The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 875 Nerubunkan

Nailubunkan looks really scary. His huge forelimbs emit a cold iron light. In a horror movie, it might penetrate the body of some unlucky guy from top to bottom.

"The sleeper has awakened, are you ready to bear my wrath, humble mortals!"

The blue sea breeze that rushed up was blocked by it with its claws, and then it aimed at the blue sea breeze's face and sprayed a mouthful of venom.

Fortunately, Azure Sea Breeze's helmet was the kind of plate armor that covered the entire face, otherwise such a spray would not have made him sick to death. Even so, Azure Sea Breeze was in a hurry.

Nerubunkan's race is not a simple spider, but a crypt demon, and the crypt demon is a mutated creature with dual genes of humans and spiders.

These cruel demons were once warriors of Azul-Nerub, the ancient spider kingdom that ruled the northern continent, but Ner'zhul destroyed this kingdom and ruled the northern continent.

Now the crypt demons command their spiderlings to fight for Ner'zhul.

These creatures can summon spiders and use webs to deal with their enemies, and in large melees, Crypt Fiends are often used alongside melee units to deal with threats from the air.

It is said that its strong webs can even pull griffins to the ground.

However, to Lu Li and others, its anti-air superiority was meaningless, and it was just a show for the blind.

However, Nailubunkan, as the BOSS that gave players a headache in the early stage, did have strength that should not be underestimated in the early stage. Many old players changed their minds after hearing about it for a certain period of time.

"How beautiful the web I weaved!" Before long, BOSS began spinning silk to form a web, and then threw the web away.

The whole process was so smooth that it was impossible to imagine such a fast web-building speed. It was more than a hundred times stronger than ordinary spider monsters. In the eyes of ordinary players, this kind of web-dropping was almost instantaneous.

Web of Covering: Nerubunkan wraps a player in a spider web, making him unable to move and extending his attack interval by 100% for 15 seconds.

Obviously, this network is not only as simple as controlling the player, but also reduces the frequency of the player's attacks.

"Recall to reduce damage!" The first person to be controlled was Luo Ying's Memories.

Following Lu Li's shouting, Nailubunkan threw out the spider web and stacked two skills in succession.

Pierce Armor: Nerubunkan pierces the current target, reducing its armor value by 50% for 10 seconds.

Crypt Beetles: Nerubunkan releases a number of scarabs at the current target, dealing physical damage.

The attack power of scarabs is average, but they move super fast and have an astonishing number. Ordinary players can easily be killed instantly.

What's more, these three skills were released almost at the same time, and the time interval in between was negligible. Luo Ying recalled watching helplessly as she was caught in a net, her armor was broken, and then a group of scarabs surrounded her.

Fortunately, Lu Li's shout was very timely, and Luo Ying recalled that she almost subconsciously used the damage reduction function.

As Sanyue Yu's operational awareness became better and better, he immediately focused his treatment on Luo Ying's memory, and Luo Ying's memory, which was supposed to die, saved his life.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that the shaman wears mail armor. If he were wearing glutinous rice balls with sesame filling, he would probably be kneeling now.

Too many players died due to Nailubunkan's three-hit combo. Major game forums and communities were full of doubts. Players questioned the game company why the BOSS could use skills continuously. This is unscientific and unscientific. Reasonable, not logical.

The official did not give any reply and maintained its usual cold attitude.

However, some players retorted that Shuguang has never limited the BOSS's attack mode from the beginning to the end. The simple way of calculating BOSS skills based on time and blood volume will sooner or later be eliminated.

After rescuing Luo Ying and recalling her, another trouble arose.

Within ten seconds after three consecutive attacks, Nerubunkan's hatred is chaotic, so it can chase players all over the field.

The base of the flower was the furthest away from the love station, but it became the first target. The poor "Zhanzhuanglu" mage was killed in seconds before he could open his shield. This was the first time the Stratholme dungeon was attrition.

Some people may say that Huadi Liqing is too naive. His equipment would probably perform better than any other mage wearing it.

In fact, playing games is like this, luck is also strength. He met Lu Li prematurely and became a regular member of Lu Li's group. This is also an opportunity, and he himself is also an extremely hard-working person. He is currently second in the level list, and Lu Li Still at level 47, the other mages in the guild were convinced.

And his performance in PVE is indeed remarkable. This situation of being raided by the BOSS can be regarded as the consequences of his carelessness.

After all, no one expected that MT would suddenly be unable to hold down the BOSS. They were not Lu Li with the aura of rebirth and could predict everything. If other guild mages encountered this situation, they would not have any suspense.

After killing Huadi Liqing, Nailubunkan never had a chance again.

Lu Li used Zhan Fu to pull Huadi Liqing up, and a group of people continued to fight against the BOSS. They had to kill it quickly. The most feared thing about fighting this BOSS was delay, because attrition would happen from time to time.

At the beginning, both Lu Li and Xiao Bajiang had Zhan Fu and could resurrect their companions during the battle, but they had to wait until they had used up all the Zhan Fu.

The average level of the Xinxin mercenary group is as high as forty-six, which is less than three levels different from the BOSS. In addition, they are all violent, which is equivalent to the level fifty of other elite guild groups, so there is pressure to fight Nailubunkan. But there is no risk.

After many twists and turns, and at the cost of dying once each for Huadi Liqing, Can Meng, Yue Guang, Tang Yuan with Sesame Filling, and Luo Ying's Memories, they finally pushed to this BOSS.

We must be thankful that Nailubunkan did not go berserk at the last moment, otherwise, he might not have been able to hold on until the BOSS lay down.

No matter whether he got something good this time or not, when the system prompted Lu Li to get a skill point, he felt that it was worth it to get nothing at all.

Not only him, but Luoying Memories also got a skill point.

Therefore, luck is something that is difficult to explain clearly. The previous Baroness did not contribute a single skill point, but Nailubunkan contributed two points at once.

Of course, Lu Li would not be optimistic enough to think that the next boss would give away skill points. He just hoped that he would not fail every time.

Canmeng couldn't wait to touch the equipment. Although the items from the last BOSS were good, no one used the bow, and the necklace was only gold, so she vowed to find something better this time.

It's best to have something that everyone can grab, so that someone can give her a small amount of money as an encouragement.

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