The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 876 The leader has black equipment

"Shield, the shield comes out, it's such a top-notch shield," Can Meng grabbed a shield and said excitedly.

Lu Li had mentioned this shield at the beginning of the battle, and now it was lucky enough to burst out, and it was also dark metal. I didn't believe that Azure Sea Breeze, who liked shields, wasn't tempted.

The blue sea breeze was really excited. After taking the shield, he admired the shield's windy shape and checked its attributes.

Blood shield, a veritable blood shield!

Nerubunkan's Shell (unique gold): Armor 125, Constitution +45, Shield Block +15%, Slot 1, Special Effect 1: Natural Resistance and Fire Resistance +10%, Special Effect 2: In Combat After being hit, there is a 10% chance of reflecting 10% of the damage. Special effect 3: After being hit in combat, there is a 30% chance of stealing 350 health points from the target. Equipment requirement level 45, durability 220/220 .

The shield held by Azure Sea Breeze has no defense, no physical strength, and no double resistance as high as this one.

Natural resistance and fire resistance are the best resistances besides dark resistance. For many BOSS, only MTs whose resistance in corresponding aspects reaches a critical point are eligible to attack.

The rebound damage adds up, allowing MT to have a certain output.

As for the last special effect, benevolent people have different opinions, but even without this special effect, this shield is worthy of the title of level 45 dark gold equipment.

From the appearance, this shield is also very attractive, especially the ghostly skull in the middle position on the outside. The middle school boy decided to fall in love with this style at the first sight.

"Brother is very poor recently. Let me give you 20 gold and use it to feed the rabbits." Azure Sea Breeze was in a good mood and gave 20 gold to Little Red Hand.

In fact, twenty gold is already a lot. Many players may not be able to earn twenty gold even though they work hard for a whole day. In other words, their group is exposed to high-end equipment and props, and the guild pays salaries all the time.

Can Meng was not too little and continued to attack OSS happily.

The second piece is the golden equipment Insect Shell Plate Leggings. This is a nightmare difficulty after all, and it is the first kill. The combination of one dark gold and one gold is perfectly normal.

Unfortunately, this piece of golden equipment belonged to a milk rider, and they didn't have a milk rider here. Lu Li had no choice but to put the equipment away temporarily, and went back to ask the guild's highest-level milk rider, Ye Xi, if he was interested.

Ye Zi is doing well in the Sword of Judgment Guild. After all, she is a beautiful woman, and no one knows that Xiao Mo likes her.

Lu Li had no idea about Beauty Ye, but he had no scruples because Xiao Mo liked her. Since Ye had chosen the Sword of Judgment and had never done anything to disgrace the Sword of Judgment, the Sword of Judgment would be her backing.

The third item is a strengthening stone.

Everyone rolled together, and in the end Piao Ling rolled away with a high score of ninety-three points. Xiaobajiang passed by with ninety-two points and a resentful look on his face. As for Lu Li, his roll points rarely reached ninety points, so he played at the beginning. There is no hope.

There was a fourth item, but it was not the rare material Lu Li expected, but the spider monster's eye.

Eye of the Spider Monster (consumable): Used to summon the Eye of Kilrogg and observe the world through it. The Eye of Kilrogg is in a stealth state and moves quickly, but is very fragile. The duration is 2 minutes, the cooling time is 5 minutes, and the remaining number of uses is 5/5.

The Eye of Kilrogg is a skill of the Warlock that needs to be obtained through a professional quest.

If other professions want to play cosplay, this prop is the best choice.

Kilrogg Deadeye was a member of the Blood Hollow clan. When his people were about to be exterminated by the arakkoa, Kilrogg was unwilling to bow his head and admit defeat. He found the hidden chamber that bore his clan's name and performed a horrific ritual.

During the ritual, Kilrogg foresaw that his death was far away, so he knew he would survive it.

Inspired by fate, he seized control of the clan and led the Blood Hollow clan in crushing the arakkoa threat, going on to victory in countless battles.

This terrifying ritual is to dig out one's left eye and transform it into a magical prop through a certain method. For Kilrogg, this prop can predict the dangers and blessings in the future, and it is indeed a magical tool.

Of course, a warlock does not need to dig out his own eyeballs to obtain the Eye of Kilrogg skill. It is too bloody, but the task is not easy.

Players from other professions have no possibility of triggering this mission, so everyone can only enjoy it with the Eye of the Spider Monster. The only flaw of this prop is that it has a limit on the number of times it can be used. It will be useless after five uses.

Because of the Reins of the Death Horse, this dungeon is a must for everyone to brush every week. It doesn’t take much effort to stop by and brush your eyes.

"I may have some use for this thing in the future. I'll keep it, and you can split it up next time." Lu Li explained the function of the spider monster's eyes to his teammates, and then made a request.

"The leader has black equipment, the leader has black equipment," the male duck shouted, and the second disease of Azure Sea Breeze struck again.

The leader of a certain group put the Spider Eye into his backpack without changing his expression. When he goes on adventures in the future, if there is a place that is inaccessible or very dangerous, he can control the Spider Eye to go in and explore.

"Stop howling. The world is as dark as crows. Have you ever seen a captain with no black equipment?" Piao Ling kicked Azure Sea Breeze and told him to work quickly.

After killing the second BOSS, Lu Li did not go straight to the third ziggurat, but took a slight detour. After clearing several waves of monsters, they saw a rare elite monster - Stone Ridge.

The evil gargoyle is a natural killer and has always followed the Scourge into battle. They have a hard skin to protect them from enemy attacks and can land on the ground disguised as a stone. Although they cannot attack while in disguise, they can Quickly restore health.

This is a monster that is used to being forgotten. The things it produces are not very good, and there are a lot of monsters that need to be cleaned up.

But Lu Li knew that it might produce a gargoyle cloak, which would have a higher drop rate on the first kill, and because it was not a BOSS, hunters could catch it as a baby. The bleeding damage caused by its vicious tearing was particularly useful when fighting the BOSS. .

There is no conflict between these two purposes. The hunter can only catch the baby three times. If he fails, he can no longer catch the baby.

"I...can't I refuse," Can Meng looked at the ferocious giant gargoyle in front of him and couldn't help but swallow.

"Why, don't you like collecting pets very much?" Lu Li felt that his good intentions had been treated unfairly, and he even felt a little aggrieved.

"Haha, Mengmeng has been most afraid of bats since she was a child," Xiaobajiang revealed unceremoniously: "And all she likes are beautiful pets."

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