The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 936 Cooperation

In Marlin Nogfogg's impression, Lu Li, a night elf, was not only sinister, but also very powerful, with many adventurers for him to encourage.

These people work hard and never slander their boss, but once someone even slanders them, they will fight against them desperately and fight to the death at every turn. This style made Marin Nogfogg terrified.

"My friend, it's been such a long time," Lu Li almost squatted down to give the goblin a hug between friends.

"Of course, but we finally met. I think I have lived up to your expectations. You turned me from a pauper into an unlucky man," Marin Nogfogg said almost with a cry. If possible, he really I want to cry bitterly.

Think about the contract that was originally signed. This is the greatest shame in the history of the goblin race.

Perhaps hundreds of years from now, someone will write down this story to educate future generations. For example, never think that you have grasped the life-saving straw. It may be a poisonous snake that bites back at any time. There once was a poor guy named Marin. , one day he was about to starve to death. At the most desperate moment, he met the devil who was even more evil than Sargeras...

"Don't look sad, come and have a smile," Lu Li happily called the waiter, "Hi, friend, I want four large glasses of the most expensive wine here to celebrate that our Mr. Marin will soon become the richest man in Gadgetzan. ."

Someone in the tavern started whistling, asking for four glasses of the most expensive wine. This kind of rich man is second only to the guests here today. I paid for all the drinks.

Gadgetzan is a commercial center. The wine here comes from all over Azeroth. All kinds of rare recipes can be found here. Even the dragon's favorite drink can be obtained for you, but the price is naturally higher. polite.

Two cups were for Lu Li and Malin Nogfogg, and the other cup was for the "white bread" sitting quietly next to her - she is the current logistics director of the Sword of Judgment and specializes in managing the scheduling of some materials. Malin Almost all of Nogfogg's research materials were provided by her.

The last drink was for Lu Li's businessman friend Shen Wansan.

As soon as Shen Wansan heard about the big project, he came over immediately, walking in tandem with Lu Li.

"It seems it must be a very big project, otherwise it would be difficult for you, Boss Lu Li, to spend so much money," Shen Wansan said when he came over and saw the wine placed in front of the seat, his fat face immediately turned into a fat chrysanthemum smile.

"Be polite, there is a girl here," Lu Li felt helpless towards this fat man who was getting more and more unrestrained, so it was not good to be too familiar with each other.

The white bread just smiled and did not answer. She was a very quiet girl. She was not very beautiful, but she had a temperament that made people feel comfortable when they were together with her. She was very popular in the guild and belonged to The kind that everyone in the guild has a crush on.

"Hi, Bread, long time no see. Are you feeling better?" Shen Wansan and the white bread seemed very familiar.

"Thank you, Brother Shen, for your concern. It's much better now," the white bread smiled.

"What's wrong? If you feel unwell, don't be too tired. Get more rest. If you need any help, please tell the guild directly." Lu Li has a sick sister, so naturally he was particularly concerned about her.

"Thank you, boss, I will tell you if there is any need," the white bread said gratefully.

She knew that Lu Li's words were not polite. In fact, Lu Li never said polite words, and he didn't bother to say polite words.

"Who is he?" Marin Nogfogg pointed in panic, pointing at Shen Wansan, who looked like a businessman at first glance. Every goblin is a qualified businessman, and there are always some unclear things between businessmen. a feeling of.

"My friend, as you can see, he is also a businessman," Lu Li stopped the goblin who was about to jump: "I will give 10% of my share to Lao Shen. He is responsible for distributing goods. Mr. Nogfogg , I’m afraid it’s hard for you to imagine how terrifying Lao Shen’s shipping channels are.”

10% of half is actually one-twentieth of the total amount.

"That's good, I signed the contract," Marin Nogfogg felt his heart beating so fast.

"Then you can share 10% of the bread from me. Thanks to you these days," Lu Li was not a mean boss. He saw everything White Bread did in the guild and always wanted to find a chance to make amends. Give her a look.

A guild that is developing rapidly but wants to be sound cannot do it just with people like Lu Li and Root Number Three.

There must be some public servant-like figures who have an affinity that ordinary people don't have. They coordinate the relationships between guild members and ensure a warm and harmonious living environment within the guild.

White Bread is a talent for this.

At the beginning, she didn't even have the title of logistics housekeeper. She led a group of people to do guild tasks completely spontaneously, and directed the professional players to perform their duties.

What makes Lu Li most respectable is that she has no selfish motives. Most of the equipment and gold coins that the guild occasionally rewards her will be used to help people who have difficulties in real life. Lu Li often thinks about why his brother and sister were so different in their previous lives. I have never met such a person...

"No, no, I didn't do anything," the white bread refused.

"That's it," Lu Li interrupted her and turned to Shen Wansan to introduce the situation about the Noggenfogg potion.

Shen Wansan was stunned when he heard this. He looked at Marin Nogfogg stupidly: "You just gave him half of your profits like this? Are you mentally ill?"

Marin Nogfogg turned blue, and said in great embarrassment: "I was really desperate at that time. Mr. Lu Li, you see, even your friends said this, why don't you increase the share that was divided to me?" …”

"Ahem..." Shen Wansan coughed twice, patted Marin Nogfogg's shoulder and said, "But the goblins... you have already signed the contract, and regretting it is not the character of a good businessman. Please don't let us look down on the goblin clan. Come, everyone, for our future, for our gold coins... cheers!"

This is a big business, and it is a big business with a long history. Shen Wansan is well-informed, and of course he understands the huge profits in it.

He didn't even try to get even a tenth of a tenth more share for himself, because he knew that would be too greedy. If he missed this deal, he would regret it for the rest of his life, and he was not the only businessman with sales channels.

Lu Li had no choice. It would be unrealistic for him and Marin Nogfogg alone to sell potions to every corner of Azeroth.

And it is impossible for him to recruit a large number of sales people just for this one project.

Therefore, cooperation is the fastest way to make a lot of money by selling Nogfogger's medicine quickly. If you don't know how to cooperate, you will never be able to make more profits.

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