The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 883 Tibu’s blazing sword

"This is for you," you couldn't say enough in your plea. After all, the handsome man wanted to save face, but your action of giving him the red envelope in advance completely betrayed him.

His younger sister already has a T0 suit part, and as an older brother, he can't fall behind.

Can Meng looked at the 50 gold coins that had been traded, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure. She quickly refused to give up the gold coins: "Brother Huahua, the money I made today is enough. This... well, I don't want it."

"Here, it doesn't matter if you can't touch it. Buy some high-grade crocodile meat and feed it to your pets. Look at how thin your pets have become." This guy with a cold face can actually say this.

Can Meng hesitated for a while, but accepted it.

In fact, she is not a money-grubbing person. Money has almost no concept to her. She has never exchanged any money since she played games. She is a typical child from a rich family.

He began to touch the body, staring at Can Meng's small hands with his eyes wide open as usual.

With a shake of his little hand, he got a piece of equipment.

"Ma Long's Elbow, Golden Hammer, not a suit," Can Meng lowered her shoulders: "Brother Hua, let me return the gold coins to you."

"It's okay, just keep it. It's a small amount of money." Huadi Liqing was afraid of hurting the little girl and tried to look like he didn't care. The first piece of equipment was gold, so the second piece was probably silver. After all, It's a little BOSS.

"Which one of you wants this weapon?" Can Meng shared the Malone Elbow.

A group of people immediately burst into laughter, because the special effects of this two-handed hammer are very funny: when it hits, it can knock the target unconscious for 2 seconds, and increase its strength by 50 points, which lasts for 30 seconds.

The game is really a spoof. Not only does it create an NPC with the same name as the star, but it also writes the special effects of the equipment like this.

Stunning is understandable, paralysis is okay, but what is the concept of beating someone stupid.

"Let me try hitting a hammer to see if you are stupid," Azure Sea Breeze put away his shield weapon and replaced it with a hammer, and said to Piao Ling, who rolled his eyes and ignored him at all.

This hammer attribute is actually okay, but it is a bit useless for Lu Li and others.

Since Azure Sea Breeze wants it, let him play with it. Such secondary special effects are more in line with his character.

The second item is indeed a piece of rubbish silver equipment. Huadi Liqing pretends to be nothing, so no one will try to expose him. Anyway, after the dungeon is completed, there will be many elite groups coming in to fight. If it is revealed by then, he can get a lower level. Exchange the good equipment with others. After all, level 50 suits are not so easy to collect.

"Let me steal the next monster first," Lu Li looked at the abandoned blacksmith shop in front of him and made his request.

"Stealing the mobs, why?" Azure Sea Breeze was confused as to why he wanted to steal the mobs, and why he didn't steal from the very beginning of the dungeon, but only after he got here.

"One of these undead people may be a blacksmith. A book says that he has a collection of very high-quality swords." Lu Li explained.

"Is it very good?" Piao Ling asked.

He knew that Lu Li was not the kind of person who didn't know what was important. Stealing one by one would definitely waste a lot of time. He subconsciously thought that this sword would be of the highest quality, maybe a legendary piece of equipment.

"No," to everyone's surprise, Lu Li shook his head and said, "This sword is not the best, but it is very valuable, very, very..."

After using several specials in a row, and showing the familiar money-obsessed expression on his face, everyone began to look forward to it.

How can a sword that is not the best be "very, very, very" valuable?

This sword is called Tibu's blazing sword!

It is said that after Quel'Thalas was destroyed, the surviving high elves renamed themselves blood elves in memory of their fallen compatriots. They originally pinned their hopes of regaining their homeland on the already precarious alliance.

But after witnessing the corruption and decline of the Alliance, the blood elf prince Kael'thas Sunstrider became disillusioned with them.

In the end, due to their innate desire for magical energy, the blood elves turned to the demon hunter Illidan and followed him to a different world outside Azeroth - Outland.

The blood elves encountered countless demons and other evil forces here, and suffered heavy losses.

In order to prevent his compatriots from being harmed again, Tiblos Fireleaf, a high-level blood mage beside Kael'thas, decided to use the most powerful and terrifying spell, exchanging a life full of magic for a supreme artifact.

After obtaining Kael'thas's consent, Tiblos recited some ancient spells, and his body was immediately swallowed up by fiery red flames.

The moment Tibulos' life completely disappeared, a long sword made of magical fire was born. In honor of him, Kael'thas named the sword "Tib's Fiery Sword."

For a long time after that, Kael'thas used this sword to protect his vulnerable fellow blood elves.

In the battle where Illidan attacked the Frozen Throne and was defeated by Arthas, the coalition of blood elves and naga retreated hastily back to the Outland, and Tibu's flaming sword lost its powerful magic and became a An ordinary long sword.

Later, the long sword discarded by Kael'thas found its way into the hands of Stratholme who thought it was a blacksmith.

More than one bard came here to pay homage to this top-notch artifact that was forged with countless top-quality materials and required the sacrifice of an archmage to take shape.

"Can it be repaired?" Piao Ling was moved. He used a sword.

"No," Lu Li shook his head and added, "The attributes of this weapon are relatively average, and its awesome special effects have long since expired."

"Fuck, stop showing off," Piao Ling said anxiously.

Fortunately, Azure Sea Breeze only controls shields, Huadi Liqing and Sesame-filled Tangyuan only advocate the best equipment. Although Lu Li can also use a sword, he obviously only likes gold coins and his sister.

"This sword seems to be shrouded in flames. The book says that it is the first of the four major lightsabers. Some vain nobles have come to Stratholme many times to ask for it, and some have even thought of snatching it. Unfortunately, We were wary of each other, so no one really took action."


"What does it mean to love vanity?" Piao Ling pushed Lu Li: "Go steal it and I'll give you money when I come back."

For the sake of Piao Ling's great cause of pretending to be compared, Lu Li could only sneak up and steal. Before leaving, he heard Piao Ling mutter: What's the difference between a person who doesn't pretend to be compared and a salted fish.

Fortunately, he has now learned to enhance stealth, and there are few in the entire game who are better at stealth than him. These monsters were not aware of Lu Li's approach at all, and even the monsters that claimed to be capable of anti-submarine showed no reaction.

Monsters of this level usually steal heavy trash cans. There are all kinds of things in them, but most of them are garbage.

Tibu's blazing sword came out of this heavy trash can.

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