The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 967 Stonejaw Lair

Although Lu Li was a little jealous of his young apprentice's personal admiration for Silas, he had no intention of correcting his young apprentice's ideas.

By the end of the day, the little dwarf had reached level 23, and Lu Li had gained 15% of his experience, and he still had enough reputation to learn another strengthening skill.

Then Hagel showed up.

"Thank you, Mr. Elf, Shuni has received your very generous and detailed teachings," Hagel obviously watched quietly for a while and already understood what level the little dwarf is now, which is better than he imagined. awesome.

"Thank you, Shuni is a very talented child," Lu Li said a little nervous. He was having a great time, so this mission shouldn't end here.

"I will always trouble you to teach Shuni some skills in the future. This is today's reward. I hope you will be satisfied."

Fortunately, these two dwarfs are not people who want to burn bridges. When they heard each other say that they would be in trouble more often, Lu Li almost said, "Welcome to trouble me. Don't be polite."

The reward was first a golden dagger, level 45, with pretty good attributes, but it was far inferior to Lu Li's Defiler Fragment, let alone the main legendary weapon Widow Maker, so this piece of equipment could only be Throw it into the guild warehouse to serve as guild welfare.

Then there is a skill book - "Disruption".

Throwing objects attracts the attention of all nearby monsters for 10 seconds. It can be used in stealth state.

Hagar has been lurking in Jomoregan all year round. He took the scout route, so he played the disruptive skill very smoothly. This skill was rewarded to Lu Li, which was far from the enhanced skill book Lu Li imagined.

However, Lu Li also knew that the enhanced skill book was hard to come by, so he wasn't too disappointed if he didn't see it.

There is also experience and reputation. Lu Li's experience bar has been upgraded to 30% of level 49. He is expected to reach level 50 within a week. However, now that this mission has come to an end, he may not have as rich experience points as he did today. Rewarded.

"Wait, can I trouble you with one more thing?" Hagel asked embarrassedly.

"If you need my help, just ask," Lu Li showed his enthusiasm without hesitation. Let's make the missions and experience points more intense. As long as you give him rewards, he will kill and set fire to you.

NPCs like Hagel who come to me on their own initiative are really hard to find, and the tasks they give are of high quality.

"I killed a troglodyte a few days ago and got an underground map. It may be a troglodyte settlement, but I am weak and want to find some people to help me explore it. Are you interested? "?" Hagel didn't feel that he was issuing a task, and he didn't have the arrogance of some NPCs who issued tasks.

"I'm happy to help you. By the way, how many people have you found?" Lu Li asked.

"Although I don't know what dangers there are, I think it is safer to have more people. I will find more people as soon as possible, and I will say hello to you when I find them," Hagel said.

Hearing what he said, Lu Li knew that this task was far from simple.

It is impossible for an NPC to ask a group of people to help fight two novice village mobs, so Shuguang has an unwritten rule. The higher the player level and the larger the number of players, the higher the difficulty of the task, and the rewards of the task will naturally not be Difference.

"I have a proposal," Lu Li stopped Hagel.

"Elf, I see your ability. If you have any suggestions, why don't you just say it directly," the dwarf didn't understand.

"I have some friends. Although they are not as strong as me, they are definitely not weak among players at this stage. If you agree, I can ask my friends to help clean up this settlement. The stone jaw monsters should get their due. There will be consequences," Lu Li said clearly.

"The underground passage is very dangerous. If it is too weak, I may not be able to protect you," Hagel said, not wanting to trick Lu Li.

"It doesn't matter. They are all very brave adventurers. Death is not the end of life for them." The implication is that my friends are all players. They can be resurrected after death, so don't worry about it. .

Hagel hesitated for a moment. He didn't seem to have any knowledge of how to deal with this kind of thing, but he quickly gave the answer.

"Well, you can come here to see me tomorrow morning and bring your friends."

Fortunately, Lu Li and the others didn't have to compete that day.

In the early morning, Lu Li prepared the candidates for departure and brought this small team to find Hagel.

"Are you kidding me, Elf, I didn't know you were such an arrogant person," Hagar said when he saw the people Lu Li brought with him, his expression was not only disappointed, he was also extremely angry. It was as if Lu Li had deceived him.

This can't be blamed on him. After all, he had repeatedly emphasized the difficulty of this mission yesterday, but Lu Li brought him a strange professional match.

In addition to Lu Li, three thieves, two druids, and a warlock came this time. Counting him, there were seven people in total.

Such a lineup followed him to explore the troglodyte's lair. This fish-lipped elf shouldn't think that the troglodytes are just like wild boars and are slaughtered by others. Hagel is a thief who walks on the line of death all day long, but he I absolutely don't want to explore unknown areas with such unreliable companions.

"My ordinary friend, please don't jump to conclusions," Lu Li explained in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "I have always thought that dwarves are a well-informed race."

There was a touch of sarcasm in his tone, which calmed down Hagel more than any pleading or explanation. He began to make excuses for Lu Li to organize such a lineup. If Lu Li was not arrogant or simply couldn't find anyone, then he would Why do you think that with this, people can surround and destroy the trogg's lair.

According to the standards on the map, Hagel knew that the destination was not the base camp of the Troggs, but at most a small underground tribe.

But since it is a tribe, there will at least be a BOSS in charge, and there should be thousands of tribes. According to the racial habits of the troggs, they must be eliminated within a day, otherwise the steady stream of reinforcements will Drag them to death.

"Warlock..." Hagel was indeed well-informed. After thinking for a while, he set his sights on the glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling.

"That's right. We just need to escort him safely to the destination. When a summoning gate is opened, thousands of reserve troops will be sent there. Do you still think I'm arrogant?" Lu Li asked with a smile. .

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