The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 874 Shield Control

The Baroness seems simple, and there was not even a loss of personnel during the entire battle, but only after you actually experience it will you know how difficult it is. It can be said that there are traps everywhere.

From terrain to mobs to BOSS, Stratholme fully reflects the deceptive nature of the designers.

If you don't clean up the surroundings at the beginning, the team will be destroyed due to attracting monsters. If the MT that resists monsters cannot sustain the ten seconds of silence, it will be destroyed. A big pit of destruction; if you remain silent when you are violent, the whole group will be 100% destroyed...

No matter what, the Sword of Judgment took the first step perfectly, and Lu Li estimated that their killing of the Baroness should be their first kill.

Therefore, you can still look forward to the equipment dropped by the first kill.

It's a pity that no one has obtained skill points. This thing is becoming more and more difficult to obtain. After completing this dungeon, Lu Li still has to complete a few more tasks, which may reward skill points.

The Screaming Bow, a dark gold equipment, comes with a fearful long-range special effect, which is considered a relatively powerful weapon.

Little Red Hand is really not polite at all. The first item is the hunter equipment.

It's a pity that Can Meng is used to using crossbows. This bow is completely wasted whether it is given to Azure Sea Breeze or Lu Li. Lu Li plans to put it in the guild warehouse and let the hunter players bid for it with points.

Anastali's family heirloom, gold equipment, although not dark gold, is definitely worth more than dark gold because it is a necklace.

Necklaces, rings, and badges are all rare equipment that are difficult to find.

This piece of equipment increases shadow damage, and also comes with a special effect that sacrifices blood for burst damage. In the end, it was given to glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings. March Rain only needs healing equipment and will not participate in the distribution at all.

Lu Li has been able to confirm that none of the previous teams have defeated the Baroness, because under normal circumstances, it is not surprising for the wild BOSS to produce legendary items, but for the dungeon BOSS, even on nightmare difficulty, it is impossible to release two such top-quality things.

The difficulty of the two BOSSs is not on the same extreme line at all.

"These people are really frustrated. They still haven't passed the elite difficulty level yet," Piao Ling said in a lonely and experienced tone as a master. Like Lu Li, he realized that they had just gotten Stratholme's first kill.

"Okay, don't even look at what level of equipment we have," Lu Li motioned for Can Meng to continue.

The quality of their team is absolutely top-notch, and their equipment is obtained through the first kill on Nightmare difficulty. They also have various rare skills, such as the various damage reductions of the blue sea breeze, the bloodthirsty of Luo Ying's memories, and the strong attack aura of Can Meng. , Sanyueyu’s various crazy blood increases, Xiaobajiang’s strengthened tranquility, etc.

Comparing yourself to those who are currently at most forty-five, and some are even less than forty-five, only a narcissist like Piao Ling can do this.

Banshee Curse (consumable): Used to reduce the enemy's hit chance by 30% for 12 seconds. It is ineffective against targets ten levels above you. The remaining times are 5/5.

What is this, is it exposing the Baroness's skills?

Frankly speaking, Lu Li wanted to scold his mother.

Why can't it be the banshee wail or the banshee silence? Why should it be the most useless banshee curse?

The first two have one group control and one group silence, but the one that comes out simply reduces people's hit points. Although it is not worthless, it is far worse than the first two.

No one wanted this thing, so Lu Li kept it and put it in his backpack.

The backpack is becoming more and more insufficient. Although he now carries four 18-slot backpacks, plus the 10 slots he brought with him when he was born, he already has a total of 82 slots.

After defeating the Baroness, continue to the next BOSS.

On the way, you can complete another mission shared by Hachi-chan - the soul that never rests.

It is said that when Stratholme fell, many people died tragically, many of whom committed suicide. They would rather die in the sea of ​​fire than become a member of the undead.

They did not become part of the natural disaster, but the result was not much better.

Now they are ghosts that will never rest, wandering the streets of Stratholme.

This is not bad enough, they still have to be tortured by those twisted Scarlet Crusaders.

The anger against the undead has always been the source of strength of the Scarlet Crusaders. They only know how to destroy all the undead crazily, but they have never thought of having even a little bit of sympathy for them.

Hachi-chan met a man named Egon...

Please don't ask how we met. Others may have been struggling for several days to form a friendship, but this girl made the NPC confide in her in just a few words.

Egan, who has done extensive research on ghosts and apparitions over the years, has invented a blaster that can put such spirits to rest.

So Hachi-chan took on a mission this time to let his soul rest in peace.

The mission was not very difficult, but the important point was that these souls could not be attacked, so Lu Li asked everyone to turn off their group attack skills in advance to avoid accidentally injuring these poor ghosts who seemed to be sneaking around.

Of course, don’t underestimate these ghosts.

When they are angry, their attack power is no worse than that of elite ghouls. At the same time, they will release a terrible curse on players. As long as those who carry this curse will be attacked by ghosts from time to time.

"Such a peaceful feeling," said a ghost who was hit by the impactor with a dazzled expression on his face.

Under the gaze of Lu Li and others, the rich dark aura on his body gradually faded, then became almost transparent, and then turned into pieces of pure white holy light, dissipating in the dirty air of Stratholme.

While clearing the mobs and doing tasks, he soon came to the second child.

Nerubunkan is a formidable warrior in the Spider Wars. In the end, she succumbed to her injuries and transformed into an undead, becoming an obedient minion of the Scourge.

Now, the Nerubian is fiercely guarding a ziggurat in Stratholme, as if defending his own home with his life.

In real terms, it is a little easier to kill than the Baroness, provided the player's level and equipment can keep up.

Once the level of equipment cannot keep up, I'm sorry, it will trap you first, and then spawn a bunch of little spiders to eat your strategy, which will torture you and your teammates to death.

Now, Lu Li is not sure whether his current team can go head-to-head with this BOSS.

As usual, first clean up all the monsters around you, and finally deal with the BOSS.

"It is said that this guy can drop a shield, which is very good," Lu Li said calmly as he looked at this huge boss that made MT a little scared.

"Fuck, you actually dropped your shield. Brothers, follow me!" A certain middle school boy has a hobby of collecting shields. As soon as he heard that the BOSS had a good shield, he immediately stopped thinking that the BOSS looked ugly and looked cute no matter how cute he looked.

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