The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 983: Training the Dragon (please vote)

The monster is not far away, and its name is "Enraged Stone Elemental". There are stone elements everywhere in the deserted land, but there are not many with the prefix "Enraged", only seven or eight.

When Lu Li came to do this mission in his previous life, it was a miserable experience.

The result of countless people fighting for seven or eight monsters is that everyone ends up fighting, and blood flows from the killing. Individual players even have to work hard for several days before they can get the required mission items. If they are not careful, they may become the target of a group fight. Cannon fodder.

There are no such worries now. There are no people in the entire deserted land, and there is no one to compete with them for monsters.

However, it is not easy to get 20 mission items.

"We will form a group of three or four. After occupying the position, we will clear the attack range of the mobs. Two people will attack and one person will reduce the items." Lu Li randomly assigned the positions. Several level 55 mobs saw them. Pounced over.

Enraged stone elements have high defense and more powerful attacks than ordinary stone elements, but their flaw is also obvious, that is, their health volume is much lower.

An attack like Lu Li's could be finished in about seven or eight hits. If two or three people hit him, it would be no different from an instant kill.

"Not out," Azure Sea Breeze, a guy who didn't have much attack, could only pick up things in frustration.

"It's not normal, the scroll fragment drop rate is a bit low," Lu Li said as usual. Anyway, there are still six or seven hours left before the competition, so he has successfully completed the task today.

"Is it this, a crumpled scroll fragment?" Can Meng asked, holding a small fragment in his hand.

Wouldn't it be better if Lu Li didn't come out so quickly? The little hunter immediately took out one, which completely proved that the little red hand can instantly kill these scum at any time.

"Everyone, please stop touching the corpse. Let Can Meng do it." Lu Li then remembered that he had a big killer weapon at home.

Of the six monsters killed in the first wave, only the two monsters that Can Meng touched had a mission item. The others were all whiteboard equipment or junk materials - the kind that were left to be sold in the store and occupied the package.

With the existence of a small bug like Can Meng, the mission items that were originally thought to take an hour or two were collected in just over 20 minutes.

Broken scroll fragments, crumpled scroll fragments and burnt scroll fragments, there are at least twenty of the three types of fragments, brought to the lost Seldulin.

"Uncle, what should we do next?" asked Hachi-chan.

"Let me repair these scrolls and see what they will tell us when they are put together." The Lost Serdulin did not mean to embarrass Hachi-chan at all, and simply synthesized twenty secrets. Lyle Scroll.

Everyone sat in a circle, really forming a group to watch.

"Oh my god...oh my god! Doom is coming. It is already coming to me! Doom is coming!" After synthesizing the scroll, Seldulin the Lost was immediately frightened.

Everyone was completely confused by him, Monk Zhang Er was confused as to whether he should be so involved in the drama.

"Excuse me, what kind of disaster is it? There are so many of us," Hachi-chan was so confident that she had never failed in a task.

"No, I can't say...can't say their names, otherwise they'll hear them! But if we...if we know more about them...maybe we can know how to defeat them!"

"What do we need to do?" Hachi-chan's eyes were bright. The more difficult the task, the more interested she became.

Everyone has their own area of ​​expertise. When it comes to tasks, she can say without hesitation that she is a master. No matter how many games the top player or the star player is, she has to step aside.

"Go to Uldaman, you must find...find the Reuna Tablet...yes, find it! Don't let me mention that name again! It's hidden deep there, in an ancient chest...this chest Even older than the age of the dwarves..."

Uldaman, the name is not unfamiliar, a private copy.

Uldaman, Uldum, and Ulduar were the first cities named after the ancient titans built by the earthlings. Now, these cities are buried deep underground, and the earth spirits have been sleeping here for nearly eight thousand years.

Recently, dwarven explorers unearthed this forgotten city and unleashed the Titans' failed creation: the troggs.

"This shouldn't require so many people. Xiaobajiang and I can go together," Lu Li calculated the distance, recalled the monsters along the way, and put forward his own suggestions.

The most important thing is that if you choose a good path, the sky in the Trance Land will be much safer than the ground.

"My dragon can't carry me yet," Hachi-chan worried. After this period of hard work, her dragon can indeed fly into the sky, and it can fly pretty well because of the talent it was born with. Unfortunately, it has not yet The ability carries Hachi-chan flying - although the little girl is short, she is still relatively heavy.

"Wouldn't you change if I carry you on my back?" Lu Li rolled his eyes.

This girl spent the whole day sleeping on her fairy dragon, and she probably almost forgot that she could transform into a butterfly.

If you have time to train your dragon, why not practice flying more? This girl is probably the only person who still crashes into a tree because she can't fly well after learning flying skills.

"Lu Li, do you look like my mount now, haha," Xiaobajiang turned into a butterfly and bit on the head of Lu Li's transformed crow, and was carried up to the sky.

"I'll go..." Don't think Lu Li was angry as a mount, he thought it was just a tumble in the air.

Xiaobajiang was not prepared at all and fell directly from Lu Li.

"Ah..." If anyone could see clearly, they would definitely find that the butterfly that Hachi-chan turned into was fluttering around with its teeth and claws, completely forgetting the fact that she could fly.

Lu Li dived and caught her in his claws before she fell into the pile of monsters and flew into the air.

It's fun to bully little girls occasionally. Although it's a bit overwhelming, Lu Li would never admit that he did it because he was jealous of Hachi-chan and being treated well by NPCs.

The current Uldaman is in ruins, and Lu Li does not need to enter the dungeon.

He took Hachi-chan and pretended to search around, and "accidentally" found the cave that the Lost One Seldulin had mentioned.

After flying in, I immediately saw a large box inside, which was very conspicuous, right in the middle. There were four small totem poles around it, engraved with many inexplicable inscriptions.

"Put me down, wuwuwu..." After Hachi-chan landed, she almost cried from the torment.

"You have to learn how to fly in the future. I'm doing this for your own good. Have you forgotten how to tame a dragon?" Lu Li was talking about Xiaobajiang throwing the elf dragon from a high place. Lu Li was teasing him today. Hachi-chan is a carbon copy of her dragon training.

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