The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 937 Marathon Rival (please vote for me)

After all, Marin Nogfogg was a goblin, and he understood many business principles more thoroughly than Lu Li. He quickly understood his situation and saw the energy contained in Lu Li's small group.

White Bread is responsible for collecting and mobilizing materials, and Shen Wansan is responsible for the development of local channels, as well as advertising and other matters.

Marin Noggenfogg himself is a manufacturing machine. A steady stream of Noggenfogg potion is produced in his workshop and then distributed to the market.

As for Lu Li, his only luck may be that he deceived himself.

This despicable elf did nothing - all the previous support was calculated by the gnome to the amiable and respectable Miss Bread - but this despicable elf obtained a huge profit of 40% of the total.

"Devil, devil..." Marin Noggenfogg muttered. In the following days, he was destined to curse Lu Li once every morning and evening.

Unfortunately, Lu Li was not affected by his curse at all, so he logged off early to accompany his sister.

Someone is leveling up so hard and racking their brains to level up, not just to firmly occupy the first position in the level list. That position has a very limited effect on him. He just wants to save time for leveling up and spend more time with him. Just my sister.

Lu Xin is always very happy at this time.

She is like a puppy that waits at home every day. Apart from her brother, she seems to have no other meaning in life. Although Lu Li didn't want his sister to be like this, he didn't have the time or worry about his sister to expand his circle of friends now.

Lu Li came online on time the next day, mainly for the marathon final.

No one can resist the appeal of legendary equipment, and the number of participants has reached a new high in year-end events, although a considerable number of players have no hope at all.

After two rounds of elimination, only one hundred people qualified for the finals.

The live video is intelligently presented to all players, and the game team also invited two well-known marathon professional commentators in the industry. Of course, they are also Sugon game players, otherwise they would not understand the rules of the game at all.

There is a big difference between a real marathon and a marathon in a game.

However, Lu Li was dumbfounded when he saw that many players had brought coaches, and it looked no different from reality.

"This is my first marathon commentary in a game. I must thank the game Shuguang. Some real-life sports that have been declining have a second life in the game," the game's name is Xiaogudong, and in reality it is Li Qudong, a well-known marathon commentator, said with emotion.

There are many activities at the end of this year, and a considerable part of the creativity comes from reality.

Can you imagine the rampant momentum when a group of orcs and tauren play football together? The final of Dawn’s first Dawn Cup football match that ended yesterday was a team of pure orcs playing against the “Saar Football Club” The "Mavericks" are composed purely of minotaurs.

Their competition was a huge success.

After the game, both the championship-winning Mavericks and the runner-up Sal ​​team received sky-high advertising endorsements.

Today's marathon has also received huge attention. Everyone is looking forward to watching players of all races running wildly across the mountains and plains. It must be very joyful.

"Actually, I think the marathon has incorporated too many game elements, so it has lost too much fun," said another commentator, who is older. He is Jiang Gutao, an internationally renowned commentator from Wan Province.

In fact, what he said is right. The following major competitions and small competitions have been subtly downplaying the game data.

"There are a lot of people participating this time, and there are two star racers among them." Li Quandong and the others didn't talk too much nonsense, otherwise the audience would definitely lose interest.

"No, I saw that there was only one star player on the list who entered the finals. It seems to be called Tong Yan Wuji..." Jiang Gutao immediately looked confused. Although he was just a professional player in the game, how could he not Knowing Lu Li's name, the main reason for doing this is for the effect of the show.

"One of our marathon runners today has not been officially certified as a star runner, but he has become one of the top runners. He is..." He deliberately let it slip, and naturally there were countless spectators who added explanations for him. .

"Yes, he is Lu Li, one of the biggest dark horses in the professional circle this year," Jiang Gutao nodded: "He is also the non-Druid player who is most likely to win the championship in this competition."

"Of the 100 players who entered the Greater China finals this time, druids accounted for 83%. There were only 17 non-druids, and among these 17 people, there were 12 thieves. This shows that our project How ruthless the screening of professions is," when Li Guan Dongzheng was speaking, the competition had already begun.

Lu Li basically maintained his strength in a leisurely manner.

Other players who have reached this point naturally know the importance of strategy, so not many players will take the lead in the beginning.

Lu Li's advantage came to light when he was not breaking out. His normal speed was comparable to that of Druid Transformation, so he ran ahead and entered the first sequence from the beginning. Those who were faster than him were all He is someone who knows that he has no chance of winning the championship, so he just breaks the rules and tries to gain limelight first.

"Lu Li is ranked sixth. Did he speed up from the beginning? This doesn't seem to be a wise choice," Jiang Gutao explained.

"I don't think it looks like it. This seems to be his normal speed. This speed is a bit scary. Let's see where Tong Yanwuji is. Tong Yanwuji is fifty meters away. It's really surprising." Li Qudong obviously has a deeper understanding of the game, so he understands better than Jiang Gutao how difficult this is.

"It has been one minute and thirty-seven seconds and he still maintains a stable speed. It seems that this is really his stable speed," Jiang Gutao asked with emotion: "How can there be such a big gap between players?"

This is a sentiment that belongs to the older generation of gamers.

"Lu Li's rise is indeed amazing. Let's take a look at the mountain road in the second stage. Can he continue to maintain his advantage?" Li Quandong shouted passionately, successfully arousing the interest of the audience watching the game.

In the second stage, there were still people running at full speed. Their physical strength could still bear it for a while, but everyone knew that they would stop at the second stage.

The druids have an advantage on the mountain roads. After they transform into leopards, their jumping ability is amazing. Some uneven potholes cannot stop their steps. This is also the distance between the druids and other players.

"Look at Tongyan Wuji!" the commentator shouted.

While Lu Li was running wildly in the Son of the Forest form, he also took the time to observe the scenes of the others. When he saw Tong Yan Wuji, he finally understood why the water elf said that Tong Yan Wuji was his strong opponent in this project.

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