The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 935 Money Making Machine

To deal with this kind of ordinary monster with low attack power, Lu Li, who had powerful blood-sucking skills, didn't even need to sit down and eat bread to replenish his health. After killing who knows how many dozen waves of monsters, he finally got enough monster hearts.

Of course, some of the three types of heart are more and some are less.

Considering that this is a reputation-building task that can be done repeatedly, he doesn't worry too much about which one is more and which is less, as long as it's enough to complete the task.

"I'm here, Mr. Nafion," Lu Li stood at the entrance of the cave and shouted inside.

It didn't take long for him to see the furbolg come out of it. Perhaps because Lu Li was stained with the blood of the fallen, this guy's face finally looked better.

"That's right, it's what I want. You will get the friendship of the Timbermaw Furbolg," Nafien smiled and took the mission props.

The system prompted him six times to complete the mission, which meant that Lu Li submitted six mission items at one time. It wasn't that he didn't want to submit more, or that he couldn't submit less, but that six missions were enough for him and the Timbermaw Furbolg to reach the same level. Friendly relationship.

Dawn's reputation system is a very complicated thing.

According to a certain order, the relationship between players and indigenous people can be summarized as: hatred - hostility - indifference - neutrality - friendliness - respect - worship.

Normally, unless the race is hostile or the camp is hostile, it usually starts with indifference or neutrality.

If you do something that satisfies the other party, your reputation will rise. If you do something that makes the other party hate you, it will naturally develop in the direction of hostility and hatred.

Lu Li's reputation in the Timbermaw clan was originally indifferent, but now it suddenly jumped from neutral to friendly.

In fact, the reputation is very high at the beginning. You can reach friendliness in six missions, but the reputation required to reach friendliness to respect, and respect to admiration, is very astonishing.

Even if Lu Li was incredibly fast, he wouldn't be able to reach worship in less than three to five days.

Fortunately, he mainly does it to practice his skills, and the reputation is just incidental. It's best if he can reach the level of admiration, but it doesn't matter if he can't.

"You have done a very good job, do you want to continue to help us relieve the pain of the dead wood furbolgs?" asked the furbolg Naphine.

"Of course," Lu Li said with compassion, "Those poor friends have completely lost their way. Perhaps returning to the embrace of nature is their best destination."

"Okay, I think I need to help you," Nafien raised his hand and added a status to Lu Li.

The system prompts Lu Li to receive Nafien's blessing mark, which increases all attributes by 40 and increases movement speed by 20% for three days!

Lu Li read it right, it lasts for three days. This is a very famous BUFF of the Timbermaw clan. It is intended to allow players to speed up their impact on Timbermaw's reputation. Any player can only obtain it in a friendly manner. Anyone can only obtain it if they are friendly. a chance.

In fact, this was also the reason why Lu Li chose to come to Timbermaw Fortress.

He must ensure that he can win the player marathon. A 20% increase in speed is not too strong, but the duration of three days has earth-shaking significance.

This means that Lu Li maintained a speed that was 20% faster than other players throughout the marathon.

He had a certain degree of confidence in winning, and now there is no doubt about it.

Of course, Lu Li would always keep in mind the principle that there is a world outside the sky and there are people outside the world. He would not feel that he had reached the point of fucking the sky, the earth, and the air.

"Thank you, Mr. Nafion, your blessing makes me full of strength," Lu Li thanked him sincerely. He even felt that this ugly and ferocious furbolg was cuter than those big-breasted ladies from the elves.

"This sounds very scary," the furbolg muttered: "You'd better go to work quickly and don't embarrass your forest ancestors."

Lu Li browsed for a while and received a call. He immediately handed over the remaining mission items and teleported to Gadgetzan. Anyway, the reputation will be dissatisfied for a while, and the skill completion level is not sure whether it can reach the goal set by myself in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Everything depends on money!

Lu Li had been waiting for this moment with ecstasy.

The various ticket fees and bonuses for the first professional league will take a while to be settled, and the endorsement contract requires a fermentation process, plus the various welfare compensation for fallen players in the battle with Jiangnan Nobles. , Oh, by the way, the bonus at the end of the year cannot be withheld because of poverty. After all, it is difficult to live a good year without money...

In a word, the Sword of Judgment can hardly lift the pot!

Many senior executives have not received their welfare gold coins for a long time, and some even put their own money into the company's treasury. For example, Root No. 3 used his own money to purchase many gold coins on the market.

Lu Li also put in a lot of his real savings, leaving only some in case his sister's illness relapses.

The debts owed to the water elf will naturally continue to be arrears. Presumably, the wealthy woman is not short of pocket money. There is no need to look at the house that she plans to buy at the end of the year. Anyway, my sister thinks that living in the current place is not bad.

Even so, Lu Li was still troubled by the gold coins.

At first, I was troubled by money when I couldn't even get the money for medical treatment. Now I am worth millions and I am still troubled by money.

So everyone in this world is busy for money, but their reasons are different. Fortunately, Lu Li has heard good news now, and he feels that his troubles may be solved soon.

Mr. Marin Nogfogg has been conducting research and development activities with the financial and material support of the Sword of Judgment.

His Noggenfogg potion - in fact, the goblin gentleman wanted to name the potion Lu Li's potion - as a way of flattering the new boss, but it was a pity that Lu Li simply rejected it.

Apart from money, fame has no real role for him.

In a word, Mr. Noggenfogg's research has made great progress, and the first batch of potions has been successful. He calls this potion Noggenfogg No. 1, and sells it directly to the outside world without the suffix.

This invention cannot affect the distribution of power in Azeroth, but it means a huge wealth.

Mr. Noggenfogg knew very early on that he was being plotted by Lu Li based on his natural business skills as a goblin. The night elf, who was even more despicable than the goblins, plotted against his inventions, plotted against his wealth, plotted against him who could have been rich. The future of an enemy country.

However, because the contract had come into effect and he was about to die of illness and urgently needed help from others, he could only swallow his anger.

After many days, Mr. Noggenfogg met this dirty and sinister night elf again in the tavern in Gadgetzan. The guy walking towards him seemed to be bigger than the last time he saw him, and he exuded a suffocating energy. The smell of blood.

Marin Nogfogger originally wanted to break the contract, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

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