cannot cause a lot of damage to the BOSS, they have a variety of taunting skills. Whenever they use such skills, the BOSS will be led away obediently. .

"Thank you," Lu Li said, sincerely apologizing.

"Before you trick me again next time, please remember that I saved your life," Azure Sea Breeze was still worried about those rats.

"Hurry up and defeat the monsters, everyone, be careful of the BOSS's group control," Lu Li output while paying close attention to the BOSS's every move. Don't think that Baroness Anastari is just that good.

"How much more torture will I have to endure? Feel my pain!"

After several rounds of group control and silence, she started to play a new trick - occupying.

Occupy: Instant, control a hostile humanoid creature whose level is no higher than level 10. It lasts for 2 minutes, increasing its maximum health by 200% and the damage caused by 200%.

Banshee, the BOSS, rarely has a big move that can wipe out an enemy with one wave, but many of her skills are extremely disgusting.

Take this occupation for example. During this process, the player will be controlled by her, the blood volume will increase sharply, and the damage will become very powerful. If you are not careful, you will be easily attacked by a sneak attack.

Lu Li had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He turned around and kicked Huadi Liqing in the lower abdomen.

Others were confused as to what was going on.

Why did Lu Li suddenly hit his own people?

Then they saw Huadi Liqing start to fight back. There was a faint red light around him, and it was obvious that he had become a hostile unit inexplicably.

"Haha, hit him, hit him," Can Meng chose Huadi Liqing as the target. The crossbow arrows seemed to be flying towards him for free. Why did Lu Li have an illusion? He felt that fighting monsters was too boring. It was not easy to meet his teammates. Being controlled makes these guys excited.

"Mengmeng, please stop, I can do it myself," Lu Li quickly stopped her.

Huadi Liqing's health volume increased by 200%, but after all, he was still just a player, and a mage player at that. His health volume could not withstand the torment of Lu Li and Can Meng.

Lu Li didn't stop her at first because the controlled player had to fight.

Otherwise, he would have to wait for two minutes for the skill to expire before he could be freed. During this period, his doubled damage would be a big problem. Lu Li didn't have the ability to control him for two minutes.

Apart from this approach, the only option is to fight.

Reduce his health to residual health, and the banshee's soul will be stripped from him.

During the process of studying the strategy, many things happened that made people laugh or cry. Some players failed to stop their hands when attacking the controlled unit, and accidentally killed their teammates.

This was what Lu Li was worried about.

When Huadi Liqing woke up, he had only a trace of blood left, which was the kind of situation where anyone could touch him to death.

In addition to the three skills of group control, group silence, and occupation, the banshee is very difficult to deal with. She also adds status to the players.

Of course, don't expect her to be kind and add any good status to the player. This status effect reduces the player's hit rate by 30% and lasts for 12 seconds. It is possible for the player to be hit whether in long-range or melee combat.

Probability is difficult to estimate. After the hit rate is reduced by 30%, two consecutive misses often occur.

Therefore, in the final analysis, this BOSS still needs to be grinded slowly. The only good news is that the Banshee will not add blood to herself, otherwise it will be more difficult to grind.

It took more than half an hour of fighting to bring Baroness Annastali's health down to close to residual health.

"Okay, everyone, stop and fight slowly. Don't let her lose any health," Lu Li called to his teammates. This was another place where the team could easily be wiped out. After the fight had reached this point, Lu Li really didn't want to start over.

As we all know, Dawn's BOSS usually goes berserk when its health is low.

This stage is the most difficult to pass, and what’s even more difficult about Baroness Anastari is that she knows a ten-second group silence spell, which will start to silence her once she becomes violent.

It's so sour and refreshing that I can't even imagine it.

Lu Li was waiting for her to be silent first. After surviving the next silence, she should have no chance to remain silent.

"This is my territory. If you dare to question my decision, shut your mouths and be silent." As expected, as Lu Li expected, Baroness Annastali started to do her same trick again after a short delay. .

"Actually, I think this skill of hers means..." Azure Sea Breeze cleared her throat and imitated the tone of the Baroness and shouted: "This is my territory. Don't talk while I'm pretending to compete!"

His provocation resulted in a violent beating from the Baroness. Fortunately, he was fully equipped for this moment, otherwise Lu Li would have to save him again.

After surviving these ten seconds, Lu Li declared an explosion.

Luo Ying recalled that Bloodthirsty was on, Can Meng had a gun aura, and Hachi-chan also had a halo-like skill that increased attack speed and magic attack power. As for Lu Li, he had always turned on the punishment aura of the Heart of the Paladin.

Heart of the Paladin (dark gold): All attributes +20, special effect 1: pray, use, sacrifice your own health. Add a certain amount of health and magic points to team members, with a cooldown time of 2 hours. Special effect 2: Comes with four types of knight auras: The riding speed of all squads and team members within a 40-yard radius of the Crusader aura increases by 20%; the piety aura increases the defense of all squads and team members within a hundred yards by an additional 10% Strength; Punishment Aura causes any monsters that attack teammates to suffer holy damage; Concentration Aura allows surrounding teammates to concentrate and reduce the casting time increased by attacks; only one type of aura can be turned on at the same time, and the effects of similar halos cannot be superimposed. No equipment required, no durability.

The result of the group outbreak was that Baroness Anastali had just started to go berserk, and was killed directly before she had time to amplify her moves.

Thank you for the 10,000 rewards for breaking up romance, and thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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