The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 968 Underground World

This time, Lu Li dispatched Scarlet Young Moon, Cain's Left Hand, Bai Renyou, and himself, a total of four thieves, plus Xiao Bajiang, two druids with big breasts, and Ha With the power of the NPC Geer, we sent out the glutinous rice balls filled with sesame fillings.

If there is no opponent that is too unbelievable, the certainty is still relatively high.

Under the leadership of Hagar, the group headed to Gnomeregan. This technological miracle city in Dun Morogh has been the main city of the dwarves for generations. Its fall caused heavy losses to the entire dwarf race.

"Everyone, please be careful. It's down here. If you encounter a monster, don't fight it. I will try my best to take care of you." Hagel looked at his compatriots who were completely leprous due to radiation, and he still had something in his heart. The light of hope has not been extinguished. Perhaps one day these irrational tribesmen can be redeemed.

Naturally, Lu Li and others would not object. The only thing that needed attention was the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls.

The invisibility powder of alchemy has a certain invisibility effect, which at least prevents the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls from attracting the attention of all monsters like a big lantern.

Moreover, leper dwarfs and troggs are actually humanoid creatures. The former is the form of a dwarf who lost his mind after being irradiated. Since the latter is an early failure of Titan's creation, it is naturally a humanoid monster.

The main reason for emphasizing humanoid monsters here is the thieves' sap.

The sap skill is only effective against humanoid monsters that are not in a combat state. Lu Li and the other four thieves opened a path in front, going around as many as they could. Those who couldn't get around were knocked unconscious, and the people behind walked over in a swaggering manner.

Soon we arrived at the entrance, which was a gloomy and remote cave entrance.

"I observed several times, and I did see several black-backed troggs returning from here. We can find their lair according to the instructions on the map."

This is obviously not the first time Hagel has been here, and he may have even gone down to investigate.

"Will I fall headlong into the Trogg's stronghold?" Youda, who loves to play with big breasts, is the leader of the Druid group in the guild, and can be regarded as a veteran who joined the guild when it was first established. Although his worries seem timid, he is still worried. Nor is it aimless.

"Don't worry, the trogg's base camp is not here," Hagar said calmly. The hatred that could not be concealed burst out from its eyes, which showed how unpeaceful he was.

Because of the radiation, the dwarfs couldn't even regain their own city, let alone counterattack the trogg's country.

Lu Li patted his shoulder and comforted him: "I believe that sooner or later the dwarf clan will break into the underground country and wipe out all those shameless dogs. Don't forget to ask us for help then."

Although the power of the dwarf clan is greatly reduced now, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, so it is beneficial and harmless to be friends with them.

Moreover, if you participate in a war between two major forces, you can easily gain huge benefits as long as you operate it properly. The big guilds always like to participate in this type of main plot to fish in troubled waters. This is the same as making war fortune in reality.

Hagar took the lead and the others followed into the cave.

You can clearly feel that the cave is winding diagonally downwards, and the bottom of the cave has been stepped on by the trogg army and is very smooth, so it does not cause difficulty in traveling.

After walking for about half an hour, the cave that could only accommodate two people side by side suddenly opened up. Judging from the surrounding soil and rocks and other factors, the places they were in were no longer dug out in recent years.

It seems that the Troggs have been preparing for a long time to attack the ground.

"Be careful and be ready to fight at any time. I'm at the front. Protect the warlock and speed up so you don't fall behind." Hagar began to become serious. Only here did he truly enter the underground world.

There is almost no light in the underground world, and many monsters here have degraded their vision.

Hearing, smell, and even responses to temperature allow them to easily detect intruders and launch a surprise attack.

Lu Li and the others could only use some glowing moss and ore to determine the direction. Lu Li had a torch in his backpack, but now was obviously not the time to use it. The torch would first reveal his location.

Fortunately, Hagel was indeed an experienced scout. He could judge the environment and road conditions very well, so Lu Li and the others could just follow behind.


A stream of venom sprayed over, covering his face with sesame-filled glutinous rice balls. He was stunned for a moment and immediately drank the antidote and healing potion in a hurry.

Lu Li looked in the direction of the venom and could only see a huge head looking at the glutinous rice balls indifferently. The saliva flowing from the corner of its mouth revealed its motive for the attack.

"Ice Lizard, come together and get rid of it quickly," Hagar roared and rushed forward.

Lu Li and others did not dare to fall behind at all. Although Hagel was following them now, they were not in a team with each other. Therefore, Lu Li and others would probably not get a single hair from the monsters that Hagel killed.

These lurkers in the dark are similar to thieves in that they are only discovered when they attack.

In his previous life, Lu Li heard that some thieves liked to come to the underground world because many monsters here could teach them things, such as sneaking, sneak attacks, and escaping.

This ice lizard found itself surrounded by thieves after unsuccessfully attacking the warlock. It felt so tired that it finally saw a piece of food delivered to its door, which turned out to be such a sinister trap.

So it turned around and tried to run away before its blood volume dropped to half.

"Intercept it. This kind of monster is good at sneak attacks and tracking. Hundreds of them live together in groups, and they are very vindictive." Hagel seemed to have suffered a loss at the hands of this monster.

Upon hearing that there were hundreds of them, Lu Li and the others immediately sped up their actions. Four thieves, two druids, and a warlock, plus a powerful NPC, killed the ice lizard in no time, and dropped a piece of black iron ore and a cold flower. Ice flowers are all materials.

The "Youda Loves Playing with Big Boobs" in the team specializes in skinning. When he sees such a good skinning target, he can't help but go up and peel off the monster's skin.

A piece of thick leather of this size can still fetch some repair money, especially since this piece of leather also has attributes. The characteristics of the ice lizard allow equipment made of leather to have a certain ice defense or attack bonus.

"Why did we encounter such a high-level monster in the first place?" Cain asked in a low voice with his left hand.

If the mobs are all level 55, then the BOSS they have to face must start at least level 55. A level 55 wild BOSS may not be an easy carrot to chew.

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