The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 938 Each has his own trump card

"Does this guy have springs under his feet?" Lu Li complained in his mind.

Tong Yanwuji, who has gradually entered the queue from the middle to the front, jumped to the top. The obstacle course, which was originally covered with rocks and mounds of dirt, seemed to be tailor-made for him, providing each and every opportunity for his jumping. platform.

He jumped not only high, but also very far.

Lu Li guessed that this was not a skill, but perhaps the effect of some equipment or props.

Lu Li transformed into a child of the forest. Players generally regard this transformation as an advanced version of the cheetah transformation. Compared with the ordinary cheetah transformation, it is faster, has more amazing bounces, and has better landing damage reduction effects.

Therefore, many of the druids here who have made it this far are in this form, but none of them are as good at dancing as Tong Yanwuji.

Lu Li is currently ranked fifth, while Tong Yanwuji quickly rushed into the top twenty from outside the fifty, and continued to refresh his ranking without slowing down. He obviously also understands his advantages and will definitely grasp them. Live this opportunity.

"He is a smart man. No one can compare with him at this stage. I just don't know where he can reach," Jiang Gutao said with appreciation.

"I guess there is no problem in the top five, but Lu Li is really calm. His position has dropped slightly to sixth, and he is about to be overtaken." Li Qudong tried his best to arouse the emotions of the viewers: "We all believe it. Lu Li must have some tricks that he hasn't used yet, but I don't know if he will use them at this stage."

Of course it was impossible for a player of Lu Li's level to have no trump cards.

From beginning to end, he relied on his basic speed to get into the forefront in the first stage. In the second stage, after he transformed into the son of the forest, he kept running and jumping normally.

"It's exceeded. Tong Yan Wuji has surpassed Lu Li." Jiang Gutao blew the table violently and became more immersed in the explanation. He shouted in a hoarse voice: "Lu Li is not in a hurry at all. This kid looks like he is only twenty." Next year, why are you so calm..."

"In my opinion, it's because the second stage of the mountain road is almost over," Li Quandong sighed.

Indeed, Lu Li really didn't feel too much pressure at this time. He completely ignored the fact that Tong Yan Wuji had surpassed him.

The third stage is the waterway. There is not much difference between Lu Li and Tong Yanwuji at this stage, because they are both exactly the same transformed seals. If we have to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages, Tong Yanwuji has a slight advantage. Advantage, after all, he is a genuine Druid.

"It seems that the distance between them will continue to be like this in the third stage." The third stage is basically the home court of Druid, and other professional players were miserably eliminated here.

Lu Li's current position has become fourth. It's not that he outperformed the two players ahead of him, but that the two players ahead of him worked too hard in the first and second stages and have exhausted their energy. Worth it, they had to stop to recover, a complete stop in the middle of the game, and they were basically out.

"I estimate that they will decide the winner in the fourth and fifth stages," said Li Qudong, a little disappointed.

This kind of game is determined by game profession and skills, so it is difficult to give an overly exciting explanation.

At the end of the third stage, Tong Yanwuji had become the first place in the marathon. Basically all the top ten runners in the first stage had been eliminated. Only Lu Li, the guy who followed him unhurriedly, later.

He is currently ranked fourth, far behind Tong Yanwuji.

When Lu Li reached the fourth stage, he transformed into a crow without hesitation - as long as he flew in a straight line, he would be able to throw away other players by a long distance.

This transformation technique from Medivh is very powerful and very fast, but players generally don't know its true origin. They all think that it was brought to him by some special equipment from Lu Li, and that equipment brought him transformation. The ability to transform into a leopard and a seal, coupled with a flying posture, doesn't seem to be unacceptable.

If Lu Li was an ordinary player now, he would have been forced to wait and see all day long to get his equipment out.

Even if you can't explode, don't expect to play the game normally. The common understanding of the big guilds is that it can't be used by me, and it can't be obtained by the opponent. Stifling it in the cradle is undoubtedly the safest state.

"It seems that the fourth stage is the stage where Lu Li takes the lead. This almost loses the suspense," Jiang Gutao said with a look of helplessness.

How could such an obvious bug happen in a real marathon? Marathon not only tests speed, but also tests people's willpower. However, the marathon in front of us is more like a farce. It only tests the strength of the players. .

However, to everyone's surprise, not everyone is helpless.

Including Tong Yanwuji, a total of three players came up with methods similar to flying. One was a kite with goblin engineering propellers, and the other was a hunter whose pet was a huge flying eagle, which was not a high level. , but it can catch the player and take the player together to pretend to fly together.

Tong Yanwuji seems to have a cloak with the special effect of flying.

As expected, the opportunities and wisdom of the majority of players should not be underestimated. Lu Li also found this result incredible.

Fortunately, Tong Yanwuji's cloak special effect could not last for the entire third stage. Instead, the hunter player fought for the leading position, but his flying eagle pet died after just reaching the finish line. .

Lu Li estimated that this kind of pet was not easy to catch, and it might even be the only one. Otherwise, if all the hunters caught a flying pet, wouldn't they all be able to fly into the sky and stand side by side with the sun?

The fifth stage is completely flat ground, and it belongs to the stage where whoever has the ability should use it quickly.

Lu Li was in third place at this time. The one at the front was the hunter who used pets in exchange for an advantage. The other was Tong Yanwuji who used the cloak special effects. As for the other player who used propellers and kites, he was in this competition. Zhongsuan showed his face, but it was not as beautiful as imagined.

Many of the creations of engineering are unstable, and his thrusters are no exception.

While flying, the goblin engineer crashed into a mountain and was killed while countless players were stunned.

The two commentators were so frightened that they didn't know how to explain it. In the end, they could only dryly advise everyone not to speed in the future, otherwise this would be a living example.

Except for the one where the Goblin Engineer's thruster crashed and the machine was destroyed, most of the first hundred players were still persisting, although they also knew that they had no hope in the final stage, and the spirit of sports was the most important thing. The key to participation is persistence. After so many years, some things remain unchanged.

The fourth place was a long way away from Lu Li Lao, posing no threat to him at all. However, Tong Yanwuji and the hunter were far beyond him, so getting the legendary equipment was not without pressure.

You can even get a cloak with flying skills, who knows what other cards others have.

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