The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 882 Postman Malone

The third item is a piece of silver equipment. Although the attributes are good, no one here is pursuing level 50 silver equipment anymore. It is also destined to be thrown into the warehouse with a random price and given to guild members as a benefit.

The fourth item is a rare material - Necromantic Essence, which is relatively common, but has always been very expensive due to its wide range of uses.

Beyond that there is nothing.

Huadi Liqing got the good stuff and gave Can Meng a little bonus, which made Can Meng's eyes sparkle. She seemed to have the strength to continue fighting the BOSS instantly. Unfortunately, everyone was very tired and could only take a rest first.

After resting, Lu Li gave up the plan of entering the gate.

The two bosses in the undead area at the back are both level 50, and their strength is even higher than that of Mayor Barsselas.

In their current state, it is impossible to defeat a BOSS more powerful than Mayor Barcellas, even if they perform normally.

"No fight? It's still early," everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were a little disappointed. They were all thinking about getting the reward for the first kill. What if they didn't get the first kill and were snatched away by others.

"It's not that we don't fight, we just don't fight inside. There is a fork in the road over there. How can we clear out the mini-boss over there and complete all the tasks at the same time," Lu Li said.

To the left of the gate is the path Lu Li came from. Four bosses have been killed along the way, and there is another path to the right of the gate.

Lu Li was talking about the road on the right. It doesn't matter if the people who conquer the dungeon don't come to clean up these small bosses, but if you want to complete the tasks in the dungeon, you have to run them all.

Originally, they planned to get the first kill in one go and then do the mission later, but now it seems that Lu Li has underestimated the strength of the dungeon boss. It is unlikely that they will get the first kill today.

But Lu Li believed that other guilds were slower.

There are many types of monsters in this area, such as banshees, gargoyles, spiders, shadows, necromancers, acolytes, and abominations. Fortunately, unlike the undead that were scattered along the previous route, most of the monsters here are very close to each other but separated by hatred. .

MT can kill them bit by bit.

After experiencing some torture from Mayor Barceras, Azure Sea Breeze had long lost the enthusiasm he had when he first entered the dungeon. He would rather spend a little more time than clear monsters at such a slow pace.

March Rain can control mobs, and she will take action whenever a situation arises.

Here, Hachi-chan has become the main force of treatment. Even though Sanyuyu usually carries the banner, now Hachi-chan is actually not under any pressure to treat the entire team, especially when cleaning up the mobs.

"Young Master Feng, go and open the mailbox and bring the messenger here," Lu Li let the blue sea breeze come up.

Azure Seawind curled his lips and went up to open the mailbox. Several couriers beat him up, but they couldn't do anything to him. It turned out that this guy had already used damage reduction.

"Relax, reduce damage and don't attack randomly," Lu Li snorted.

There is still nothing else to gain from the second mailbox, just a single page of advertising. This thing has no effect except for handing in tasks. However, the experience of the monster itself is not bad. The level of the mobs in this copy is indeed rich. As long as it is cleaned up quickly enough, it is not as good as Leveling up monsters outside is slow.

After the third mailbox, Lu Li began to cheer up.

Because a little BOSS - Ma Long, is here.

In fact, the name Malone has quite an origin. It is considered an Easter egg in the game and comes from the sports world.

Among sports that were once glorious, basketball played an extremely important role, and the stars naturally attracted much attention.

Although the players on the Sports Illustrated Bad List have their own evil deeds, they are compared with Stockton, Miller, Bowen, Oakley, Laimbeer and Malone, six of the most famous bad guys in NBA history. , it can be said that a small witch makes a big witch appear.

And the combination of these six villains can just put together a lineup of villains.

Stockton's greatness lies in his small moves. In fact, he is full of weapons, elbows, knees, ankles, every part of the body can be used by Stockton against his opponents.

Reggie Miller, on the other hand, conquers the world with one mouth. He talks a lot of trash, which is a bit like Tang Monk chanting in Westward Journey.

The dirty thing about Bowen is that his dirty tricks are directed at opposing players, which may harm the player's body and affect his career.

Oakley is famous for his tough style of play and is a famous villain in the NBA. He especially likes to fight. Oakley was selected for the dirtiest lineup not only because he is ruthless enough, but also because he is cunning enough and dark enough.

When Laimbeer stood under the basket, the defenders did not dare to break through, because no one would risk their entire career to break through.

Jazz veteran Karl Malone is the one who is ridiculed by the game. No matter which part of the opponent collides with Malone's elbow, the injured party will never be Malone.

What will happen when a car hits a parked 18-wheel container truck at full speed? Unfortunately, Malone is an 18-wheel container truck.

On April 7, 1998, his knee broke a rib of Golden State Warriors player Donyel Marshall, causing Marshall to miss the remainder of the season.

On November 22, 1998, during the NBA regular season between the Jazz and the Spurs, Malone hit David Robinson with an elbow. The "Admiral" fainted immediately and was immediately sent to the hospital. Malone was given a serious warning by the NBA.

In the 1998-99 playoffs, when the Jazz faced the Rockets, Malone knocked down Charles Barkley with his iron elbow. The doctor diagnosed Barkley with a "muscle tear."

On December 8, 2003, during the NBA regular season between the Lakers and the Mavericks, Malone elbowed Nash of the Mavericks until blood spurted from his mouth. He had to be taken off the field for treatment. Malone was also suspended for one game by the league.

On April 27, 2004, during the NBA regular season away game between the Lakers and the Rockets, Malone's iron elbow kept pressing on Yao Ming's waist. The "little giant" fell down three times in total.

His great achievements are too numerous to describe!

Postman Malone in Stratholme is a replica of real life. He will appear after three mailboxes. He is also a very powerful character. He can curse very powerfully and cast fear very frequently.

The curses on his three minions are also very powerful.

Ma Long's curse reduces the hit rate by 45%. The effect of his curse is 600 points of damage after 60 seconds and a curse that reduces all attributes by 20%, and it can be superimposed. Huadi Liqing can use the curse, but he is the only mage. It's very tiring to solve.

Moreover, the attack power of the four guys, one big, three small, is not small, and the skin is still very thick.

However, compared to the mayor, he is not an order of magnitude inferior.

It only took Lu Li and the others twelve minutes to deal with this sports madman.

Although it is a small BOSS that is not too strong, the drops are definitely unambiguous. Postman Malone is even more popular than the mayor, because the shoe part of the Mage T0 suit - the Erudite's boots, can only be dropped from him. out.

This chapter is a bit watery. I went to watch the Warcraft movie today. I came back a little late. Please forgive me. The Warcraft movie is quite good. The intercepted plot is not about Alsace, which attracts the most attention, but about King Llane and Lothar. Friends like Medivh and those who are not serious about quests among Warcraft players actually don’t know who Lothar and Garona are. Some of my friends also play games. After watching the movie, it suddenly dawned on them that the original Skull of Gul’dan Gul'dan is a human being and an orc, but on the contrary, everyone knows that he is Prince Arthas. In fact, I think we can get more flowers by letting the big-breasted ladies from the night elves and blood elves appear, but it's a pity that our Blizzard is so willful.

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