The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 969 Three Leaders

"Don't worry, the Troggs are not that powerful," Hagar said calmly.

"But, don't the books say that the troglodytes are the overlords of the underground world?" Youda, who loves to play with big breasts, didn't quite understand, and the others also looked confused.

"The fighting power of an individual cannot determine the status of a group. In the underground world, the overall strength is seen. Ice lizards are just food for the troggs. You can also collect some. The meat is of good quality," Hagel explained.

This type of mission is a good opportunity for Sword of Judgment. After all, it is the exploration of a new map, and it may also involve conquering a wild BOSS that no one has touched before.

But this does not mean that this mission is without risks. The most direct risk is that the BOSS is too powerful. No matter how many people are sent here, the group will be wiped out. In that case, there will be no gains. Just the comfort cost of losing experience can make the Sword of Judgment Heavy bleeding.

"Keep going, be careful," Lu Li's face didn't look good, but at least he could calm down.

Rather than saying that he believed that Hagar would not trick him, it was better to say that he believed that the system would not design an impossible mission to trick NPCs, especially NPCs with plots like this.

After walking forward for a while, the terrain changed dramatically, and the place no longer gave people the closed feeling of a cave. If they hadn't walked all the way, Lu Li might have thought they had arrived in a new world.

The huge trees emitting dim light made the empty underground world no longer so dark.

The continuous roars and screams in the distance made the place no longer as dead as before. Through the dim fluorescence, Lu Li even saw a jackal-like creature being swallowed by a python-like monster.

"Sector search formation, be careful of high-level monsters. Druid and Warlock should go in the middle," Lu Li quickly adjusted the formation.

Hagel was still at the front. He arranged two thieves on both sides to expand the police interface and lure away monsters that were not easy to kill. Then there were druids and warlocks sandwiched in the middle.

The thieves are all masters of the Sword of Judgment, and they have long sharpened their skills in various environments.

It's just that this is the first time in this underground environment. The rugged road makes sneaking more difficult, and the light greatly reduces their perception. If it weren't for Hagar, a high-level scout, they might have sneaked into the insect nest. Went in.

The insect nest is also a dominant existence in the underground world. No matter how weak this race under the leadership of the ancient gods is, it cannot be provoked by the small sword of judgment.

Elite monsters over level 50 often appear. If they look easy to bully, a group of people will pounce on them and beat them up.

If it is the kind that is particularly difficult to mess with at first sight, or if it is obvious that there is a back-up, Lu Li and the others will send out a thief to lure the monster away, and then the thief will disappear and return.

Monsters are monsters after all, and I'm not smart enough to see through this.

The only accident that happened during this period was that Bai Renyou accidentally stepped into the hatred range of other dark poison-winged wasps when he lured away a dark poison-winged wasp. Although he finally escaped from the monster's encirclement, he had several stacked wounds on his body. The layer of poison damage caused him to die without waiting for support.

At this time, the advantage of Lu Li's druid came to the fore. He could resurrect his dead teammates at any time.

Many underground creatures attack with toxins. Before a better antidote comes out, Lu Li has no intention of exploring here. A few poisons can kill someone.

Correspondingly, as long as you can resolve the poisonous injuries, all kinds of monsters with low HP, low defense, and high experience will be a paradise for upgrading.

"I only came to this place last time. There are already a lot of traces of Stonejaw activity here. It must be not far from their territory." After walking around for a long time, Hagel led the group. He stopped behind a small hill.

Lu Li and others looked down from the hillside, and sure enough they saw the trogg's territory.

This is a mine with towering rocks and jagged rocks. Looking further into the distance is a huge temple made of piled ores, with countless troggs busy among them.

The temple should be dedicated to the sculptor Kazgoros. Although the troggs and the dwarves are immortal, they do come from the same origin.

"How many troggs are there in this group?" Lu Li asked Hagel, who was lying next to him after observing for a while. He believed that Hagel, who was full of hatred for troggs, had done more work than he imagined.

"There are probably more than 30,000, and the mobs are level 50, and the hatred is all linked together," Hagel said.

More than 30,000 people, and they were united by hatred. Lu Li suddenly felt a bit itchy, wondering if he had been tricked by the NPC. He endured his discomfort and continued to ask: "How many leader-level troggs are there, and what is their approximate level?"

"There should be three leaders. I haven't found out the specific levels," Hagel replied sheepishly.

"The mob is fifty, so the BOSS is estimated to be around level fifty-five. How can we defeat him?" Cain's left hand said worriedly. The Sword of Judgment has three relatively powerful MTs. One is to defend against the blue sea breeze. One is the friend Xing Tianxia who is also anti-war, and the other is the anti-qi Tianshen Destiny.

These three people are currently the only MTs in Sword of Judgment that can resist level 50 bosses in the dungeon.

The wild BOSS is more powerful than the dungeon BOSS. Calculated this way, there is no backup deputy T that can be used. Once the T falls in a certain direction, the team will be wiped out.

I can't even think about the group being wiped out in the wild.

"At least six MTs are needed. They must be able to withstand the level 50 boss in the dungeon without defeating them." A group of people discussed for a while and came to such a frustrating conclusion.

This is a big cake, but it’s a pity that I can’t eat it.

"I have to regret to say that we can't do this task for the time being. If you don't mind, how about waiting for half a month?" Lu Li began to back down. He had to think about his brothers in his guild.

This is the wild, where you lose money, experience and equipment.

After half a month, the level of most players will have improved, and the few MTs that were led throughout the day will probably all reach level 50. By then, the level gap will not be so big, and they will be replaced with new equipment and pushed to the BOSS update. confident.

"Half a month," Hagel clenched his fists and shook his head decisively: "I'm afraid I can't wait for half a month. If you and your friends can't take over this settlement, I will find a group of helpers from within the clan. Come."

Lu Li and others looked at each other, this task couldn't be postponed for a while.

"Ahem, why don't you contact Weiyu Pavilion? Our boss and the water elf... ahem... everyone knows," Youda loves to play with big breasts. As expected, he lives up to his name. No matter how hard he pretends, he doesn't want to be a serious person, especially... Those few concealing coughs made it even more difficult not to think about it.

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